

Something that I have heard far too often from friends and family who are dealing with mental health issues is “I’m afraid to reach out because I don’t want to be seen as weak/pathetic/a coward.” This is really upsetting for me to hear because getting support and reaching out is so important when you’re dealing with mental health problems. It’s very hard to get through something like depression, anxiety, or even just stress alone. Reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength, and something that should be admired and encouraged.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness, so some people may not take those matters seriously or underestimate how significant the issue is. But if more people spoke openly about their experiences and helped to destimatize mental health issues, I think that more people would be willing to reach out for help and express what they’re going through.

Seeking support is something I consider very important when trying to overcome or get through these obstacles. One of the biggest reasons why I personally want to be a counsellor is to one day help people who are struggling with mental health issues, especially families and children. I think that it is very important for people to get the support and help they need when trying to overcome these obstacles, no matter how big or small their mental health problem is. Whether it’s just talking to close friends or family, or setting up regular therapy or counselling sessions, it’s so important to reach out and get the support you need. I can tell you from personal experience that at least having one person to understand what you’re going through and support you can make all the difference (although I do advise that if you are having very serious mental health and illness problems to seek professional help). You are not weak for speaking up, you are strong and taking a step in the right direction.

Written by Shelby Rogers

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