
Breakups during exam periods

It’s that time of the year! Holidays, festivities are creeping up! First comes Thanksgiving, Halloween and sooner than you know Christmas comes knocking at your door! Being in a relationship during these times can be a great thing but some people might experience a break-up during these times. I remember a professor telling us in class before the major final, she said “Guy and girls please do not breakup with your partner if you have one”. So today we’ll briefly talk about how to survive an end of semester breakup. No matter what, breakups are always crappy especially before major exams or assignments. So keep in mind, don’t be tempted by self-destruction! Keep yourself distracted and take lots of naps. Find a buddy to talk to and listen to happy music. Spotify, Netflix, Youtube, are all good ideas or even go outside and take a walk and breathe in some fresh air. Finally, remember that the best revenge is massive success!

Written by Vivian Tse


Sutherland, Krystal. “How to Survive an End of Semester Breakup.” Breakup Tips for Survival during Exams. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.


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