
4 Best Teas to Help De-stress Your Midterm Feels

I know we are in the midst of midterm season, and for some of my friends, I’ve noticed they have been drastically affected by stress. I’m lucky that I have more midterm papers than actual exams, but that stomach twisting and sweat boiling feeling is inevitable. We’re college students; school is selfish during this time. We’re piled with all these assignments, papers, quizzes, and exams that jumble our schedules without our consent. I don’t know about you, but when you have five midterm exams in one week, it can really stress you out and mess with your mind and body. Luckily for you, I’ve researched four popular and useful teas that help with de-stressing your body before another wave of midterms hit. Maybe you can change those study sessions with your friends into par-teas instead?

1. Camomile

Camomile is a very well known and popular tea that fights stress. It’s a natural sedative with calming effects. Seeing that this tea is made from the flowers, the scent and flavour naturally calms down your body, especially when your brain has been studying for the whole day or week at top speed. As well, it helps you sleep better, which is certainly helpful for the night before a midterm.

2. Ginger

A huge part of stress is the nerves being elevated, especially the morning of the exam or when you realize you have three midterms jam packed into one day. Ginger tea is very well known to help sooth stomaches, especially for stomach aches and indigestion. The anti-inflammatory agent in the tea will leave you feeling calmer and more awaken. Moreover, drinking ginger tea also helps with relaxing the body by removing those nerves. Perhaps it’s the hint of spiciness in the tea that refreshes your system.

3. Passionflower Tea

There is scientific research that shows passionflower tea reducing anxiety and stress. It contains an element called chrysin, which has anti-anxiety benefits. Along with Camomile, this tea helps you get a good night’s sleep before your dreaded exam(s).

4. Lavender Tea

Lavenders are my favourite flowers and definitely my favourite scent. Just the smell of these flowers makes me feel at home, reassured, and balanced. In Lavender tea, there are many antioxidants like the tea leaves that reduce anxiety and calm your digestive problems. There are also agents in the tea that help reduce exhaustion that arise in your nervous system. After a long day’s work, treat yourself to a good cup of lavender tea.


Written by Charlotte Nip

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