
Making and Maintaining Mindful Resolutions for the New Year

At the beginning of each year, numerous people around the world make resolutions as a way to start fresh and enter a new chapter in their lives.  However, how often do people follow through with their resolutions as the months go by?

Timothy Pychyl, a psychology professor at Carleton University, states that, “People are not ready to change their habits, which leads to their inability to keep their resolutions throughout the year” (Williams, Ray).  Dr. Avya Sharma of the Canadian Obesity Network similarly states that, “People set unrealistic goals and expectations”, which may be another key reason that leads to the lack of resolution completion. .

Additionally, as psychology professor Peter Herman has found, some resolutions can be unrealistic and may also conflict with what one personally believes in.  In other words, when people make positive affirmations of themselves that they do not fully believe, the positive affirmations not only do not work, they can be damaging to the individual’s self-worth (Williams, Ray).  

If these findings suggest people set unrealistic expectations for themselves when making New Year’s Resolutions, what can people do to set better resolutions for themselves?  As seen on the American Psychological Association’s website, the following are some tips that may help with setting more feasible goals:

  • Start with one or two main goals.  Habits and behaviours that you have grown accustomed to are not going to change immediately.  Therefore, it is okay to focus on one or two resolutions that you would like to accomplish first.  
  • Take small steps.  It is not very realistic to be able to accomplish a long-term goal overnight. Incorporate activities in your schedule that you believe are measurable and attainable to help you progress further along the path to achieving your resolutions.  
  • Have a support network.  Whether it is friends or family members, having someone there to remind you of your goals can motivate you to stay focused and positive along the way.

If you do decide to create your own New Year’s resolutions in 2016, here are a few suggestions that you can consider that can help with positively influencing your mental health:

  • Regular exercise. Including some physical activity in your weekly routine can boost your energy, improve your well-being, and further motivate you to focus on your other goals. Exercise has also consistently been proven to reduce stress and improve mental health. For more information, including a breakdown of how you can begin exercising regularly, check out:
  • Creating and maintaining a healthy and nutritional diet.  Eating healthy has a significant effect on the management of your mental health.  For sample recipes, types of food to incorporate in your diet, and more, visit:

Keep in mind that you don’t have to wait until the next New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day to set goals for yourself.  Goal-setting can happen any time of the year, and is a regular and recurring  process.  Even if you took a step back from reaching one of your goals one day, that does not mean you cannot move forward again. Each day is a new day, and it can bring you one step closer to your goals, whether short-term or long-term.

Written by Michelle Huynh


“Making your New Year’s resolution stick.” American Psychological Association.  American Psychological Association, n.d. Web.  23 December 2015.
Williams, Ray. “Why people can’t keep their New Year’s resolutions.” Psychology Today.  Sussex Publishers, n.d. Web. 23 December 2015.

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