
Giant List of Mood Boosters

This is a giant compilation of tips I found from a variety of sources on how to improve mood within a short time frame. I’m sure you have already heard of many of them! This is because my goal is for this list to be a list of small ideas that may trigger a thought that you already have in your mind that can be readily implemented. Sometimes the happiest bits of inspiration are sparked by little things that are seemingly obvious, yet also incredibly powerful. You just need to be reminded of them at the right time.

Get a good night’s sleep (Like actually. Staying awake while thinking about getting a good night’s sleep doesn’t count.)

Let the sun shine in.

Play with a furry friend (MHAC pet visits!)

Make yourself smile.

Get artsy.

Exercise regularly.

Repaint your room.

Sing a song.

Don’t overschedule.

Take care of your health.

Eat a healthy diet.

Avoid drugs and alcohol.

Talk about it.

Act happy. (“We become what we act.” Fake it ’till  you make it!)

Connect with others.

Shop smart.

Do a good deed.

Flip through old photos.

Lighten up (go outside!)

Track the good stuff.

Go with the flow.

Get a move on.

Make your bed.

Pack a snack.

Clear your desk.

Pump up the music.

Sniff a lemon. (Linalool is a substance that can tune down the fight-or-flight response.)



Keep a gratitude diary.

Turn off your electronics.


Buy theatre tickets, not shoes. (Buy experiences, not things.)

Arrange a regular night out with your friends.

Add a 30-second sprint to the end of your walk or bike ride.

Stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on the weekends.

Go outside and breathe the fresh air.


Create a list of natural mood enhancers that will work for you.

Jump around.

Buy flowers.

Visualize your best self.

Light a candle.

Snuggle up.

Achieve a goal.

Get a massage or give yourself a massage.


Do something new.

Dress up.

Notice small miracles.

Call an up-beat friend.

Celebrate good times.

Rearrange some furniture.

Put photos on the fridge.


Written by Jenny Li

Selected resources.,,20351621,00.html

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