
Storming the Wall

Our second term is finally coming to an end, and summer is getting closer every day! The sun is finally starting to peak out again, hopefully improving our moods, and brightening our days. While walking to class yesterday, I passed by the Storm the Wall event and saw some people participating by trying to, well, storm the wall. Watching them made me wish that I signed up for the event. I’m not sure if this was the goal of the event or not, but I couldn’t help but think about how it’s happening at the perfect time. Most of us are currently in the midst of meeting deadlines for projects, papers, and preparing for our final exams on top of all of that. It can be easy to be completely overwhelmed or even think that we don’t have the strength, time, power, or energy to get everything done, and perform our best.

To me, Storming the Wall resembles these hurdles, metaphorically. The wall is all of the things we have coming up, and all of the tasks and responsibilities that we may at times feel too weak to accomplish. But we can storm; we can power through and we can get over the hurdles that are holding us back. The event also reminded me of a challenge that the motivational speaker Tony Robbins sets up for his clients. He has them walk on fire! After doing that, they have a cleaner feeling about who they are, they report feeling strong and capable of doing anything. After all, they just walked on fire.

Whether you stormed the wall or not, I really hope you find the strength and believe in yourself to do absolutely anything during this busy time of year.

Happy (almost) April, and good luck on your finals!

Written by Maryam Alsadiq

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