
The Stages of Loss and Grief

Loss and grief is something that everyone experiences. Loss, grief and mourning are all universal and are experienced by people all around the world. Having someone important leaving us is a devastating experience. According to Kübler-Ross there are 5 stages of normal grief that is experienced. Please note that the stages do not have to go in any specific order, people all grieve differently.

  1. Denial and Isolation – Denial and isolation is the first reaction people generally show when they learn that their loved ones are diagnosed with a terminal illness or if their loved ones have passed. People deny the reality of what is really happening and try to block out overwhelming emotions.
  2. Anger- When the effects of denying the reality wears off, people will begin to feel angry and the pain of losing someone re-emerges.
  3. Bargaining- People will start to think and say things like “if only we had sought medical attention sooner…” “if only we got a second opinion” “if only I had did this…”
  4. Depression- According Julie Axelrod, two types of depression are associated with mourning. The first one is reaction to practical implication relating to the loss. Sadness and regret is the greatest reasons for this type of depression. The second type is subtler and more private and it is a way of bidding farewell to our loved ones.
  5. Acceptance- This stage is marked by withdrawal and calmness; it is not a period of happiness.

Losing a loved one and someone close to you is a devastating experience, and a very personal experience. The stages of loss and grief is the process in which the person who loses someone slowly regains their normal state of mind and accept that the person has passed on to the other side. Allowing yourself to feel grief is important because resisting it will prolong the process of healing from the loss.

Written by Vivian Tse 


Axelrod, J. (2006). The 5 Stages of Loss & Grief | Psych Central. Retrieved August 04, 2016, from

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