
Erasable labels

When someone tells you, “I love you,” and then you feel, “Oh, I must be worthy after all,” that’s an illusion. That’s not true. Or someone says, “I hate you,” and you think, “Oh, God, I knew it; I’m not very worthy,” that’s not true either. Neither one of these thought hold any intrinsic reality. […]


Mental Road Blocks

With the current semester winding down, many people are graduating, looking for summer jobs or just planning some other worldly experience that isn’t school. When school ends, the wide open world seems scary and relentless and unconquerable. Going out in to the world becomes a daunting task without the familiarity of school. I often find […]


Mental Health in Media

Discussion of mental health is becoming more prominent in the media, but is it being portrayed accurately? Research has shown that in entertainment media, most of the portrayals of mentally ill people are “violent and criminal”.  This is dangerous because of the false assumptions the audience may make that those who are mentally ill are […]


Breakfast for Mental Wellbeing

We all know the universal adage that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, and that it is! But if you fail to meet the requirement of having a proper wholesome breakfast, the ‘second breakfast’ that has been frowned upon in the past is now actually recommended!   Researchers at Yale and the […]


Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Something I’ve noticed is that people don’t really understand what Generalized Anxiety Disorder (or GAD) is. A lot of people think it’s like social anxiety or some form of a phobia. For my last post of the year, I wanted to clarify what GAD is since it is something that I have dealt with for […]


Mental Health in Ancient Worlds

Mental health has been an important topic of interest ever since the beginning of our human understanding of brains, personalities, and the mind. So, how did our distant ancestors view mental illness and what did they do about it? In the very distant past (recorded to be up to 7000 years ago), people would attempt […]


Storming the Wall

Our second term is finally coming to an end, and summer is getting closer every day! The sun is finally starting to peak out again, hopefully improving our moods, and brightening our days. While walking to class yesterday, I passed by the Storm the Wall event and saw some people participating by trying to, well, […]


Careers in Mental Health

Are you passionate about mental health and making a difference in people’s wellbeing?  There are numerous career paths one can pursue in the diverse field of mental health.  The following are a few of the many meaningful occupations related to mental health that one can consider researching: Mental Health Counsellor: mental health counsellors are trained […]


Dimensional Disorders

Trigger Warning: Suicide mention I think a huge human flaw is trying to define everything. It can be helpful to be able to classify things for ease and accessibility in a conversation. This is the whole point of language, being able to convey things easier than, for example, grunting and pointing (though that may be […]


Helping Someone in Distress

The Canadian Mental Health Association says that “mental illness indirectly affects all Canadians at some time through a family member, friend, or colleague”.  Chances are you know somebody who is living with a mental illness; but how can we help our loved ones and what are the signs we should be looking for? The first step to […]

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