Category Archives: your grad community at work
Scholarship Workshop for Sociology Grad Students
CV drafting workshop + Sojourners
On March 31, the department is hosting a CV drafting dorkshop for all Sociology Grad students. Prof. Dawn Currie will be facilitating this workshop, and lunch (pizza!) will be served.
The workshop is happening from 12:00-1:30 in ANSO 2107.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Kristin at this email and bring TWO COPIES of your current CV to the workshop.
Issue #3 of Sojourners, the undergraduate journal of sociology at UBC, is coming out soon! The journal is $5 if you pre-order it, which you can do by emailing the editor here.
We have a Springboards session today! :)
Presentation on comp exams
For those who could not attend this weeks’s Springboards on Comprehensive Exams, Dr. David Tindall has kindly agreed to share the presentation he gave. It contains an overview of what comps look like and what you should be thinking about as you move forward with your own exams.
You can download the Powerpoint file here.
SSHRC tips
Click here to download the SSHRC tips that Kerry kindly agreed to share with us yesterday at Springboards.
Good luck to everyone who’s finishing up their application for the deadline next week!