This is a time of transistion. The weather is changing and fall is starting. You have recently moved into a new room, have new people around you. It’s natural to feel a little lonely sometimes.
Here are some things that you can do to meet new people and make some new friends:
1. Organize a meal with your roommates and get to know each other beyond “hi” and “bye”.
2. Join in a gage event. (Grouse Grind Sept 24, Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up Sept 25 to name a few)
3. The commonsblock will open in a few weeks so come down to “west tower” and hang out, watch a movie or play some games.
4. Join a UBC Club. Club days are happening soon.
5. Talk with Elizabeth the Nurse in Residence. She’s in the commonsblock on Mondays from 4:30 – 7pm.
Need more suggestions? Chat and reach out to a residence advisor.