Sleeping around: All about Naps!

by Eden Imbeau, Residence Advisor

Sleeping around campus in university life is unavoidable. With a high stress work load it’s the perfect way to relax, rejuvenate, and return to your hectic day. It’s something we all think about in class and can’t get enough of at night – napping that is.   

I’ve never been one to nap; in fact I’ve hated sleeping my entire life. However as university is a time of change and growth I’ve begun to enjoy the privileges of a noontime cat nap. All nap days have turned into good days and a quick 20-30 minutes of shut eye have saved my concentration levels numerous times.

Waking up at high noon on the Grassy Knoll this Imagine day I reflected on my first two years at UBC. Wiping the grass off of my clothes I watched the swarms of people smiling and walking past the SUB. I remembered my own Imagine Day and all of the people that I’ve met since then. I thought back to how nervous I was for my first class (Chem 121 at 14:00 h MWF), and how small I felt sitting among 250 students in one lecture. I also remembered falling asleep in that same lecture just three weeks later as I had yet to learn the art of the nap.

Laughing I began to count the places I’ve fallen asleep on campus. I quickly numbered twenty or so memorable public naps including the Knoll, a few libraries, the SUB, multiple benches, Wreck Beach, and the bleachers in the Aquatic Centre (my personal favourite).

At first I was shocked that I felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in so many public spaces. Easing my surprise I remembered that as we grow we are able to become more comfortable with ourselves such as relaxing enough to sleep in the high traffic Irving library.

As a marker of my personal growth I’ve concluded that naps are a good thing.

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