Advice from a 4th year student

by Sep Rahmani, Gage Residence Advisor

My fellow Gage residents, December is upon us. We all know the holiday festivities are fine and dandy, but the reality is that you look out your window and all of the classic symptoms of exam time are in plain site: it’s 4:30 pm and it is dark, wet, and windy outside and you have only have 1 or 2 weeks to get ready for that one nagging course. Here are two of my humble suggestions to make sure this time of year isn’t filled with stress and that you can end the semester as happy as possible. These two points, if anything, are pretty much a summary of my goals for this exam stretch so hopefully it can help you too.

1. Study: you probably think I’m being ridiculous for putting such an obvious tip up here, but honestly studying is something many of us hardly ever do right. Just because your Facebook status is “~~~ OMG @ IKB all night ~~~”doesn’t all of a sudden make everything you do count towards studying. Go over lectures slides, cover the learning objectives, and practice those old exams!

2. Exercise: We live at Walter Gage, so take advantage of the opportunities around us. You can go to the Birdcoop gym, run around campus, or just do something as simple as taking the stairs to your room (you probably already do this given the whole elevator situation!). Just to let you know, exercising doesn’t mean going to the gym and getting ripped or achieving any kind of image; especially during exams, it is all about getting your blood flowing so that your brain functions more efficiently and so that you release all those happy hormones!

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