Finals season is upon us and everyone, including myself, is busying preparing for the final exam or project that is worth a large portion of our grades. It is a stressful and tiring time of the year for everyone.
While we all know that the final is extremely important, we tend to procrastinate a bit; this may be studying the last minute to cram everything you can or staying up until 5 am in the morning finishing an essay you just started last night. And worst of all, we tend to regret our decision to procrastinate. I mean if we decided to start earlier we probably could have gotten an A instead of a B, if we decided to start earlier, we probably would have enough sleep and feel prepared for our exams the next day. The effects of procrastination hits us hard, it is stressful to cram and finish projects at the last minute and usually our work is not the best it could have been if we chose not to procrastinate. So DON’T DO IT!
With so many distractions like phones and computers, procrastination is easier than ever. How many times did you tell yourself that you will only go on the internet for 30 minutes before realizing you spent over 3 hours on the internet instead? Feel free to take half an hour to an hour breaks between studying to go on computers or have a snack but be sure to set an alarm for yourself so you don’t regret it afterwards.
Another really good way to not procrastinate is to make a plan. Make a plan of how much studying and work you need to finish each day before you can relax and have some fun. This way you will be able to have some down time and be able to be on top of studying and projects.
These two methods always work really well for me but you may have something else that works well for you and that’s completely fine. However do heed my final words: DON’T PROCRASTINATE, you will regret it!!!
Best of luck to everyone on your exams!