Do you need an extension of your Residence Contract?

by Johanna Webber, Residence Life Manager

Your residence contract terminates at 12:00 noon on Thursday, April 26th, 2012.  Residents are required to vacate their room by this date.  For information on check-out requirements, please refer to this link on our website:

The following residents may be eligible for a Residence Contract Extension, if they apply for a contract extension by April 15, 2012.

1.    Residents holding confirmed, pre-paid travel arrangements.  You may be required to provide proof of confirmed, prepaid travel arrangements.

2.    Residents moving to off-campus housing where their rental agreement commences no later than May 1, 2012.  You may be required to show a copy of the off-campus rental agreement.

Residents who have an accepted Summer/Stay-through room offer do not need to apply for a Residence Contract Extension.  Residents living in a residence area such as Fairview Crescent which is used for summer housing, may not necessarily be approved for a contract extension.

Residents requesting to stay in residence beyond 12:00 noon, April 26, 2012 must meet the eligibility requirements listed above and apply on-line by April 15, 2012 for a Residence Contract Extension.  There is an additional daily room fee for contract extensions.  The latest date that you may extend your current residence contract is 12 noon, May 1, 2012.  The terms of the current Residence Contract remain active for the duration of the authorized extension to the Residence Contract Extension.

Daily Room Fees for Contract Extensions:

  •  Gage Tower Room – $40 per night
  • Gage Apartments Studio units – $45 per night
  • Gage Apartments One Bedroom units –  $50 per night

Please follow these instructions to apply for a residence contract extension:

Go to  Then, login using your Campus Wide Login.  Go to Prospective Residents > Application > Apply > Vancouver campus – 2012 Extension / Early Arrival (12E).

After you apply for a contract extension, you will be sent an e-mail confirmation and the amount that you owe.  Fees must be paid by the due date in your confirmation.  Should fees not be paid by the due date, your contract extension will be withdrawn and cancelled.

If you have any questions about your eligibility for a contract extension, or the process to apply, please contact us at the number below.


2 thoughts on “Do you need an extension of your Residence Contract?

  1. I live in Gage apartment, and I sent an application to extend my stay for a day because I’m moving into Marine Drive, and the earliest I can move in is on the 27th.

    However, I received an email saying that I cannot stay because they are renovating. I’m a bit confused after reading this article, for
    a) it sounds like you can apply for it, and I think I have a good reason.
    b) there is no phone number after the phrase “please contact us at the number below.”

    Thanks for reading and your help in advance.

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