
Check it out: UBC Mental Health Network

Stressed? Depressed? Looking for resources or just someone to talk to?

Mental Health Network wants to hear form you!

The UBC Mental Health Network was created to better coordinate mental health related groups on campus and promote mental health resources in a strategic and effective manner.

Our network members include UBC MHAC, The Kaleidoscope, The UBC Wellness Centre, UBC REC, International Student Association, Healthy Minds, UBC Yoga Club, Graduate Student Society,  UBC Neurology Club, AMS Speakeasy and The Alma Mater Society (AMS).

Head off to our website for more information, resources: http://www.ubcmhn.com/ or

Shoot us an email at ubcmhn.info@gmail.com!

And don’t forget to follow us via https://twitter.com/UBCMHN and Facebook ://www.facebook.com/mentalhealthnetworkubc!


Top 5 Things I Like to Do in Vancouver When it’s Sunny

By: Yara Alcheikh

5. Start the day with a morning run down to Spanish Banks. Going through the trails full of tall trees feels absolutely refreshing, where every breath of air feels so pure. I try to let go of any stress or negative thoughts and attempt to direct my attention to my surroundings.

4. Sit outside at a cafe and read a book.

3. Have a picnic at Kitsilano Beach. I recently went with some friends and had a really nice time, ate light snacks and enjoyed the sounds of the waves. It’s a really mesmerizing view of Vancouver city centre behind the water from here. Everyone likes to be outside when it’s sunny, especially dogs! They walk by after splashing in the water and they brighten my day even more.

2. Play soccer or ultimate on the field!

1. Go roller-blading around the Seawall. I find rollerblading so much fun! I always forget how cold it can get with the wind against me, so my hint is to dress just a little bit warmer than usual; you can always take off an extra layer and put it in your bag if you bring one. Rentals are everywhere around Stanley Park for bikes or rollerblading, so take your pick and enjoy the ride!


GRA Goes Japadog For the Win

By: Tori Pollins

This past Sunday March 3rd from 1-3pm, the Gage Residence Association hosted yet another free Japadog jamboree, the turnout was fantastic, and the line, as per usual, dragged on for what seemed to be miles to the average starving student… But what is this mysterious delectable commonly known as the Japadog? Why are they so popular?

The first Japadog stand began in 2005, where it began its rise to fame over the next several years. Now there are over 6 locations in Vancouver. A Japadog ‘aint no ordinary hotdog, more so, it is a dog of a different colour… There are a variety of meats to choose from (including kobe beef and kurobuta) wrapped in a scrumptious bun. But these “Asian fusion dogs” don’t stop there … The hotdogs are topped with exotic Japanese ingredients, such as seaweed, daikon radish, and wasabi mayo. These juicy sausages have become infamous in the greater Vancouver area and, as the photos suggest, Gage goes wild over Japadogs.

If you would like to become a part of this epic committee that puts on events like these or you yourself have some great ideas on where to take Walter Gage and Residence Life events in the coming year, apply to be a member of GRA today. All you need to do is submit an application form (available at the Gage front desk), turn in said form to mailbox 1099 before March 9th at 12pm, and be available for a candidate meeting on Saturday March 9th at 12:30pm. Elections will take place on March 18-20, the following positions are available:

  • President
  • VP
  • Treasurer
  • Public Relations
  • Social Coordinator
  • Gage Apartment, North, South, and East Tower Presidents

For more information on the GRA elections or how you can become a part of planning amazing events such as this one, please contact: ubcgra@gmail.com.


Polyphasic Sleep for Exam Period

By: Brandon Wong

Pretty much, polyphasic sleep means sleeping multiple times during the day. Theoretically, it allows for less sleeping and having more time during the day (for studying). This works best during exam period because there are no classes to interrupt napping.

Polyphasic sleep works best if you follow the same sleep regiment, just like normal sleeping. Most people participate in monophasic sleeping, where you just sleep through the entire night. During the school year, I sleep around 6 hours a night, and take a 30 minute nap after classes, which is biphasic. The most hardcore of these sleeping patterns is the uberman, with 6 20min naps every 4 hours (which means a total of two hours of sleep a day!). For more information, check out Wikipedia and Google.

The only important note to make, depending on how drastic of a sleeping pattern change you make there may be a longer adjustment period. Also, always use an alarm and get up when you’re supposed to, otherwise you may end up substantially oversleeping. Don’t forget to take into account when your exams are if you’re going to change your sleeping pattern. Sleep consolidates memory, and it’s never a good idea to write an exam without sleep.

Best of luck in April!


Feel Good, Feel Prepared

By: Cathy Wang, Nurse on Campus Program Assistant 

As the school term comes to an end, the pressure to perform well academically can start feeling overwhelming. This year, take charge of your “crunch time” instead of letting it take over your life! There are strategies that you can take every day to make this year’s exam season a healthy and successful one.

Come up with a plan for success

Set up a plan that divides your time between different projects or classes. Starting a project or studying early on will help prevent unexpected expectations closer to the deadline.

Maintain a regular sleep schedule

Sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation and formation, and students do better in the face of sleep deficit if they have better quality sleep regularly. Still not convinced? Sacrificing sleep time to study more than is likely to lead to struggling on an assignment or test the following day

Try setting an alarm to remind yourself to go to bed, and maintaining a similar sleeping schedule during weekdays and weeknights can also help keep you on track.

Ask for and receive help 

Talk to your professor or TA for help, many are happy to answer your questions; some may offer extra exam office hours or review sessions.

A peer academic coach can help you with study skills; they offer free services from 11 am – 4 pm, Monday to Friday in the Chapman Learning Commons – Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Level 3.

As always, Nurse on Campus will be available to answer any health questions you may have. They will be visiting Gage on Mondays from 3pm-6pm, the Longhouse on Tuesdays from 11:30am – 1:30pm, Vanier on Tuesdays from 4:30pm – 7:30pm, Irving on Wednesdays from 11:30am- 1:30pm, and Totem on Wednesdays from 4:30- 7:30pm.


1  (Paxton, 2009)

2 American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2009, June 15). Better Sleep Is Associated With Improved Academic Success. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 31, 2013, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090610091232.htm

3  (Gillen-O’Neel, 2013)


Summer is Almost Here!

By Rakesh Dewan

As the sun starts to shine again in Vancouver, nostalgic memories of summer are probably starting to flood our otherwise jam-packed minds. For me, this has recently prompted the question: How can I make this summer awesome?! Well here are some starting tips:

  1. Clean Your Room
  2. Get Outside
  3. Go camping
  4. Make a scrapbook of the summer
  5. Go to the mall
  6. Read a book
  7. Curl up on the couch and watch a movie or two
  8. Play in water
  9. Develop a hobby
  10. Read a book (no not a textbook :P)
  11. Invite friends for an overnighter (yes, this it’s a sleep over)
  12. Use your imagination for something
  13. Go to a yoga class
  14. Listen to music
  15. Get a job…….

As you can see, the list can pretty much be endless…so my question to you is, what are your plans for the summer? Whatever they may be, remember to take some time to reflect on them. This does not mean planning your time day by day, but simply reminding yourself of larger goals that you may want to accomplish this year before heading back to school again or starting up that fresh new job if you are graduating this year. Want to learn guitar? Maybe now is the time. Planning on entering medical school? Maybe it’s time to write the MCAT? Need money for next year? Now would be good time to start applying for jobs!  With that in mind, motivate yourself through exams and relish the sunny weather, and (hopefully) free time to come your way.


Eat Healthy and Boost your Mental Capacity!

By Jeremiah Carag

As busy students, we need constant nourishment. Hold on a second before you grab that bag of potato chips! Instead, why don’t you make a list of grocery items that will boost your mental power and ensure that you are at full capacity when you are studying or taking an exam?

Here are some nutrients food groups and nutrients that you might want to included in your daily diet:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Research shows that food items that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids help protect the brain from degeneration and improve the quality of the brain’s cells. Our bodies do not naturally produce omega-3 fatty acids so it is vital that you consider them in your daily diet.

Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish (especially salmon and herring), nuts and seeds, and fortified eggs.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is a key protector and regulator of the nervous system. Thus, it helps the body metabolize carbohydrates, converting them into fuel that can be used by the brain for energy. Vitamin B1 comes in really handy when it comes to aiding memory and focus.

Sources of Vitamin B1 include whole grains, leafy greens, sunflower seeds, certain fish (such as tuna), carrots, and asparagus.

Folic Acid

Research on Alzheimer’s and brain degeneration has shown that an adequate supply of folic acid can protect the brain from the early signs of aging. As well, constant mental or physical stress (e.g. paper deadlines and exams) depletes the body of this important nutrient, impairing your brain’s ability to function properly.

Sources of folic acid include spinach and other dark green vegetables, lima beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, wheat germ, and liver.


The more antioxidants you eat, the healthier your cells – and therefore your brain as they stave off the negative effects of free radicals on the body’s cells.

Sources of antioxidants include tomatoes, blueberries, dark chocolate, leafy greens, nuts, and grapes.


Deficiencies in iron can be manifested in many ways including a shortened attention span. The reason behind this is that iron helps carry oxygen to your brain through red blood cells, keeping the brain alert and attentive. Make sure you take adequate vitamin C as this will boost your body’s iron-absorbing powers.

Sources of iron include leafy greens, lean meats, and fortified cereals.


5 Smart Post-Workout Snacks to help you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions

By: K.Sophia O’Connor (Year 3 Dietetics) 

The holidays have come and gone and so have some people’s New Year’s resolutions. This
is the month to decide how determined you actually are to sticking to your nutrition and fitness
goals of 2013. Keep the momentum of January going and make these changes part of your new
healthier lifestyle as opposed to being just a phase.

Whether you are running the trails through Spirit Park, walking with friends, playing intramurals
or dropping into yoga class, your post-workout snack is crucial. After exercising, glycogen stores
and amino acids are depleted so your body needs fuel to replenish these loses and repair muscle

Here is a list of 5 smart, low calorie protein and carb snacks that will replenish your energy postworkout.

Peanut Butter and Banana on Brown Rice Cakes:
Instead of using bread, choose brown rice cakes which not only offer extra fibre but provide
fewer empty carbs and calories. While peanut butter is not only delicious, it provides the body
with protein, essential to post-workout recovery. Including half a banana will not only add some
flavour, but because it is a high-glycemic carb, the uptake will be rapid, kicking post-workout
fatigue out the door.

Recommendations: 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp. peanut butter, and 2 brown rice cakes.
215 calories

Hummus and Whole Wheat Pita:
If you feel like something a bit more substantial, this is a great carb/protein option. Not only is
this snack easy to make, it is inexpensive and keeps well. Hummus is made from pureed
chickpeas, giving you both carbs and protein. The whole wheat pita will provide you with slowrelease energy that will keep you feeling fuelled long after you eat. To change it up, toast the pita
and cut into triangles to dip into the hummus or cut an opening into the pita and load the
hummus in for a snack on the run.

Recommendations: ¼ cup hummus, and 1 whole wheat pita.
275 calories

Protein Shake with Banana:
The most obvious choice of a post-workout snack is a protein shake. However, not all shakes are
created equal and if you’re not careful, you end up consuming way more calories than you
actually burned and some contain excess amounts of sugar, artificial flavours and other
invaluable goods. The best shake you can have, is one you make yourself. Skip all the side
ingredients and stick to the basics. A shake made from whey protein, half a banana and water
provides you with ample protein and carbs and is quick and easy to make.

Recommendations: 2 scoops of whey protein powder, ½ banana, and 2 cups of water.50 calories

Yogurt and Fruit:
Low-fat yogurt can provide you with nearly 15 grams of protein which will replenish the amino
acids depleted during your work-out. Fruit provides carbohydrates and add flavour to the mix.
Try your favourite berries or slice up some mango, banana or even grapes. Switching up the fruit
and yogurt will give you a nice variety of flavours.

Recommendations: 1 8-ounce container of low-fat yogurt, and ½ cup of berries or other fruit
180 calories

You should aim to eat your post-workout snack no longer than an hour after completion and
don’t forget to drink lots and lots of water. Each snack should be chased down with at least 8
ounces of water.


Where Is All This Going?

By: Haitham Haidar

Where is this all going? Im sitting here, doing everything I have to do and yet I feel

like there’s so much more for me to explore. There are so many people living in this
world and here I am just sitting minding my own business. I need to go see them,
help them learn as they help me do the same. There’s so much to this world that I
don’t even know about: so much beauty, so much hate, so much love and so much
ugliness but im still sitting here, in the safety net that is my room.

Yes I moved from home and that’s already step one in exploring the rest of the
world but I can’t just stop myself at that first step. In order to take step two, I
actually have to keep walking and keep holding on to what I believe I need to be
doing in this world. I love music so much and I can’t imagine my life without it but
does it define me? Is my voice all I have in this world?

What about my relationships with others? How I influence people, if I even do that?

This is it. I need to go see what I can do in this vast sea that I call the unknown world
because there are fish that are swimming in there that I don’t even know about. I am
not alone in this world and I need not only acknowledge that but also indulge in it.

This seems very childish because I could always just leave and “try something new”
but I don’t think it’s my need for change. I’m not bored with where I am, I’m bored
with who I am here. I feel like I’ve made a difference but I’ve been stagnant for a
while and I don’t have the support system I feel I need. That’s no excuse. I shouldn’t
wait for people to push me, I should just go if I really want to. I decide, I make the
change, and hopefully people will witness the difference.

I’m happy, I really am but I strive to be better and to make more of a difference and
I might have just reached my capacity where I am. This may cause a problem when I
finally settle down with a family somewhere….I can’t keep moving right? I probably
won’t have to. Being with someone who understands what I want out of myself in
this life will probably help a lot with this whole shindig. What is most important is
for me to feel useful to someone or even to myself.

I will make it. I am driven and I am a hardworker and that will all pay off.