Entrepreneurs of Today

I am truly amazed by the entrepreneurs of today. Recently, I had the chance to hear two successful entrepreneurs tell their stories of success. The first was Janice Cheam, the CEO of Energy Aware. The second was Wade Larson, the director and co-founder of UrtheCast. I will be talking about UrtheCast as I find their business idea extremely fascinating.

About UrtheCast : Their goal is to provide high definition live streaming of the Earth. This is quite special because no one has ever attempted to do such a thing due to the uncertainty of the risks and costs. However, I feel that UrtheCast has made the right decision to continue with their operation. In the long run, UrtheCast will be a profitable business that will continue to grow and expand beyond the expectations of many. The possibilities of currently having the only high definition live streaming of Earth, is endless.

Once the cameras are installed in 2013, live video of Earth will be available. By then, most people will realize how useful and unique UrtheCast is. Imagine knowing what is happening on the other side of the world in real time, knowing what is happening in a certain country, all live on the internet. By incorporating UrtheCast into social media, education, news and even gaming, UrtheCast will be able to gain not only huge profits but also recognition.

Personally I think the company will remain as consumers’ number one choice in live streaming of the Earth. They have the advantage over future new competitors due to their brand positioning, by being the first in this category. The idea of being able to view live streaming of the Earth is just so exciting and exhilarating.The potential of UrtheCast is limitless. Honestly, I just can’t wait for the completion of this project.

Read more about UrtheCast’s potential here.

Author: Loh Wil Fred

First year student studying in the Sauder School of Business

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