HTC : A Falling Giant

In recent years, HTC has seen a spectacular uprising in rankings, generating high revenues due to the sales of their smartphones. Ever since HTC created their first android device, sales of their smartphones has continued to skyrocket beyond expectations.

However, in a recent article I read about HTC on the famous tech blog Engadget, HTC’s sales seem to be going in a downward spiral. The article talks about the HTC’s revenues dropping at alarming rates. This might have seemed like a joke about a year ago, where HTC was doing so well and revenues were rising extremely high (read here). It seems so unreal that the success of a huge smartphone company can fluctuate so quickly in the matter of a year.

HTC’s downfall could have resulted from Samsung’s uprising with its new flagship model, the Galaxy S3 and also Apple’s newly launched iPhone 5. In order to keep up with this two tech giants, HTC has to alter its strategies and rethink its ways.

Innovation is seemingly becoming more important and is one of HTC’s weak points. To win back sales, HTC must first be able to win back customers’ loyalty towards the brand. Having good hardware is no longer a point of difference, but a point of parity for any top smartphone company. The biggest point of difference would be to excel in the innovation department as it is becoming increasingly important in the tech world. By implementing these effective strategies, they can reverse their decline and continue to imprint themselves into the minds of the consumers.

Author: Loh Wil Fred

First year student studying in the Sauder School of Business

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