This is a word that has been discussed frequently. Entrepreneurs, a group of people who control the economics of companies or even the world. In Debbie’s blog, entrepreneurship needs necessary practice, which I agree so. Practicing as for entrepreneurs, is essential element for them to succeed in long-term for the sake of lessening risks. In a long term of building and expanding a company, experience is definitely crucial because everyone they hire can do the specific job, the difference between leaders and employees is who can take the risks. However, with the courage to take risks, experience is also needed because no one will listen to a person who has not even seen the situation before.
Every single start-up needs ideas, labors, capitals and entrepreneurship. Ideas are cheap because the ideas sometimes are similar. Labors and capitals can be found easily as long as money is adequate. However, a brilliant entrepreneur can handle all of these but it can hardly be found. Training yourselves as entrepreneurs is a significant skill. Maybe we are not creative enough. Maybe we are not sensitive enough to capture every single detail that can make us succeed. Maybe we are just not skillful. But we have attitudes. We are not afraid of falling out of the cliff. We are brave enough to deal with it. This is what I learnt from COMM 101. Thank you and my journey cannot start without you.
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