Hi all,
Here are the minutes from our final meeting of term. Happy studying! (And if you haven’t yet signed up to celebrate the end of term with us & ALA at Stormcrow Tavern, click here!)
ASIS&T minutes, Nov 20th/2012
1) Cool Tools debrief
- turnout was great thanks to overlap with iSchool events; this should encourage further good turnout next term!
- decided that we should stick with the format of having a guest speaker and a theme for each CT Day in future
2) Social Media Expo update – Allison and Nick
- team is on track; preparing to send in a video and summary to the organizers in early December – may need actors for the video, and will use ASIS&T mailing list if needed
3) End of Term Events
a) SLAIS Potluck – decided not to mount full-on games night, as most people will be occupied with final projects
b) Board game night at StormCrow on Commercial Drive
- date changed from Dec 3rd to Dec 5th; Nick to inform ALA, who would like to cosponsor the event with us
- Sam to make a reservation and send Eventbrite to members – max reservation is for 12 people, but others can just grab tables nearby
- Nick to liase with ALA (incl passing along Eventbrite link); make poster; post to Facebook Social Page
4) Communications situation
- Nick will be working on increasing blog/Twitter presence and awareness next term
- Allison suggested opening blog/Twitter/FB(?) to members to share IT related news and events – Nick to implement
- Kristof to check with Michelle Mallette about getting onto the calendar and RSS feed for Blackboard
5) Next term – events
a) Cool Tools: noon-1 in the Terrace lab on Jan 8th, Feb 5, and March 5. Sam to book room.
- Jan 8 to be a “tools for academic success” theme, including Angela Lam as guest speaker
- tentative ideas for Feb 5 and March 5:
- guest speaker from Digital Initiatives & “digitization/bookmaking” theme;
- “open source alternatives” theme (alternatives to programs we use/learn in SLAIS – Access, Dreamweaver, etc)
b) Meetings: noon-1 in Trail room on Jan 15, Feb 12, and March 12. Sam to book room.
c) Orientation for new SLAISers is January 2 – Sam and Nick will be around. We will use the same info slips as this term, and also have an email signup list. If Mary needs people for the panel, we’ll do that as well.
d) Brown Bag Lunch
- will be discussed further and decided upon at first meeting in January
- ideas:
- someone from cIRcle? (Nick)
- someone from the Faculty of Graduate studies? (Kristof)
e) Tech Tutorials
- ”Excel in Excel” – decided that this would be a good full-day advanced seminar to run, since Excel skills are needed for a lot of jobs in the field; we should have to budget to pay a professional to come in
- Sam to investigate teachers, prices
- other ideas: GIS
f) Outreach
- not much happening with this yet; Sam and Allison to get together early next term and form a plan
- depending on the communities/organizations we find to partner with, we could offer formal instruction, or informal “drop-in” days – go to somewhere like Carnegie or Mount Pleasant libraries, or community/friendship centres and hang out a “the librarian is IN” sign, armed with technology and able to answer questions (how to use Twitter/Tumblr/etc, how to share photos online, etc etc)
No other business. Meeting adjourned.