Academic integrity

Academic integrity in assessment important from the perspective of validity of assessment conclusions.  Even more critical is the expectation that all those involved in academia behave in decent, honest, and ethical ways.  The shift to online education places additional strains on academic integrity, but there are approaches to address this.

1. Fundamental values of academic integrity

To start, the six fundamental values of academic integrity (from the International Center for Academic Integrity, ICAI) are briefly described.  These apply not only to students, but also to faculty, administrators, and institutions.

2. Academic misconduct by the numbers

This section summarizes academic misconduct by the numbers reported in the literature to address just how significant an issue academic misconduct is.  Also discussed is what the literature reports in terms of student perceptions of academic misconduct.

3. A misconduct framework

The fraud model has been widely used as a framework for describing academic misconduct and is presented in this section.  This helps to understand the factors that lead to misconduct, and, conversely, the elements we can work on to enhance academic integrity.

4. Enhancing academic integrity

Here concrete steps for promoting academic integrity (i.e., mitigating misconduct) are described.  They draw from the framework from the previous section.

5. Remote proctoring tools

Where high-stakes exams are required in a course remote proctoring might be required.  This section summarizes some of the tools available, from Zoom monitoring to dedicated tools.

6. Remote proctoring tips and suggestions

This section expands on and complements the previous section by outlining some considerations, concerns, and best practices to keep in mind with remote proctoring.


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