Automatic grading options

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LMS quizzes: the quiz tool built into your learning management system (e.g. Canvas) allows you to ask a range of questions that can be automatically graded, including multiple choice, multiple response, matching, fill-in-the-blank(s), drop-down, numerical answers, and even simple single-variable formulas.

  • Questions can be set up in pools and randomized, in order to create a unique assignment, quiz, or exam for each student (see the Academic Integrity Strategies page).
  • Multiple choice can actually be quite versatile (see the Multiple Choice Question page)
  • You can provide targeted feedback linked to a student’s answer, or general feedback on a question, or no feedback, as you wish.
  • Grades are automatically recorded in the LMS.
  • If you use this approach for exams, note the recommendations on using proctoring
WeBWorK is an online assignment tool suitable for parametric science and math problems, and allowing students to try multiple attempts at problems meaning they get immediate feedback.  There is a learning curve to creating questions in WeBWork.

  • WeBWorK can be integrated within an LMS, making it possible to automatically record participation and grades.
Camtasia quizzes: if you use Camtasia to create screencasts or video lectures, you can insert quizzes into the timeline.  To progress in the video, you can set conditions requiring students to complete quizzes along the way. This works well for formative feedback.

  • If you publish the video as a SCORM package from Camtasia, you can upload this into the LMS and have the quiz grades from the video recorded in the LMS gradebook.  (Use this with caution as our experiences indicate about 5-10% of the time our LMS (Canvas) fails to correctly import the quiz data and records a grade of 0% instead.)
Respondus.png Respondus Quiz: Respondus Quiz allows you to create quizzes similar to those in an LMS (including the same question types, question pools, etc.), and then push those quizzes to most other LMSs.  While this seems like an extra and unnecessary step, it offers two advantages: it is often slightly easier to use than the quiz tools built into an LMS, so creating longer exams is a bit faster, and, since it sits outside LMS, when your institution moves to a different LMS, your questions will still be with you and can port them to the new LMS.
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