May Café Scientifique with Lars Martin
Posted by: jdewitt | May 21, 2013 | Leave a Comment
Dear Café Scientifiquers, our next café will happen on Tuesday May 28th, 7:30pm at The Railway Club. Our speaker for the evening will be Lars Martin. The details of his talk are as follows:
Nuclear Astrophysics at TRIUMF
Nuclear Astrophysics is the field of science that tries to explain the natural origin of all chemical elements. Scenarios that are studied in this field include the Big Bang, the life cycle of a regular star like our sun and cataclysmic events like supernovae. One key ingredient for this endeavour is the experimental study of nuclear reactions in accelerator labs like TRIUMF. In his presentation Lars Martin will give an introduction into the field of nuclear astrophysics and describe some of the experiments he was involved with as a PhD student at TRIUMF.