Tuesday Tracks: Reclaiming Edition

I’ve been a bit MIA lately – sorry. Something major happened to me, and I’ve been dealing with that by watching lots of this:

I just watched this episode last night… actually.

by drinking lots of this:

mmm tea <3
from http://teaquiero.tumblr.com

and by doing lots of this:

his whole outfit is knitted. to be him one day…

I *knew* he was badass…



What happened to me was not ohk. It also may have ruined a perfectly wonderful song for me. So I’m going to reclaim that song. I ran to it today. I had a dance party to it. I tapped my feet and painted my nails to it. I’m trying to remember why I love it, and strip away the part that makes me want to break down when I hear it.

somewhat in this style….

who doesn’t love Zooey?

except not. at all. it’s good. promise.

Enjoy Breezeblocks by Alt-J

Tuesday Tracks: Out of Character Edition

This week I’ve been feeling a bit weird… i can’t really explain it. I think I’m just stretching myself too thin. I need to work on that.

This is an amazing song by Dan Croll, a brilliant musician. Sometimes all we need is for someone to look deeply into our soul and say “hey. i like you” (in a platonic kind of way. or maybe not. but in this case platonic)

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