beggars can be choosers

Let me tell you about my two favourite homeless people stories. As a student, I don’t have a lot of cash to spare, but I know it’s important to support those around us who are going through hard times. I also never give money, but will buy food, water or gift cards instead to help out. These two facts are vitally important to understand my stories. So, here we go.

1. Back in second year, I was living in residence and my boyfriend was living in Langley. He came out to see me each weekend, and we would usually make a delicious meal or do something exciting. This chosen weekend, we decided to splurge and enjoy some delicious Whole Foods delights. While we were on our way in, there was a man standing outside with a cup in hand, asking for change. I told him that I was more than happy to get him something inside, and that I’d be out soon. He thanks me with a smile. As I turn to leave, he clarifies that he doesn’t want just anything, but he would like Avalon Chocolate Milk. Also adds that if they don’t have Avalon, to just not bother.

the nectar of the gods

For those of you who have never had the joy of tasting Avalon Chocolate Milk, I strongly suggest you go and buy some immediately. And when you do, please make note of the price. I know, right?! Worth it, but man, oh man. Needless to say, I was flabbergasted. When we walk inside, my boyfriend said to me “Woah. Kits bums sure are choosey”. I got the chocolate milk for the guy, cuz I’m a sucker. Kevin was shocked, especially seeing as we barely splurged on that for ourselves haha.

2. This happened today. I go to Safeway to buy myself some ingredients for a crockpot meal as I’m trying to save for Australia. I eat out constantly (actually), so I thought this would be a good way for me to save some money and eat rather healthy. So I’m on my way in, listening to some tunes, and a man in baggy clothes and dirty hands looks at me and says something to me. I take out my headphones and ask him to please repeat himself. He says “If you could spare some change, I’d really appreciate it. Otherwise, could you please get me a gift card for Safeway?” I was kinda shocked at how forward he was, but quickly caught myself and said “uuuh yea sure”. So while I’m hunting for my items, I go to the gift card section and see that the Safeway gift cards come in $50 and $100. I was not even willing to spend $50 on myself, nor do I have that much dispensable income at the moment, so I went down the aisles to find some healthy non-perishable foods. I pick the juice that has little sugar and lots of nutrients so it would be the most beneficial. I also go on the hunt for something to eat for him. I look at the granola bars, and am trying to decide between a few. My favourite is the Chocolate Caramel Nut by Quaker, but then I think – what if he’s allergic to nuts? So I get him a Maple one, cuz we’re Canadian and all that jazz. Oh, here… I even have a picture of what I bought for him, taken at my house once I got home:

Me with some delicious juice and granola bars!

“But Caitlin,” you say to me, “how do you still have those hours later if you bought them for the man outside the grocery store? Did you decide that they were just too delicious and you didn’t want to share?” Why no, you horrid person. who do you think I am?! I don’t even like maple.
I go in line, pay, and walk outside. The man sees me and is super stoked that I’m making eye contact with him. I go up to him and say “Hey, so they didn’t have anything less than a $50 gift card and I can’t afford that, so I got you these snacks…” I start to pull them out of my bag and before I can even get them all the way out, he shakes his head in a frustrated manner and hollers, “I don’t drink juice and I have enough granola”! He walks away for me. Welp… guess I get some delicious juice boxes and some granola bars I don’t really like….


Moral of the story: still be good to people, because you never know what kind of snacks you’ve just bought yourself.


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