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one year later.
Stress warning – Sexual assault conversation
Since I was hurt, I have changed. I have realized the people that mean the most to me. There were many people who I wasn’t very close to, and this act brought me closer to them; they were able to empathize and support. Some people, very thankfully, have not been able to empathize but instead sympathizes. All of the people who I chose to be close uplifted me. Most importantly, they allowed me to feel my feelings with no judgement. They allowed me to swear and scream if I needed, they let me stay in bed or would go for a walk with me. They gave me everything they could to help fill me back up with joy and love.
I have been able to reassess my stance on feminism. In second year, I took a Women Studies class which explored the history and current application of feminism. CJ, a woman working within Access and Diversity at UBC, came into our class to talk about “the F word” campaign on campus. This campaign began with the goal of reclaiming the word feminism. I had previously thought that feminists hated men, always wanted to be in the power position and wouldn’t allow anyone to open the door for them. I didn’t research this idea any more until I was sexually assaulted. I have since learned that feminist are people who believe that all people, regardless of sex, gender, race, religious beliefs, and social status, should be treated equally and with respect. I am completely on board with this.
Most importantly, I have reengaged with my faith in a new way. I was broken; I was so so broken by my own decisions and actions as well as another’s actions against me. I had no one else to lean on but Jesus, especially with my dark thoughts and moments of shame. He is the one that deserves all the glory for how far I have come in the past 365 days. I no longer feel shame. I no longer feel filled with anger and rage. I no longer feel scared when I am one-on-one with a strange man. He helped me through all of that by allowing peace into my heart, love in my soul, and a throng of people, of both those who love Him and those who don’t, to uplift me.
Please hear me in this: I do not celebrate the act that was done against me. What I do celebrate are the people who helped me, the God who always loves me, and the ideology that I have now adopted. It has been one year and I still cry when I think of it, when I write this, when I know how much it tore up the people around me, when I think about the other millions of people who have had to battle through as I have. I have found hope in the darkness.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” Romans 12:21
Here’s a song that has been on my heart for 365 days. The bridge speaks to my soul: Even what the enemy means for evil, You turn it for our good. You turn it for our good and for Your glory. Even in the valley, You are faithful. You’re working for our good, You’re working for our good and for Your glory.
If you want to read more on my struggle, read my first and only other post on my assault. If you want to be in contact, you can find me on Facebook.
In love and joy – Caitlin
Tell me something about yourself, UBC.
I’ve been doing a lot of online dating. My favourite part is asking very open-ended questions and seeing what kinds of responses I get. I decided to try it with my favourite University. I said “Hey UBC, tell me something about yourself. What are you proud of? Where do you like to hang out? What is a necessity in your life?” Here’s the (amazing) response I got:
“Hey Caitlin. Glad we both swiped right 🙂 You ask some awesome questions. Well, I’d say that I’m proud that there are students who call me home and can learn along with me. They really care about me, and they know how much I care about them, you know? I really try to keep the students involved in the campus community by promoting student leadership with undergraduate and graduate societies (such as the AUS, EUS, SUS, FUS, CUS, GSS, KUS, LFSUS, MUSA, or PHUS) and other involvement opportunities for all different kinds of interests. I also have some really cool spaces where students can get resource to be a better notetaker, how to manage their time or money, and even get some tech support (like at the Chapman Learning Commons). I do everything I can to make myself accessible to students, so there are lots of clubs and jobs where the students can branch out, try new things, make new friends and maybe even make a bit of money! But let’s be real, sometimes it can be hard balancing everything, even for me. That’s why I have Counselling Services and the Wellness Centre: for the times when I’m just feeling a little bit (or a lot bit) lost, or like I need some support.
There are lots of places I enjoy spending my days. When I need to hunker down and get some work done, I like to sit at one of the many libraries (preferably the Law library or Koerner’s) I house, or at my favourite coffee shop, Great Dane, which I see is also one of your favourites 🙂 But when it’s time to let loose, I head over to Koerner’s Pub to get a White Bark and their Pho Nachos. Or, I’ll head out with some of my best mates (or be stoked to make some new ones) at a UBC Calendar party. But I think my favourite place is a place where I can go and think, enjoy a fabulous view and just allow myself to be. Hence why I love Wreck Beach so much.
I really like to stay fit, so that’s why the Rose Garden and the Nitobe Garden are so well groomed – I really take pride in how I look, you know? It’s kind of why there’s always some sort of construction going on… always trying to get better 😉
I really hope that we can keep talking… most of my relationships last for about 4-5 years, but I feel like you might enjoy my company for a good 6-7 years. I’m good with that 🙂 Let’s keep the communication open between us, and if you ever have a question, don’t hesitate to ask me – I’m an open book to you.”
Swoon-worthy, right? I totally think I made the right choice picking this university for my 7-year relationship with school. Best choice yet.
Tuesday Tracks: What day is it again?
it’s not tuesday. yet, here is a tuesday track. life has been getting slightly better. and by that, i mean i have a place to live next week (yes), my brother is home again (YEEESSSS), and I’m working out again (yus).
I got in a bit of a fight with my mom today, and she reminded me that many people would crumble under what I’ve been through in the past 3 months. This isn’t a Aren’t-I-So-Amazing thing, but more of a reality check. when it’s happening to you, you don’t really think about anything other than “I need to get through this”. So I have been. It’s because of this, that my song this week is by Queen Bey. She keeps me going, cuz she’s the bomb-diggity.
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