Bye Vancouver.
I’ve flown the nest (again).
I will be writing about my Australian travels in this manner. If it’s a typed post, it will be about something else… like how much I hate feet or something like that.
Please enjoy xo
ps – if you use Instagram, follow the hashtag #FunkyBrownTurtDownUnder to see all our combined photos. I can be followed, too: @caitlin_brianne
Tell me something about yourself, UBC.
I’ve been doing a lot of online dating. My favourite part is asking very open-ended questions and seeing what kinds of responses I get. I decided to try it with my favourite University. I said “Hey UBC, tell me something about yourself. What are you proud of? Where do you like to hang out? What is a necessity in your life?” Here’s the (amazing) response I got:
“Hey Caitlin. Glad we both swiped right đ  You ask some awesome questions. Well, I’d say that I’m proud that there are students who call me home and can learn along with me. They really care about me, and they know how much I care about them, you know? I really try to keep the students involved in the campus community by promoting student leadership with undergraduate and graduate societies (such as the AUS, EUS, SUS, FUS, CUS, GSS, KUS, LFSUS, MUSA, or PHUS) and other involvement opportunities for all different kinds of interests. I also have some really cool spaces where students can get resource to be a better notetaker, how to manage their time or money, and even get some tech support (like at the Chapman Learning Commons). I do everything I can to make myself accessible to students, so there are lots of clubs and jobs where the students can branch out, try new things, make new friends and maybe even make a bit of money! But let’s be real, sometimes it can be hard balancing everything, even for me. That’s why I have Counselling Services and the Wellness Centre: for the times when I’m just feeling a little bit (or a lot bit) lost, or like I need some support.
There are lots of places I enjoy spending my days. When I need to hunker down and get some work done, I like to sit at one of the many libraries (preferably the Law library or Koerner’s) I house, or at my favourite coffee shop, Great Dane, which I see is also one of your favourites đ But when it’s time to let loose, I head over to Koerner’s Pub to get a White Bark and their Pho Nachos. Or, I’ll head out with some of my best mates (or be stoked to make some new ones) at a UBC Calendar party. But I think my favourite place is a place where I can go and think, enjoy a fabulous view and just allow myself to be. Hence why I love Wreck Beach so much.
I really like to stay fit, so that’s why the Rose Garden and the Nitobe Garden are so well groomed – I really take pride in how I look, you know? It’s kind of why there’s always some sort of construction going on… always trying to get better đ
I really hope that we can keep talking… most of my relationships last for about 4-5 years, but I feel like you might enjoy my company for a good 6-7 years. I’m good with that đ Let’s keep the communication open between us, and if you ever have a question, don’t hesitate to ask me – I’m an open book to you.”
Swoon-worthy, right? I totally think I made the right choice picking this university for my 7-year relationship with school. Best choice yet.
non-contact(s) yoga
I’ve been going to yoga on and off since 2012. I’ve always gone to Semperviva because they supply all the mats and props. Kind of perfect for someone who didn’t know how much she was going to enjoy and learn from yoga.
Lately I’ve going more often. One of the teachers is named Peter and he always challenges me with what he says. The last time he taught me, he said something along the lines of “don’t look at anyone else during the practise. try to do it with your eyes closed. don’t adjust your top or pants or hair unless you can make it a part of your practise.” that was a hard challenge. I usually look at people during my entire yoga class – watching how others do it, trying to be better than that person, checking out the hottie beside me, etc. I always adjust my top, because it rides up, or pull my pants up, or move my hair around so i’m more comfortable. like i said, it was a hard challenge, but a la Vince, I said “challenge accepted”. I did most of it with my eyes closed, and the one time I stared at someone, Peter was adjusting them so I was wondering how they were doing it wrong and if I needed to change. That yoga class was so amazing for me – I really looked deep and did a lot of reflection and prayer during that class because all I cared about was getting to the pose and then letting my thoughts out.
now, i am trying out this new kind of yoga. it’s called non-contacts yoga. Usually, I need glasses to see far away clearly, but I did my last class without my contacts in to see how it went. I’ve been enough that I know what to do with my body when they say poses, which is great. It was hard to focus on anyone, so I couldn’t accidentally stare at someone. I did sit close enough to the front that when they yoga teacher mentioned something that I’ve never done before, I could watch what she did.
I was really able to think more about myself and do a lot of inward thinking because of it. My eye-sight isn’t that bad (-1.75 in both eyes), so thats why I was able to walk there, do the class, and walk back without any contacts. I wouldn’t suggest it to everyone who does yoga, especially if you’ve never been to a class before or if you have terrible eyes. Have you ever tried anything a bit drastic for a sport/practice?
Tuesday Tracks: What day is it again?
it’s not tuesday. yet, here is a tuesday track. life has been getting slightly better. and by that, i mean i have a place to live next week (yes), my brother is home again (YEEESSSS), and I’m working out again (yus).
I got in a bit of a fight with my mom today, and she reminded me that many people would crumble under what I’ve been through in the past 3 months. This isn’t a Aren’t-I-So-Amazing thing, but more of a reality check. when it’s happening to you, you don’t really think about anything other than “I need to get through this”. So I have been. It’s because of this, that my song this week is by Queen Bey. She keeps me going, cuz she’s the bomb-diggity.
Tuesday Tracks: Getting Kicked
hey life. its me. caitlin. i have a request. please please please stop kicking me. i’m already down, ohk? I’m on the floor – I’m eating the dirt. you can stop. please.
the grey area of sexual assault
**Stress Warning** This post is a personal account of dealing with sexual assault. Please contact UBC Counselling Services or call VictimLink BC at 1-800-563-0808 if you need support with this issue.
On Nov. 11, 2013, I was sexually assaulted. This isn’t about how or by whom — this is about what I did once I got away.
I got home at 11:26 p.m. and talked to my roommates about what I thought had just happened to me. They were patient and listened. They supported me by simply allowing me to speak. Once I finished, they confirmed my suspicions and offered to go to the police and the hospital with me. I hadn’t yet decided what I wanted to do, so I just went to bed and woke up after a very restless night. I foolishly awoke thinking that I’d be fine. I had a shift at the collegium from 7:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., then at Koernerâs Pub from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. I thought I’d be able to get through the day with only slight discomfort, as if I had a pebble in my shoe. After 30 minutes at the collegium, I started to cry. Those who know me well understand that crying is a very normal part of my life. But this was different. I wasn’t crying because I witnessed something sad or I was angry or happy. These tears were those of hopelessness. I knew I was hurt. And I knew I wasn’t myself.
I have a wonderful support system in my life. The next Collegia Community Assistant came in early because I knew I needed to leave. When I called Koerner’s Pub, my manager told me to take as much time as I needed. I went to UBC Counselling Services at 10 a.m. and spoke to my Collegia supervisor at 11 a.m. All of these interactions encouraged me that it was okay that I wasnât okay. I had yet to tell my parents, which is very bizarre for me. I tell my parents everything — from when I see a cute boy, to how annoying I find a professor, to how much I love dark turkey meat. But I knew that dealing with my parentsâ reactions would make everything that happened to me that night real. Not telling them made it seem less real somehow.
Seeing how much my assault hurt my parents was both devastating and affirming. It wasn’t my fault. What happened to me was truly horrible.
When I got home from talking with my supervisor, I had my roommate call the cops, who came to my house. This was the best experience I could hope for. Two male cops came and stood in my tiny, unacceptably messy room and allowed me to cry and make jokes about what happened to me. They supported me by not judging my reaction. They comforted me by reminding me that my reaction is normal and that Iâm moving forward.
After four hours of talking about my assault, the cops told me what the law could do. It was difficult to hear that, because of the nature of my statement, I may have a hard time pressing charges. I entered the process not wanting to deal with lawyers or damages. I simply wanted the man in question to have a record. Even still, the reality that my sexual and physical assault was considered a “grey area” was hard to process. Why is there a grey area at all? Isnât it black and white? The posters in the bathroom stalls on campus make it seem black and white. Even the âgot consent?â clothes are white letters on black cloth. What the man did to me was assault. But, according to the law, it would be difficult to prove that I was assaulted because I didnât verbally say ânoâ or âstopâ; because I was on a date; because I entered his house willingly. The cops told me that it would be a clear-cut case if a stranger had assaulted me while I was walking on a street. My situation was different because I knew the man; because of the location we were in; because of the lack of verbal reaction. It didnât matter that I was unable to speak. It didnât matter that I tried to get away. To the law, this didnât mean much. If we were to go to court, his lawyer could spin it and make it seem that I wanted or enjoyed it. I accept this. I understand this. But the operative word is âspin.â The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this understanding of âspinâ as: a special point of view, emphasis, or interpretation presented for the purpose of influencing opinion.
But after you strip everything else away, the facts remain: I was damaged. And he did that. He did that to me.
After a few days in bed (spent either watching 24, crying, or sleeping) and a daily walk, I was able to return to school. I was only able to do that because of my support system. I cannot even begin to express how much they did for me. My professors were understanding. Some cried and one swore, which was exactly what I needed. (I needed someone to be mad instead of sad. Thank you.) My bosses and supervisors gave me space and didnât rush me back to work. The very few friends I told rallied around me. My roommates made me soup (it was the only thing I could eat for a few days), let me talk, watched movies with me, left me alone when I needed, and cuddled in bed with me. My Mom stroked my hair, took me to the pharmacy to get all the prescriptions I got from the ladies at VGH, and wrote prayers for me around my room. My Dad took me to all the places that the man and I talked about and loved. My Dad took me to these places because I needed to reclaim them. I needed to feel safe again. And for those of you whoâve seen my Dad, you know no one would want to mess with him, especially after his daughter was harmed.
I went back to classes and my daily life, but it was the dull version. I got a glimpse of what my life would be like if I didnât work two jobs and wasnât as involved as I currently am. It was quite boring, but exactly what I needed that week. I began to get back into work and campus life slowly. I dropped out of one class, but finished the other three. I enjoyed the exam period. I spent Christmas with my family and watched too much Alias. I was back. I was myself again. My faith and my support system are the two things that did that (Mr. Sutherland and Ms. Garner helped too). I thought that I was over it – I thought the storm had past, always and forever. But I have since learnt that even though the storm is behind me, the hurt returns, like a boat being knocked by the waves.
Then I went to the UBC Student Leadership Conference. Waneek Horn-Miller spoke of her experience with trauma when she was stabbed during the Oka Crisis. She stayed in bed for five days afterward. Her mother, a very strong and caring woman, came into her room on the fifth day and said the world would understand if she wanted to give up because she had a very legitimate reason. But her mom imparted a truth that I realized when I was coming home from the hospital the night after my assault: “If you give up, you’ll be giving [the person who hurt you] your dreams like a present.â
No one can have my dreams. NO ONE. I will not be a victim. I refuse. That is why I had to play Breezeblocks, which played on the evening of my assault, on repeat for days while I was in the shower, cooking dinner, on a run, on my way to class, and brushing my teeth. I reclaimed that song. That is why I went to counselling. That is why I was perfectly content taking some time off of school; I needed to allow myself to be made whole again. This is why I asked my dad to take me to Meat and Bread and throughout Granville Island. But even now, when I hear Breezeblocks and I’m not prepared, it still stops me in my tracks. The waves come; I feel hurt again.
My experience may have created a grey fog in my life, but I am here now – live in colour. There can be no grey area in sexual assault. It is black and white.
I encourage you to think about the effect our words and our actions have on others. I encourage you to engage in conversations during Sexual Assault Awareness Month here at UBC and beyond. I encourage you to seek answers and stories with a yearning to learn more and understand better. I encourage you to ask before engaging in a sexual act with someone.
And to those whoâve been sexually assaulted, I encourage you to know that beyond the grey fog there is a life full of vibrant colour. It will come again, even through the waves.
Note from the author: I did not write this because I want sympathy. I do not identify myself as a victim. I urge you to remember the last time you saw me. This will remind you that I am moving onward and upward. And that fills me with joy.
beggars can be choosers
Let me tell you about my two favourite homeless people stories. As a student, I don’t have a lot of cash to spare, but I know it’s important to support those around us who are going through hard times. I also never give money, but will buy food, water or gift cards instead to help out. These two facts are vitally important to understand my stories. So, here we go.
1. Back in second year, I was living in residence and my boyfriend was living in Langley. He came out to see me each weekend, and we would usually make a delicious meal or do something exciting. This chosen weekend, we decided to splurge and enjoy some delicious Whole Foods delights. While we were on our way in, there was a man standing outside with a cup in hand, asking for change. I told him that I was more than happy to get him something inside, and that I’d be out soon. He thanks me with a smile. As I turn to leave, he clarifies that he doesn’t want just anything, but he would like Avalon Chocolate Milk. Also adds that if they don’t have Avalon, to just not bother.
For those of you who have never had the joy of tasting Avalon Chocolate Milk, I strongly suggest you go and buy some immediately. And when you do, please make note of the price. I know, right?! Worth it, but man, oh man. Needless to say, I was flabbergasted. When we walk inside, my boyfriend said to me “Woah. Kits bums sure are choosey”. I got the chocolate milk for the guy, cuz I’m a sucker. Kevin was shocked, especially seeing as we barely splurged on that for ourselves haha.
2. This happened today. I go to Safeway to buy myself some ingredients for a crockpot meal as I’m trying to save for Australia. I eat out constantly (actually), so I thought this would be a good way for me to save some money and eat rather healthy. So I’m on my way in, listening to some tunes, and a man in baggy clothes and dirty hands looks at me and says something to me. I take out my headphones and ask him to please repeat himself. He says “If you could spare some change, I’d really appreciate it. Otherwise, could you please get me a gift card for Safeway?” I was kinda shocked at how forward he was, but quickly caught myself and said “uuuh yea sure”. So while I’m hunting for my items, I go to the gift card section and see that the Safeway gift cards come in $50 and $100. I was not even willing to spend $50 on myself, nor do I have that much dispensable income at the moment, so I went down the aisles to find some healthy non-perishable foods. I pick the juice that has little sugar and lots of nutrients so it would be the most beneficial. I also go on the hunt for something to eat for him. I look at the granola bars, and am trying to decide between a few. My favourite is the Chocolate Caramel Nut by Quaker, but then I think – what if he’s allergic to nuts? So I get him a Maple one, cuz we’re Canadian and all that jazz. Oh, here… I even have a picture of what I bought for him, taken at my house once I got home:
“But Caitlin,” you say to me, “how do you still have those hours later if you bought them for the man outside the grocery store? Did you decide that they were just too delicious and you didn’t want to share?” Why no, you horrid person. who do you think I am?! I don’t even like maple.
I go in line, pay, and walk outside. The man sees me and is super stoked that I’m making eye contact with him. I go up to him and say “Hey, so they didn’t have anything less than a $50 gift card and I can’t afford that, so I got you these snacks…” I start to pull them out of my bag and before I can even get them all the way out, he shakes his head in a frustrated manner and hollers, “I don’t drink juice and I have enough granola”! He walks away for me. Welp… guess I get some delicious juice boxes and some granola bars I don’t really like….
Moral of the story: still be good to people, because you never know what kind of snacks you’ve just bought yourself.
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