Panel 10: Critical Literacy and Pedagogy

Panel 10 (Room 156) 3:15 – 4:15
Chair: Eric Meyers

Kathie Shoemaker, University of British Columbia
Visual and Verbal Cohesive Resources used to Construct Coherent Picturebook Texts for
Young Children.

Lindsay Bromley and Alexis Birner, University of British Columbia
Critical Literacy: Using Picturebooks to Read the World

Justin Unrau, University of British Columbia
Unreliable Instructions: Book-Failure and Critical Readership in Fantasy for Young

Dr. Elizabeth Marshall

Elizabeth Marshall is associate professor in the faculty of education at Simon Fraser University, where she teaches courses in children’s and young adult literature. She is co-editor of Rethinking Popular Culture and Media, and has published articles on the representation of North American girlhoods in children’s literature, popular culture, and women’s memoir. Dr. Marshall’s work has been published in Harvard Educational Review, Gender and Education, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, College English, Children’s Literature Quarterly, and Rethinking Schools.

The Keynote Address she’ll be presenting at Stranger in a Strange Land is entitled Global Girls and Strangers: Transnational Travel in The Nancy Drew Mysteries.

More information can be found on Dr. Marshall’s website.