Category Archives: Manufacturing

A Clear Solution for Green Energy

Researchers at Michigan State University have redefined the future of solar power applications. Unlike conventional solar panels, this light harvesting technology is transparent and nearly as efficient in converting light into electricity.

The need for effective and cost efficient technology has never been higher.  As global energy consumption moves away from fossil fuels, solar powered energy has become a key player in the green energy sector. Solar cells can supply a substantial amount of energy, but they need to be deployed over a large area. Theoretically, a solar installation that covers 20% of Nevada could power the entire United States.

Schematic of current solar panel use.

Solar panels work by using the energy from light rays to bump electrons from atoms, generating a flow of electricity. Typically, solar panels comprise of many photovoltaic cells, simply meaning they convert sunlight into electricity.

Traditional panels are not enough to produce sustainable energy.

Traditional solar panels have been integrated in many areas and are often found on top of homes or tall buildings. Although this have proven to moderately effective, MSU researchers believe that this new technology will drastically expand photovoltaic applications. The thin, plastic-like material can be used on building facades, windows, cell phones and other devices with a clear surface.

As the direct pathway of sunlight varies temporally and spatially, increasing the possible areas in which energy can be harvesting also increases the absorption potential. Researchers from the University of Lisbon find that having photovoltaic cells on two or three building facades and windows could significantly increase the amount of electricity produced.

It is estimated that there is 5-7 billion square meters of glass surface area in the US. With this amount alone, solar technologies could supply almost 40% of the United States power demand. When combined with traditional solar panels, solar energy could become a major global producer of energy.

See-through solar-harvesting technologies are pioneering the expansion of solar powered applications and their implications could have a huge impact on clean energy in the future.

-Mya Dodd

Lignin: using the whole plant

 Lignin is one of the most abundant materials on Earth but it is still painfully difficult to work with. Lignin is the name we give to a group of polymers that make plants stiff and somewhat waterproof. It is made of many aromatic groups that could be useful but its structure is so unpredictable that it ends up being an obstacle in processes like biofuel synthesis.

Location of lignin in a primitive plant: Sleaginella
National Science Foundation

So, the problem with lignin is that we don’t know how it will break down until it has been broken down. Many studies have tried and failed to use oxidation-reduction reactions and electrochemical processes to break lignin down into useful components. The processes are long, complicated, dependant on high temperatures and nothing seems to work well enough.

Researchers at the University of Michigan  published a paper for a one pot, room temperature method to break down lignin. To do so they combined electricity and a relatively common compound for catalysis NHPI. The advantage of this approach is they knew how the NHPI would react with a C-O bond in the pine lignin they studied. The known process told them how the reaction would start and what to expect if it worked. This catalyst is also cheaper than metal catalysts.

Then, they needed to keep the reaction going to prevent a small amount of lignin pieces from reattaching to the larger pieces. To do this, they tested many solvents and used known electrochemical conditions until they found evidence of lignin monomers and dimers (pieces of one or two molecules broken from the lignin polymer).

Polymer-dimer-monomer relation

However, all this work was done with very small amounts of material. To make the reaction work at a larger scale they used a modern technique called photocatalysis.

An example of a photocatalysis reaction

The team found that lignin was also breaking down at the larger scale and the yield was pretty good for a lignin experiment. The study showed a hopeful future for lignin research and application as well as for electrochemistry and photocatalysis processes.

Isabella Correa