Tag Archives: Neuroscience

What Makes You Stop Unwanted Thoughts?

Pending assignments, midterms on rainy days, that second serving of dessert – disengaging from unwanted thoughts is a part of daily life. But for people with many psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. this can take the form of intrusive memories, hallucinations, rumination, and more. In November 2017, Chemists and Neuroscientists from University of Cambridge led by Dr Taylor Schmitz identified a specific multi-level mechanism that inhibits out unwanted thoughts.

The researchers recruited 30 healthy participants to do “Think/No-Think” tasks where they learned to associate logically unrelated words, for example, moss/north. The participants then saw the word on a screen and received a green or red cue to think or not think of the associated word, respectively. In other words, if you see moss and the cue is green, you should think of north but suppress that thought if the cue is red. Throughout the experiment, the scientists monitored the activity of brain regions through fMRI and the compositions of the chemicals involved through 1H NMR spectroscopy.

fMRI machine used to measure brain activity.  Source: Wikimedia Commons

The researchers discovered that the neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger) GABA, specifically in the hippocampus, a vital area for memory, suppressed unwanted thoughts by limiting activity in neighbouring cells. They also found that our ability to inhibit unwanted thoughts and prevent them from returning increases with the concentration of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) present in our hippocampus at rest. The results indicated that this relationship is not observable in GABA concentration from other brain regions such as the visual cortex and the prefrontal cortex, which were previously assumed to play a key role in memory/thought suppression as well.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) molecule.  Source: self

Hippocampus: key area associated with memory.
Source: Wikimedia Commons

Although the paper did not focus on possible treatments using pharmaceutical methods to regulate GABA, the findings have immense potential in treating a wide range of psychiatric conditions marked by intrusive thoughts. This makes it a monumental finding for neuroscience and this paper has been tweeted about 255 times and appeared on 76 news articles since its release 2 weeks ago on Nov 3, creating a ripple in the neuroscience community.

To me, the specificity of the finding is the most fascinating aspect of this research. Neuroscience research heavily relies fMRI and MRI methods that can only indicate the areas of the brain active from which researchers then infer the likely neurotransmitters involved. However, these methods do not tell us how these chemicals interact with each other or the mechanism by which they influence behaviour. This basic but fundamental knowledge discovered by the Cambridge researchers was made possible by combining conventional neuroscience approach with spectroscopic methods. Interestingly, this highlights the growing need for interdisciplinary research to solve more complex mysteries in science, which is currently a critical issue in the scientific community.

Mia Hasan

Meditation: Living With Awareness

Meditating in Nature (Photo Credit: Maxlkt)

Zen master, poet, and global peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh once said,

“We are very good at preparing to live, but not very good at living. We know how to sacrifice ten years for a diploma, and we are willing to work very hard to get a job, a car, a house, and so on. But, we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the only moment there is for us to be alive.”

In an age where we are constantly chasing after the next destination, we have forgotten how to enjoy and live in reality. My dear friend and therapist introduced me to meditation, the practice of bringing awareness, without judgement, to what the present moment has to offer. In my sessions, we focus on the in-and-out breath, acknowledge any physical sensations, and notice and let all thoughts and worries pass by like clouds.

Many people find comfort and meaning in their everyday lives through meditation. From chemical and biological perspectives, how do we reach this gentle state of mind? What changes in the brain when we meditate?

Meditation alters the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain that are associated with stress and anxiety. Neurotransmitters are “chemical messengers” that control and are controlled by our thoughts and emotions. meta-analysis found that those who meditate have higher levels of serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and dopamine neurotransmitters. Serotonin regulates mood, GABA communicates messages between nerve cells, and dopamine affects motivation, learning, and pleasure. The study also found that there is a lower level of norepinephrinethe hormone and neurotransmitter that activates the body’s experience of stress.

Another study found that meditation significantly changes the amount of grey matter in different parts of the brain. Grey matter refers to the main, body component of nerve cells that determines the function of the brain. The research shows that meditation increases grey matter in the hippocampus, the memory and emotion region of the brain, and decreases grey matter in the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with fear.

Group Meditation (Photo Credit: Suc)

In the words of my health psychology professor, often times, the simplest things have the greatest impact on our lives. I have found my genuine happiness and peace in this journey of meditation. I hope everyone finds theirs, too.


Your Brain in Love

Have you ever rejected someone who was madly in love with you? Have you ever been rejected by someone you really loved?

Neuroscientist, Helen Fisher, asked these two questions 20 years ago, both to which 95% of men and women said yes. Determined to understand this magic, she began a multipart project in 1996 to investigate the neurochemistry involved in romantic love.

She studied couples who had just fallen madly in love with each other, individuals who were dumped by their partners that day (talk about a rough day, huh), and couples who have been married for 20+ years. The fMRI scans revealed that people in love show brain activity in the same regions, the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area (VTA), as those addicted to hard drugs such as opioids and cocaine. Both of these areas are associated with dopamine production and distribution. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) associated with the brain’s reward system, primarily involved in addiction, cravings, energy, and motivation.

Brain areas associated with dopamine.             Source: Wikimedia

Dopamine. Source: self

Essentially, this means that lovers and drug addicts show similar behaviour. I think that perhaps romantic love is an even stronger addiction in a sense that everyone experiences it at some point but the same can’t be said for other addictions such as substance abuse or gambling. Those in love show the same fundamental symptoms of addiction: craving, tolerance, emotional dependence and when they get dumped they experience withdrawal and relapse.

Another neurotransmitter involved, according to Fisher, is serotonin which regulates mood, anxiety, and depression. Interestingly, she found that new lovers and long-term lovers had the same basic reward systems, with one exception. The fMRI scans showed that new couple had more activity in brain regions linked with anxiety; whereas long term couples showed activity is regions associated with calmness and pain suppression.

Serotonin. Source: self

With 20 years of research on the brain in love, Helen Fisher is a household name in Neuroscience. She nicely summarises her major findings over the years in this TedTalk. Dating platforms such as Match. com, Tinder, and others use her research on what attracts people to each other in their algorithms.

I think love as a positive addiction is certainly an interesting perspective. I believe that the scope of this can go far beyond just algorithms. Perhaps this means that building strong and healthy relationships can help people recovering from addictive behaviours such as substance dependence, binge eating disorders, gambling, etc. by acting as a reward replacement. Additionally, with rising divorce rates cross-culturally, understanding the mechanisms involved in love and how we form relationships, can help us become more empathetic and build long-term relationships as a society.


Concussions – Not Just a Knock on the Head

One in five Canadians have been concussed from playing a sport according to a recent poll by the Angus Reid Institute.

1 in 5 Canadians have had a concussion from playing a sport. Source: Twitter – Healthy Minds Canada

Within the last 4 years, I have had 3 concussions from playing soccer, making me one of five Canadians to get concussed from a sport.  My most recent concussion happened last October and I still have symptoms including: light sensitivity, headaches and trouble focusing.  I saw a neurologist during the summer and he explained how chemical influxes of potassium and calcium are the major causes of these concussive symptoms, especially for the first few weeks or even months after.

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury from a blow to the head, that causes the brain to move around in the skull.  This short video by Smithsonian, describes a concussion in simple terms.

What most of you might not know, is that concussive symptoms are not just from the brain being shaken and bruised.  Secondary symptoms, which increase a concussion’s effect, are from the chemical imbalances released when the brain is hit.  Free-radical overproduction and ion imbalances decrease the energy that nerves use to function.  The ion imbalance prevents the nerve cells from generating energy to recover from the injuries.

A paper by Christoper Giza and David Howa describes how neuronal depolarization and neurotransmitter release delays recovery from concussions and causes secondary symptoms.

Right after the blow to the head, neurotransmitters and ions like potassium and calcium are released in large quantities.  Neuronal depolarization, when positively charged ions enter the cell, occurs when potassium ions flow out and calcium ions flow into the cell disrupting the normal concentrations.

The figure below shows the overall trends of these ions during a concussion.

Potassium and calcium levels in the brain after a concussion. Data source: National Athletic Trainers’ Association

The influx of calcium ions disrupt neuron connections, slowing brain processes, causing confusion and trouble focusing.  Calcium build-up also prevents mitochondria from making energy, causing headaches.

The potassium ions pushed out of the cells cannot be balanced by the cell’s normal processes.  The excess potassium increases depolarization, creating a positive feedback cycle that suppresses the neuron, and significantly slows neuron activity, causing slower thinking and trouble formulating thoughts.

Lastly, neurotransmitter influxes inhibit neuron activity causing temporary memory loss and learning difficulties, for a week up until even 8 weeks after.  This release of neurotransmitters in higher amounts causes the initial potassium and calcium ions influx.

Currently, the scientific knowledge available about concussions is limited, so researchers have been looking at the biochemical changes that occur in the brain after a concussion happens.  By understanding the biochemical processes of concussions and how long these effects last, researchers can make a positive impact on athletes’ health and well-being.

-Jessica Hasker