Superhumans of Sport: Pressing Concern or Distant Conundrum?

Image Credit: Dave Hogg

Since their inception, organized sports have been rife with the usage of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED’s) known as “doping”. As science advances, those on the cutting edge will shape the frontier of professional athletics, and define the parameters of competition. At the forefront of PED technology is the idea of “gene doping”: Altering the expression of certain genes in order to improve athletic improvement. For fans and prospective athletes alike, the idea of seeing genetically supernatural competitors on the field may be unsettling.

2008 review published in the British Journal of Pharmacology seeks to assuage such concerns, claiming that there are “major technological hurdles” in converting results from laboratory rodents into successful human trials, beyond the limited number already performed. It suggests that gene doping is an issue that will not need to be dealt with for many years to come. The proposed reason for these delays lies, perhaps unsurprisingly, in the physiological differences between humans and mice.

For gene therapy, the basis of gene doping, “a delivery system (vector) is required to transfer the genetic material into the target cell” explains DJ Wells, author of the review. Viruses, adapted for transferring genetic material into cells, make excellent vectors. Removal of the viral genes and replacement with therapeutic genes neuters the virus’ dangerous effects. These vectors mix with “packaging plasmids”, so that they can be effectively administered to the subjects.

This is where the problems lie. Most of the noteworthy changes to physiology and performance seen in rodent trials are achieved with “germline genetic modification”, known as transgenesis. The procedure involves performing the modification in early embryonic stages, “before the germ cells have differentiated from the somatic cells”. Thus, the modification is present in all cells from thereon, and because the subject develops with the modification, it is able to adapt to it. For humans however, transgenesis is not yet possible, leaving somatic gene transfer as the only alternative. The somatic method is unlikely to disperse the modification throughout all of the body cells, and is likely to produce different results, given that the subject does not develop along with the change in gene expression. Given the size difference between humans and rodents, it is extremely difficult for humans to spread genetic modification over the entire body.

Nearly a decade later, and it would seem the article’s prediction is accurate: We’ve yet to see a genetically modified athlete anywhere in the realm of professional sports, and we might not for many years. Nonetheless, there could come a day where permanent alteration of one’s own genetic being becomes an affordable possibility. Will we turn our backs on science in the name of fair play? Or will our athletes take the leap to becoming superhuman?

Image Credit: Seattle Parks

  • Arjun Thomson-Kahlon

To drink, or not to drink?

Alcohol is widely consumed among cultures such that each culture has its own alcohol beverage. Despite the unlimited selections of alcohol, all of them lead people to the same fate; the major hangovers after excess alcohol consumption.

Every culture has unique alcoholic beverages. For example, in southeast Asia, venomous snakes are infused in rice wine to make snake wine, credit to flickr

Dr. Erik Hefti of University at Buffalo listed the common over the counter (OTC) medications people used for treating hangovers and focused on the efficacy of each. However, many products lacked evidence that they provided hangover relief at all. Therefore, the best hangover remedy is to either quit drinking alcohol or consume less while remaining hydrated.

Ethanol, the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages, causes hangovers. Ethanol dehydrates the body because its chemical properties force us to produce excess urine, thereby draining our water content. Additionally, the body metabolizes ethanol into a toxic by-product called acetaldehyde, which is harmful and causes minor inflammation. This disastrous combination leads to hangovers, with symptoms such as nausea, dry mouth, irritated eyes, and headaches.

Ethanol metabolism, credit to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Dr. Hefti debunks myths regarding products that cure hangovers, such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and vitamins. NAC is helpful because it enhances antioxidant production, which speeds up ethanol metabolism. Despite the benefits, it does not remedy hangovers. Furthermore, alcohol only impacts the body’s vitamin levels over a prolonged period of consumption, so, vitamins cannot treat acute hangovers. Therefore, people who claimed these products were effective most likely experienced the placebo effect, since there is no scientific evidence behind their claims.

Ineffective hangover remedies are a pain in the butt, so what relieves hangovers? The answer is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which includes Aspirin and Ibuprofen. These drugs are perfect for hangovers because they target headaches, pain, and inflammation. But, over relying on NSAIDs may cause side effects such as nausea, abdominal pain, and gastritis. Therefore, prolonged use of these drugs is not an ideal solution.

For some people, alcohol is a coping mechanism for stress and misery. For others, they think drinking is fun. However, alcohol is still harmful to the body and people should not turn to it as a remedy or recreational activity. There are many constructive methods to deal with mental health issues, have fun, and live a healthy life. So, why suffer the consequences when one can opt for better alternatives?

-Emily Lui

The harm from long term microwave radiation.

Cancer rates are gradually increasing and a potential source of radiation causing this growth is the electromagnetic waves from cell phones. As technology advances, researchers try to fix any flaws within electronics. These could include bugs in software or hardware malfunctions, but a constant concern are the waves emitted. Many studies were conducted denying the correlation between cell phones and cancer, but there are some which hint at possibilities.

In a New York Times article by Pollack, he discusses the effect of radiation from cellphones on rats. In this experiment, the animals were exposed to different degrees of radiation, that would  be emitted from cellphones, for nine hours daily over a period of two years. This resulted with a minority group of 2-3% developing brain cancer and 5-7% developing Schwannomas in their heart. Although there appears to be a correlation between cancer growth and cellular radiation, this is a significantly small scale affected.

Kesari et al. conduct a more detailed study showing the effect on biological systems due to cell phone radiation. In their research, they found that microwave fields cause chronic stress creating reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by oxygen and free radicals leading to toxic damage in the system and eventually carcinogens. However, like the case with the rats, only a small number affected would ultimately be diagnosed with cancer.

Exposure to Cellphone Radiation

Although both cases hint towards radiation types from cell phone lead to carcinogens, both reports conclude further research is required. The emissions in the experiment is the same type has those from cell phones, but not in the same strength. Further research could be done such as using weaker radiation strengths, but until then, there’s no apparent danger from using cell phones.

No More Battery Explosions!

Remember how recently Samsung had to discontinue their sales of Galaxy Note 7 because of their lithium battery explosion? It had been quite an issue for the world, Samsung being one of the top companies for mobile phone sales.

Battery Explosion of Samsung Galaxy Note 7, Image from flickr

However, there is no more need to worry about your phone exploding in your hands thanks to Dr. Suo and his team – they have found a way to make both safe and high-voltage lithium battery.

Originally, for high-voltage batteries (>3.0V), flammable and non-aqueous toxic electrolytes were used. They had a huge downside of causing safety and environmental concerns, especially in large-scale applications. The idealistic non-flammable and green aqueous electrolytes were too low in voltage (1.50V), reduction of water leading to hydrogen evolution being the main problem.

Suo and his team came up with another type of electrolyte called a water-in-bisalt” (WIBS) electrolyte that fixes the problem at a wide 3.0V stability window. Suo says, “In such a concentrated environment of electrolyte, the salt anion decomposes on the anode, forming the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) before the hydrogen evolution. SEI formation in aqueous electrolytes decreases the amount of water molecules around the Li+ molecules, reducing the electrochemical activity of water. This maximizes the full cell energy density, as Li+ is a limited resource within the battery cell.”

In short, the SEI layer formation in the WIBS electrolyte enhances the battery power and ability to repeat the cycle, as it prevents any side reactions occurring at the anode.

The team has concluded that the electrochemical coupling of electrolyte of LiMn2O4 and C-TiO2 through the carbon coating and super-concentrated aqueous electrolyte could stabilize the cycling ability of the lithium battery.

Carbon, being catalytically inert, introduces extra kinetic barrier to water splitting; and being highly conductive, it also reduces charge transfer resistance and polarization. Also, WIBS electrolyte being high in ionic density, it terminates hydrogen evolution and enhances the formation of more protective SEI.

This is the first time to propose the new non-hazardous electrolyte battery. With this, there could be many more improvements made to commercial applications from small items like cellphones, to big items like cars. Despite this new proposed electrolyte, there still needs to be more work and refining done to the power and energy density of the new battery before it can be commercialized. Hopefully in a few years the world could be using safe, non-explosive phones.

Clair Yoon

The blog works!

This post will test the utility of the WordPress dashboard for uploading a post to the CHEM 300 blog site

CHEM 300 Course Blog

Welcome to the CHEM 300 course blog!

Here are few things to make note of before you get started with your posts. First of all, you should read the blogging resources page under the Create menu. This will help you out a lot if you are brand new to using WordPress. On this page, you will find video tutorials about writing posts on this blog, adding media to your posts, tagging, and categorizing. You will also find a link to the rubric we’ll use to grade your blog posts.

Next, check out the blogging guidelines. Here you will find the answer to the question: “What are we supposed to blog about?” You can also check out one of last term’s blogs for some additional inspiration.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when blogging. Please do not assume that just because something is online, it is OK for you to use it. For example, unless it is explicitly stated, an image on the internet cannot just be copied, saved, and used in your own post without permission to do so. We’ve provided you with a lot more detail about properly using online content, but if you have questions, let us know.

This blog also contains a lot of resources for you. For example, still under the Create menu, you will find a  list of suggested software to use for your projects. We’ve also collected some writing and presentation resources.  Basic audio/visual equipment can be borrowed from CHEM300. Contact the course coordinator for more info.

Under the Explore menu, you will find some sample podcasts and videos, links that may be of interest or assistance, a list of groups and associations related to communicating science as well as a list of local museums and science centres. The Explore menu also contains a library resources page, which you should definitely have a look at. Finally, there is a bookshelf that lists relevant books that are on reserve for you in Woodward Library.

Let us know if you have any questions about the blog or would like to see any other resources made available. Or, if you find something that you think would be useful to the rest of the class, tell us, and we can add it to the resources. Better yet — write a post about it!

Happy blogging!

The CHEM 300 Team