Tag Archives: banana

Read This Before Having A Banana Milkshake!

When you type ‘milk banana’ in the Google search bar, you will probably get millions of recipes of banana milkshakes. Banana milkshakes are made of many healthy ingredients with essential nutrients. Blending with skim milk, it becomes a great snack with low calories. More importantly, it tastes so good, especially in a hot summer. Although banana milkshakes seem quite healthy and beneficial to human body, yet they may cause illness. Yes, you read that right. Mixing banana and milk together may harm our health.

Credit: Shelly Antol

For years, whether the combination of banana and milk benefits human body or not has been in debate. Both banana and milk help strengthen our body, such as gaining weight.  However, combining two kinds of health food may have the opposite effect. According to Harish Kumar, an expert Dietitian and Psychologist from Care For Life, banana milkshakes actually can hinder the digestion process and disturb sleeping patterns.

Ayurveda claims that every single food has its own taste, post digestive effect and a heating or cooling energy. And how well food is digested mainly depends on agni or gastric fire. Banana and milk are on the top of the list of incompatible foods. Even though bananas taste sweet, they have a sour post digestive effect while milk has a sweet one, which confuses our digestive system and leads to some imbalances. In addition, different digestive effects create such a negative reaction in human body that may generate extra water, clog body channel or even contribute to heart diseases.

More and more researches indicate that banana and milk do not go well together. If you really want to consume both of them, try to consume them separately rather than having a banana milkshake. Bananas and milk both have their own properties to strengthen our body but mixing together may cause ailments instead.