Tag Archives: radiation

The harm from long term microwave radiation.

Cancer rates are gradually increasing and a potential source of radiation causing this growth is the electromagnetic waves from cell phones. As technology advances, researchers try to fix any flaws within electronics. These could include bugs in software or hardware malfunctions, but a constant concern are the waves emitted. Many studies were conducted denying the correlation between cell phones and cancer, but there are some which hint at possibilities.

In a New York Times article by Pollack, he discusses the effect of radiation from cellphones on rats. In this experiment, the animals were exposed to different degrees of radiation, that would  be emitted from cellphones, for nine hours daily over a period of two years. This resulted with a minority group of 2-3% developing brain cancer and 5-7% developing Schwannomas in their heart. Although there appears to be a correlation between cancer growth and cellular radiation, this is a significantly small scale affected.


Kesari et al. conduct a more detailed study showing the effect on biological systems due to cell phone radiation. In their research, they found that microwave fields cause chronic stress creating reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by oxygen and free radicals leading to toxic damage in the system and eventually carcinogens. However, like the case with the rats, only a small number affected would ultimately be diagnosed with cancer.

Exposure to Cellphone Radiation

Although both cases hint towards radiation types from cell phone lead to carcinogens, both reports conclude further research is required. The emissions in the experiment is the same type has those from cell phones, but not in the same strength. Further research could be done such as using weaker radiation strengths, but until then, there’s no apparent danger from using cell phones.