Tag Archives: Hovenia Dulcis

A cure for the common…hangover?


Image from Flickr: silent(e)

Recent scientific investigations  have led to the findings of an ancient Chinese herb that is able to remove the painful effects that are known to follow the consumption of alcohol; a college student’s dream!  Yes, this chinese extract from the raisin tree Hovenia dulcis, has the sobering effects on a person after excessive drinking, can relieve the symptoms of a hangover and also may provide a lifetime cure for those suffering from alcoholism.   

Hovenia dulcis, Japanese Raisin Tree ; this tree may be the cure to problems involving alcohol. (Image on Flickr by Tie Guy II)

For years, many Chinese people have been  using this extract in their tea to reduce any uncomfort that is associated with a hangover. The compound from the ancient raisin tree that has been found as the source of the cure, is Dihydromyricetin (DHM). It has been recently studied  by Dr. Jing Liang of the University of California on lab rats (as mentioned in NewScientist).  The results included a quicker recovery from intoxication on the rats when they were given alcohol containing DHM (only 5 minute recovery time!), versus alcohol by itself (around  a 70 minute recovery time).  Liang also found through her research, that the addiction for rats that were constantly consuming alcohol began to decrease over time after given small doses of DHM weekly.  

 For the Future
The goal of this research, is ultimately to gain the ability to have it eventually be tested on humans.  Once this is achieved, the affects could be ground-breaking. As more alcoholics are “sobering-up”, they will more likely be able to keep a job and increase the economy.  It is also predicted that the safety of living may increase in regards to drunk driving.  With the help of this “new drug”, one could essentially have an evening of drinks and fun, and still be able to drive home after without being a drunken liability to themselves and others on the road.

Ideally, all of the above outcomes would be true and the drug would be perfect.  However, humans as a race are unpredictable.  Personally, I do not agree that the drug will cure many people, and instead might cause people to drink more.  If there was no consequence of drinking (a hangover etc) then it would just be more appealing.  Other scientists like Marcus Heilig have also voiced their concern regarding the bad outcomes that may occur from use of the drug and whether or not it would be beneficial or harmful to the population. 

Image from Flickr by sfllaw

Dr Liang is on the path to something that could change the lives of many people.  With no side effects currently being seen on their studies thus far, let’s hope she gets approval to begin testing on humans in the near future.




NewScientist article:

Hovenia Duclis Journal:

Link to Dr. Marcus Heilig:

Dihydromyricetin blog: