People across the world, especially in North America, cannot live without taking caffeine daily. However there are different food that contain caffeine , coffee has the highest amount of caffeine and is the most popular one . According to Coffee Association of Canada, In 2013, 65% of Canadian adults over 18 drink coffee daily. There are several reasons for this consumption. Some use it to become alert and awake, while others drink coffee to be relaxed. Although, coffee has more roles than relaxing on our health ; one of its important roles is its role on Parkinson’s disease.
In one study, scientists proved that coffee has a positive effect on Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease(PD) is a progressive disruption of nerve system that affects the movement and it usually happens to the elderly. In the other words, PD will occur when Dopamine is not produced in nerve system. Dopamine is responsible for movement in our body. Coffee has a neuroprotective role and will react with our brain nerves and increase the level of Dopamine and therefore, reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
The other study also showed the negative correlation between coffee and Parkinson’s disease. Researchers did a study to see if this association is equal in women and men and after they did an experiment they found that coffee will prevent both men and women from PD, however, the probability is higher in men.
To conclude, if you drink coffee 3-4 cups a day , you will protect yourselves from some fatal diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or if you have already diagnosed with a PD, you can reduce the symptoms by taking this amount of caffeine in your daily diet; therefore, you will live longer and happier.
To find out how caffeine have an effect on PD in details, watch this video below.

YouTube video courtesy of: Boomers Braintrust
Posted by: Sogand Goharpey