Author Archives: MorganKaye

Microplastics: A Pollution Worse than Plastic?

Source: Providence Trade

As detrimental as this photo looks, today’s plastic pollution is unfortunately not limited to these plastic bags and bottles that line the ocean surfaces. Recently, plastic has begun to affect ecosystems and species in ways we did not ever imagine; in the form of microplastics.

What are Microplastics?

Microplastics are small, barely visible pieces of plastic that ultimately enter and pollute our oceans, streams, rivers, soil and air. They can enter our environment from a variety of sources including cosmetics, textiles and industrial settings, or simply from the plastics we pollute each day. According to a recent study done by researchers in Japan, the abundance of microplastics within the world’s oceans has raised growing concerns amongst environmentalists globally due to their detrimental effects on ecosystems and living organisms, including humans. Unfortunately, due to the small size of microplastics, ranging from 5mm to the diameter of a red blood cell, it is difficult to report the exact amount found in our oceans. Researchers estimate that with around 300 million metric tons of plastic produced each year, trillions of degraded plastic bits may be lurking in the environment, largely unseen.

Source: Andrea Thompson via Scientific American

Microplastics in our ecosystem and in our bodies:

Source: Dr. Marcus Eriksen of Gyres Institute

Since microplastics are, as the name suggests, microscopic, they can be ingested by a wide variety of creatures, including plankton (the basis of the marine food chain). Real harm can be done if microplastics in fish and other species move from their gut into the bloodstream and other organs. A study done by Mark Browne shows physical signs of damage, as the particles jabbing and rubbing against organ walls can cause inflammation, while leaching of hazardous chemicals cause liver damage. These hazards can disrupt the immune functions, growth and reproduction of organisms. Even if individual species do not seem to suffer, their ingestion of microplastics can have a ripple effect when they accumulate within a food chain, as another study shows how the fish do not necessarily excrete the microplastics once ingested.

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Not only are these microplastics found in wildlife species, according to a recent study, we actually ingest them everyday. In addition to being present in packaged food and bottled water they are found in tap water and even in the air we breathe, making it virtually impossible to avoid them.

According to Browne’s research, the amount of microplastics in lakes and soils alone could rival the more than 15 trillion tons of particles thought to be floating on the ocean surface. Before we can make any progress on curbing this pollution, we must first understand how much is concentrated in which places, where exactly it is coming from, and how it is moving around.

For more information listen to this interview done by Kate Nielson from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Atmosphere:

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CRISPR/Cas9 as treatment for cocaine addictions

According to recent experiments CRISPR/Cas9 technologies are proven to protect mice from cocaine -seeking behavior and cocaine overdose by releasing an enzyme called butyrylcholinestase (hBChE) which breaks down cocaine in the body. This successful use of the CRISPR technology is a huge advance for gene editing and opens up the possibility of gene editing technologies in treating drug addictions. However, does the success of this enzyme in mice mean it is ready to be implemented into humans?


What is CRISPR:

Clustered regularly-interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) (Source: YouTube) are segments of DNA which contain repeating segments of base sequences (the building blocks of DNA: ACTG). The protein associated with this technology, Cas9, is an enzyme that acts similarly to a pair of scissors, cutting specific strands of DNA. When implemented into a cell, CRISPR is able to target a particular gene with incredible accuracy, while Cas9 cuts the DNA, therefor changing the message and function of the DNA.

Although genome editing has been done before, CRISPR/Cas9 is more efficient, cheaper and faster. The best part? CRISPR was not made up in a laboratory, it actually comes from bacteria! (Source: YouTube). Bacteria use CRISPR/Cas9 in their immune system.

Figure 1. A walkthrough of how CRISPR/Cas9 work together to target and cut strands of DNA.

Source: Nature Biomedical Engineering


How does it work?

In a recent study CRISPR was used in order to edit skin epidermal stem cells (essentially the outside layer of a skin cell) of mice by adding the hBChE enzyme into the DNA, then transplanting the newly edited skin cells back into the mice. To compare the result of the edited genes and test lethal levels of cocaine, mice with and without the CRISPR edit were then exposed to different levels of cocaine. Below are the results of the mice five minutes after they were exposed to the drug, showing how the ones not exposed to the genes have a lower level of overdose.

Does this mean the technique would work if implemented in to humans as well? In order to test that, researches cultured human skin cells in a lab and then edited them with the CRISPR technology. The results were incredible! Not only did the altered gene express an increased amount of the hCBhE enzyme that helps break down cocaine, it also did not do any damage to the skin or show any detrimental side effects. This can address multiple concerns of drug abuse, by reducing development of cocaine-seeking behavior, preventing relapse of addiction and protecting from overdose.

Figure 2. Results of the enzyme implemented into mice skin cells showing success of enzyme on lowering levels of overdose                                                   Source: Nature Biomedical Engineering

What does this mean for the future? Will gene editing be the new “drug-rehab” for those with addictions or will it be too expensive for those struggling too afford? Hopefully it will not be too long until gene therapy with this enzyme will be the safe cost-effective option for drug addictions.


Li, Y.; Kong, Q.; Yue, J.; Gou, X.; Xu, M.; Wu, X. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2018.

To read the entire study click here