Tag Archives: medicine

Fecal Transplants- A Possible Autism Treatment?

We’ve all heard of heart transplants, or kidney or liver transplants, but feces transplants? While it may sound gross, recent research has found promising results in the benefits of fecal transplants on children with autism.

The Reasoning

Autism is a brain disorder typically characterized by certain behaviours, such as hyperactivity, repetitive actions, and irritability. Children with autism also suffer from multiple stomach problems as they tend to have fewer types of microbes, which are microorganisms like bacteria, living in their intestines. In fecal transplants, the children with autism receive new microbes from other peoples’ feces, and recent studies have seen improvements in their stomach distress as well as in behaviours linked with autism.

Millions of microbes are present in the intestines, creating the gut’s microbiome. Source: https://medium.com/

The Evidence

Rose Krajmalnik-Brown, an environmental engineer at Arizona State University, and her research team found a large difference in the microbes of children with autism, in fact they completely lack one bacteria called Prevotella. These results prompted the team to do further research into microbes and their potential affects on autism.

The research team conducted a clinical trial with 18 children with autism to investigate if having more diverse microbes might improve any stomach or behavioural symptoms. The first step was to give the patients antibiotics to kill all of the bacteria currently in their intestines. Then, the researchers isolated the microbes from healthy peoples’ feces and each patient was treated with these fecal bacteria for 8 weeks. It was delivered either as a liquid injected in the patient’s rear or orally mixed in with chocolate milk.

After two months of the treatment ending, they found that most children reported less stomach problems. Even after two years, their gut symptoms were 60 percent better than before treatment started and their microbes were even more diverse. Furthermore, the feces transplant didn’t just affect the gut; they also found significant improvements on behaviours associated with autism. The childrens’ levels of hyperactivity and repetitive actions tended to be lower two years later than before the treatment started.

The following video provides more information on how the gut microbes affects autism.

Source: Nutrition Facts

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What Does This Mean?

While these results are promising and exciting, researchers don’t want to get too hopeful yet. This study was quite small and might not work for everyone, so future research is definitely on the horizon. As of now, scientists only know confidently that a correlation between receiving new fecal microbes and improving autistic behaviours exists; they do not know that fecal transplants themselves cause the changes in behaviour. Neuroscientist Michael Hylin states that these findings “are a long way from saying there’s a cure for autism. I think it’s a promising approach. It’s one that’s worthwhile.” Although this is just one small study, the results are exciting and have sparked a lot of optimism and interest in the field of autism research. Stay tuned- fecal transplants may very well be the next big thing!

By: Olivia Campbell

Advances in medicine with technology: is it all good?

Having any experience in the biomedical sciences,  the phrase “microscopy is a lost art” must have some meaning to you. It means biotechnology is taking over the medical sciences. Biochemistry and molecular biology have become so prominent that techniques of old are being replaced by all things molecular.

Recent advancements in biotechnology have revolutionized science. DNA experiments not only conduct replication, they incorporate automatic interpretation of the results. Protein science has been simplified to pouring samples in vials and running them in a machine, no further skills or education required. Even medical diagnostics are “going molecular”, using DNA and protein experiments to diagnose patients rather than the traditional interpretation of labs. But while molecular experiments sure make our lives (as a scientist) easier, haven’t we been taught that shortcuts are never the answer?

What’s wrong with going molecular?

A perfect example to illustrate this point is with the blood infection: malaria. Annually, an estimated 600 million people globally still suffer from this parasitic disease and over a million die from it. Current diagnostic methods involve blood smears under microscopy as shown in the photo below; the purple specks representing malaria parasites.

Picture by Teresa Lo, BCCDC

However, when presented to pathology residents of UBC’s Faculty of Medicine, not a single one of them could identify the illness. Even more astonishing, they actually thought that the patient was perfectly healthy. This incident occurred at the BC Centre for Disease Control, where technicians of the Parasitology department tested medical residents with confirmed-diagnosis patient samples.

How did this happen?

With advancements in science and technology, biotech companies have developed molecular tests for diagnosing patients. For malaria, a well-known device is called the Rapid Test shown below. Functioning like a pregnancy test with urine, the Rapid Test simply requires a drop of blood and some time before a positive or negative result is given. You might be asking “where’s the problem?”. While the Rapid Test IS very convenient, it has a relatively low success rate. This is further discussed on the CDC website for malaria diagnosis.

Picture by Benjamin Chang, BCCDC

For patients where the malaria parasite is not prevalent or perhaps has not replicated enough, detection via Rapid Tests would fail. This is why microscopy is so important in the field of parasitology, it can detect parasitemia at low enough concentrations that early intervention would be possible. A paper published in the Journal of Malaria found microscopy was a better method for diagnosis compared to molecular techniques:

Biomedical scientist Emmanuel Biney further demonstrates in this video that while the skill required for microscopy is high, it is most definitely required:

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Unfortunately, microscopy is truly a lost art as our generation is geared towards molecular techniques. Training in microscopy takes numerous years of practice and an experienced technician as an instructor. As the previous generation retires and our generation begins to enter the workforce, we will have to find some way to compensate for the loss of their skills.