Category Archives: Science Communication

Can seahorse protection lead to a better approach to marine conservation?

In the past few decades, ecological protection has gradually become a greater concern for more and more people; however, how can we effectively protect the earth’s ecology if the vast majority of it is still alien to us, especially the ocean? Recently, we were given the chance to interview Dr.Xiong Zhang, an expert on seahorse conservation, he explained why protecting small species such as seahorses can be helpful in protecting many marine ecosystems.

Image of a seahorse
Picture retrieved from


Dr.Xiong Zhang during the interview

Dr.Zhang, who is a zoology Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia, recently conducted his case study on predicting locations where seahorses are commonly found along the coastal areas in China. The main role of his study is to help protect seahorses which can improve the maintenance of many shallow sea environments. A point of interest is the reason Dr. Zhang chose seahorses, and how he believes their protection can lead to maintaining shallow sea ecosystems. 

China coastal area
picture retrieved from


First, Dr.Zhang explained why he focuses on seahorses; there are three main reasons:

Seahorses are distributed in a variety of geological locations

Seahorses have many subspecies, and each of them requires different living conditions for habitat; for example, some prefer warm water temperatures and some prefer higher concentrations of salt. These factors make seahorses as a whole widely distributed globally, however,  suitable living environments are scarce for them at the same time. 

Seahorses are extremely sensitive to changes in an environment

Different types of seahorse subspecies
Picture retrieved from:

The limitations for the seahorses are not only due to habitat requirements but also partly because of its own living habits. Seahorses need to hook on structures on the seafloor to survive; without these structures, they will drift away with the current. As a result, seahorses are confined to areas with special structures on the seafloor. The destruction on an area with such structures will lead to complete elimination of a local seahorse population. 

Seahorses can be used as indicators to measure the wellness of local ecosystems

Since seahorses are “picky” in choosing their habitats, there are few places that are ideal for them, they can be used to determine whether an ecosystem is healthy. These areas often have unique characteristics, making them extremely sensitive to ecological changes. Therefore, in this particular environment, if there is a significant decrease in the number of seahorses, experts can reasonably infer that this is caused by habitat destruction.

Image of coral reef mangroves.
Picture retrieved from:

With all that in mind, how do we go from protecting seahorses to maintaining shallow sea environments? From previous answers, we can see that seahorses are marine animals that very dependent on their habitat; as a result, protecting their habitat is the best way to protect their population. While protecting seahorse’s habitats, we can also protect many creatures in the same environment. Using the seahorse as a starting point, we can protect organisms in a small area; when many small areas are protected, the experts will be able to maintain the ecology of the nearby shallow water on a larger scale. Therefore, protecting the seahorse is a point-to-point approach to secure the shallow sea ecosystems. Dr. Zhang’s findings effectively predict the habitat of seahorses on a large-scale from limited data, and the short video below briefly describes the process.

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If the above video doesn’t work click: Video link

The result mapped by Dr.Zhang for 4 different subspecies of seahorses.

After drawing such a relatively precise map for the locations of seahorses, experts and authorities can make decisions of conservation more effectively. When we asked Dr. Zhang if his research had been put to practical use, he gave us a positive answer: “there is one province in the south, Guangxi province, considered my research very important and they added the seahorse habitat in the conservation planning, in its local area.”

When Dr. Zhang indicated research plans for the future, he told us: “In the future, the degree of seahorse protection will definitely increase for sure, and there are lots of local people that really care about the sustainability of the livelihood for seahorse “

In the end, Dr. Zhang told us, although we can’t say that at the current stage seahorses are well protected, but based on his research, more experts will see the importance of seahorses. Though this, more research will be focusing on seahorses in the future. Furthermore, as technology and information advance, the protection of seahorses will be more perfected. This point-to-point approach on the protection of one animal will also be more effective in protecting our shallow sea ecosystems in the future.


DEVY – The new workplace assistant

Incorporating technology into our lives has become commonplace now. Most people are familiar with Siri or Alexa, two iconic conversational tools that can do small things like play a song to something more physical like turning off the lights. But what if there was similar technology that could help you with your everyday job?

Picture from Wix

Conversational Development Assistant

Computer science student Nick Bradley came up with an idea of a conversational development assistant (CDA) while in the midst of his everyday code work. His master’s thesis was on the feasibility and also practicality of such a device. He noticed that the majority of his time and effort was spent on small details, very tedious and what he describes as “grunt work”. It took away from the higher end and more difficult portions of his coding work. Bradley decided to experiment with a technology-based assistant that would essentially do the “grunt work” so he could focus on other aspects and not worry about it. And so DEVY was born, diagram shown below:

Picture from Amazon website

Don’t be confused by the picture, it actually is Amazon’s Alexa. However Bradley was able to program DEVY into the device, using Alexa as a medium and therefore obviating the need to create a new conversational platform from scratch.

Uses of DEVY

Bradley primarily created DEVY for software engineers and coders. Bradley however sees DEVY going way beyond the field of software and coding. There are applications of DEVY in the legal field, perhaps with helping lawyers search case files or in the medical field, notifying physicians of any conflicting medication orders. An example of what can be done with DEVY and its future potential is shown in the video below:

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Video by SO Project Group 1

The application to medicine is particularly interesting as drug informatics is actually one of the leading causes of medical issues in healthcare settings. Technology company Nuance describes the applicability of conversational software assistants in hospitals on their website here.

Invasion of technology?

A major concern about technological developments like DEVY is that we are incorporating too much technology into our lives. People have expressed concerns of conversation AI (artificial intelligence) like Siri or Google constantly listening in and secretly sending consumer information to their home company. These sorts of conversational assistants could indirectly be breaching our privacy and confidentiality. Our group discusses this in more detail and describe why this issue is not a concern with DEVY in our following podcast: 

Podcast recorded by SO Project Group 1

Future for Devy

The plans for DEVY as described is for it to branch out into job industries and help people of all professions with the daily work. The thing to keep in mind is that DEVY is no substitute for an actual person, it is not meant to replace actual people. DEVY is meant to be an assistant on the side that essentially allows you to be more productive and time-efficient with your work.

From sea to table: a series of unfortunate events

With an abundance of local marine life within arm’s reach, Vancouver has endless seafood options varying from Pajos fish and chips to fresh oysters at the Blue Water Cafe! While enjoying this variety of seafood, have you ever wondered how these fish end up on your dinner plate?

Different fishing gear types are used depending on the size, weight, and location of the fish that is being caught.  Although all gear types impact the ocean to some extent, the degree of impact varies!

Image of Pajos fish and chips at the Steveston wharf. Image: are you gonna eat that

Uncovering the impacts

To learn about the global use of fishing gear types and its associated consequences, we reached out to Tim Cashion a research assistant at The Sea Around Us research initiative at the University of British Columbia.

The Sea Around Us research initiative previously reconstructed global annual catches; however, it did not account for small-scale fishing (fishing for survival) and discarding (unwanted catches thrown back into the ocean). Cashion and his team utilized this prior work as well as analysis of more recent fisheries annual reports to reconstruct a database that accounts for all global marine catches, including: industrial fishing (fishing for profit), small-scale fishing, landings (catches of fish brought back to ports), and discards.

The most common gear types

Bottom trawling – the most destructive but widely used industrial gear type -involves dragging a large net across the ocean floor. The nets are held open by steel poles which detach coral from the ocean floor. This is detrimental to fish because corals serve as essential habitats for spawning and protection from predators.

Conversely, purse seining involves setting a purse-like net into the ocean and pulling it closed to trap schools of fish! This method is less destructive and more effective as it catches up to 99% of the species that the gear is intended to catch.

A video of common fishing gear types used in small-scale and industrial fisheries:

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Video: wonderfulblossoms

Unintentional catch

Although fishing gears are skillfully constructed, they are not perfectly selective! For instance, bottom trawl nets catch every life form that it encounters. Consequently, fish of the wrong species are often caught and thrown back into the ocean in their dying state. If these perfectly good fish entered the market then the price of fish would be cheaper! Who doesn’t like to save money?

Image result for fishing damage

Image of a sea turtle entangled in a net. Image: Doug Helton

Importance of the reconstructed database

The reconstructed database allows fisheries scientists to evaluate the risk of overexploitation of some species. Furthermore, this information will help improve fisheries management and ensure that fish populations do not decline overtime due to fishing practices.

A podcast discussing the major impacts of fishing gear types is linked below.

By: Jack Bae, Sami Ko, Alex Ponomarev, and Jodie Xie

Eruption Incoming: Sound Waves Help Scientists Predict Volcanic Eruptions

A Precautionary Tale

If you’re like most people, the words “volcanic eruption” probably spark fear into your mind: rumbling earthquakes, hot lava, and volcanic ash likely aren’t something you want to encounter. Luckily, a recent discovery allows scientists to accurately predict volcanic eruptions, keeping people safe both on the ground and during air travel.

Warning System at Work

Geophysicist Maurizio Ripepe has made a historical achievement by discovering a method for detecting volcanic eruptions before they happen. Ripepe’s system, which is the first in the world to successfully predict volcanic eruptions, is currently in use at Mount Etna, Europe’s largest active volcano. The warning system, which relies on vibrations made by sounds too low for humans to hear, alerts authorities near Mount Etna about an hour before the eruption will take place. Since its beginnings in 2010, the warning system has successfully predicted 57 out of the 59 eruptions that have taken place at Mount Etna.

File:Etna Volcano Paroxysmal Eruption October 26 2013 - Creative Commons by gnuckx (10491835855).jpg

Eruption at Mount Etna that took place in October 2013. Source: Wikimedia Commons


How Does it Work?

The warning system devised by Ripepe relies on infrasound waves, which are extremely low vibrations that are produced by volcanoes before an eruption. As gas rises out of a volcano’s magma before an eruption, it causes air movement within the craters, producing sound waves. Much like a musical instrument, the shape of the craters affects the kinds of sounds that are produced. These infrasound waves are then detected by the warning system, indicating that an eruption will happen soon. At Mount Etna, which is an open-vent volcano, the exposed magma provides plenty of gases to produce the infrasound waves that alert the warning system. Volcanoes with closed vents make early detection a little more difficult – a challenge scientists are continuing to tackle.

Video describing an infrasound detection system. Source: CTBTO


Looking to the Future

The success of Ripepe’s warning system at Mount Etna has paved the way for many more advancements in predicting volcanic eruptions. Scientists believe similar technology can be applied to volcanoes around the world, even those with different structures than Mount Etna. Although volcanoes still pose a threat to human safety, hopefully we’ll be able to rest a little easier knowing that warning systems can help people stay safe.

Does Not Wearing Glasses Mean Contact Lenses for Life?

“Why don’t you try contact lenses,” my optometrist offered when I told him I hated my glasses. This is a more common situation than not. I hated spending $200 on glasses each time I wanted to change my style, which is already on the lower end of the price range. Similarly, getting contacts would mean spending up to $1200 a year! Thus, are contact lenses the only solution to glasses?


A pair of stylish glasses.                                        Credit: Max Pixel

I am sure you have heard of the term myopia and presbyopia or even astigmatism. These are all different types of refractive errors; a condition where the shape of your eye does not bend light properly. With the introduction of refractive surgery, the eye care scene grew drastically with new methods to correct refractive errors through changing the eye’s structures.

Where to Start?

Like any medical procedure, you will arrive for your initial consultation. Your visit will likely begin with the careful investigation of your medical history and countless tests to assess your eye. Then your doctor will discuss the different procedures you are a candidate for. Two of these are LASIK and PRK.

What is LASIK?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis or more commonly known as LASIK, is the most well-known refractive surgery technique.  By using a laser, ophthalmologists form a thin flap in the cornea – a transparent dome covering the outermost layer of the eye – making the removal of a specific amount of corneal tissue possible, before refolding the flap into its original position. This alters the eye’s ability to focus light.

The basic steps on the LASIK procedure.   Credit: Andrearchy LASIK


What is PRK?

Do you enjoy sports or just have a very active lifestyle in general? If so, another type of refractive surgery called photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is perfect for you. In contrast to LASIK, where instead of creating a corneal flap that can become dislodged with intense movement, the doctor will remove the corneal epithelial, which will allow a laser to reshape the deeper cornea.

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Am I Free From Corrective Lenses Now?

It would be pointless if your surgery does not improve your eyesight at all. That’s money down the drain! With any of the procedures, most people end up with 20/40 vision or better. Thus, you can leave your fashionable glasses at home!

Snellen chart to help determine visual acuity.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Laser Correction Sounds Exciting, but Scary!

Unfortunately, there are inherent risks and potential side effects. Over time your eyesight will deteriorate and you might one day need glasses again to see properly. As for the immediate side effects of surgery, there is the rare chance of going blind, but in the hands of an expert surgeon the probability is 1 in 5 million. Instead, the possibility of chronic dry eyes is more worrisome. Thus, as you begin your journey remember to save up some money in advance for artificial tears!

By: Jodie Xie

