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Exciting New UBC Research Could Provide A Cure For Spinal Cord Injuries


Yearly, there are between 250,000 to 500,000 people who suffer a spinal cord injury (SCI) worldwide. In Canada, an SCI will cost on average $1.5 to 3 million per person over their lifetime. Also, people with SCIs are 2 to 5 times more likely to die earlier than a person without an SCI. The significant amount of SCIs and the cost associated with this traumatic event has researchers eager to find a cure, but there has not been a successful solution so far. However, UBC researchers think they may have found a potential solution.

What is The Spinal Cord?

The spinal cord is a column of nerves that runs down the middle of your back. It functions to carry sensory information from your body to your brain, motor signals from your brain to your body and controls an individual’s reflex responses. The spinal cord is an essential part of the human body and allows us to sense and interact with our surrounding environment. Therefore, it can have profound implications when the spinal cord gets damaged. 

Cause of Spinal Cord Injuries

The most common cause for SCIs is from trauma to the back: motor vehicle accidents for younger individuals and falls for those over 65 in the USA. Over 50% of spinal cord injuries occur in individuals between the ages of 16-30 years, with most being males. 

Statistics associated with SCIs show the significance of this injury to society.


UBC researchers just received a $24 million grant for their “Mend the Gap” project working on spinal cord regeneration. The UBC scientist Dr. John Madden leads this project and works with engineers and researchers from Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia. The projects have 32 researchers from many disciplines, including electrical engineers, material chemists, microbiologists, neurobiologists, and neurosurgeons. Dr. Madden and his team hope to have the project completed in seven years. 

UBC’s Mend the Gap teams unimaginable breakthrough in the world of SCI research. Source:  Project Video By UBC Applied Science 

The team’s research aims to use a soft gel containing small magnetic pieces that will help guide and reconnect the nerves damaged in the spinal cord. “Mend the Gap” has had success doing this in an artificial environment and is now working toward how this concept can be applied to the human body. The soft gel can modify itself to perfectly fit different shapes and sizes of gaps within the spinal cord in a non-invasive way. Furthermore, the gel contains medication that could help reduce scar tissue and help speed up the regeneration process. 

The research method has complex procedural steps that rely on the use of a magnetic field. Source:

Importance of the Research 

There are many people with SCIs globally; thus, they have a higher risk of mortality, demonstrating just how important this potentially life-saving research is and the impact it can have. Ultimately, this research has vast potential for impacting the lives of those with SCIs and provides hope for the future of spinal cord injury research.

Does reflection data from MARSIS reflect presence of water on mars?

      One of the questions many people have wondered about at some point or another is the existence of extraterrestrial life. Some answers to what these extraterrestrials life forms would be like are in the form of novels such as The War of Worlds by H.G Wells, in which extraterrestrial life from Mars, Martians, invade Earth.  While The War of Worlds is a fictional work, perhaps Martians are not fictional at all? In a recent article on the Earth and Planetary Science Letters journal, a rather shocking question was asked, has the MARSIS radar detected proof of water on mars? For context, the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding, or MARSIS for short, is an advanced radar attached to a satellite currently orbiting Mars. Recent radar data has shown that odd reflections mimicking the reflections you would find from a scanning of brine water on earth has been found on Mars. Brine water simply means that the water contains salt, so does this mean that water has been found on mars?

 On a news outlet PHYSORG, one of the authors, Stillman, says a ice brine mixture or a brine sediment mixture in the Martian ice cap can mimic the reflection found by MARSIS.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/USGS/SwRI

SwRI scientist helps confirm liquid water beneath Martian south polar cap

Description: The image above shows a proposed rendition of the potential water in the South Pole of Mars.

The science behind the claims.

In the recent article titled “Assessing the role of clay and salts on the origin of MARSIS basal bright reflections” , it is stated that the bright basal (bottom layer) reflections detected by the MARSIS radar at the south pole of Mars are similar to scans of earth’s subglacial waters. As the temperature at these locations on Mars are colder than 200K , or negative 73 degrees Celsius, any water found at this temperature is surely frozen, thus any water is in liquid form as a salt solution, or in other words, salt water. Hydrous minerals (minerals containing water) and salts have been found in rocks on Mars ranging back decades, from meteorites and orbital/lander observations. Thus the fact these minerals/salts are known to fragment and otherwise be destroyed allowing them to be spread around as dust means that they will be present in the water ice at the polar caps, such as the southern pole that we discussed earlier.

A beautiful frozen salt water on the beach of baltic sea. ice formations in  winter. landscape with sea and ice. | CanStock

Description: A picture of frozen salt water on earth in the form of ice on the baltic sea, a similar version is proposed to be hiding underneath the South Pole on Mars by Stillman.

Licence: CanStockPhoto

The heartbreaking conclusion

Through analysis of the dielectric properties, or the ability to have electrons move through the material (thus affecting scans by how reflective they are), Stillman and his colleagues have demonstrated that these well known water containing minerals and clays are not the reason for the reflection found at the southern pole. The revelation of the material responsible for the reflection however is not the sensational discovery everyone had wished it to be. It has been concluded that water is not the identity of the mysterious reflections as at these temperatures (-73 Celsius) where water is completely and totally frozen, reflection from water is actually not that high, instead, the conclusion is that a magnesium and chlorine brine or calcium chlorine brine (In the form of perchlorate) is the true inhabitant of the southern poles of mars. So sadly, there still is no science backing the existence of water on Mars.

File:Magnesium perchlorate hexahydrate.jpg

License: Wikipedia Commons

Description: Magnesium Perchlorate, one of two brines proposed as the true resident underneath the South Pole in Mars.

-Jonathan Hao


The Renaissance of Magic Mushrooms!

What do you think of when you hear magic mushrooms, otherwise known as psychedelic or medicinal mushrooms? Do you think of hippies protesting wars? Or high teenagers walking through the woods talking about how “trippy” the trees are? I bet you don’t see a therapist office with a licensed therapist and physician guiding a patient through a powerful psychedelic experience. However, this is precisely where the field of psychedelic research is heading.

Psilocybin, the active compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, is a powerful hallucinogenic that can cause numerous physical and psychological effects in the user. The potential physical effects include numbness, dry mouth, exaggerated reflexes and more. However, it is the psychological effects that make psilocybin a potential therapeutic drug for depression. Psilocin, a psilocybin metabolite, acts on serotonin receptors in the brain, increasing the hormone serotonin. This effect is similar to that of SSRIs, the most commonly used drug for depression. Unlike SSRIs, though, psilocybin has another property that helps combat depression; it increases communication across networks in the brain. This allows for a state of unstrained cognition that helps users resist depressive patterns by assisting the brain in building new neural connections.

Image showcasing the brain connections of a person on psilocybin (b) versus a person taking a placebo (a) Credit: Science Alert

The John Hopkins Center for Psychedelics and Consciousness Research leads the way in psychedelic research. The university hosted a clinical trial into psychedelic mushrooms as a treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). In this study, participants went through two psilocybin sessions four weeks apart in the context of supportive psychotherapy. Of the 24 participants in the trial, 17 (71%) saw an improvement in their MDD and 13 (54%) were considered in remission after 4 weeks. See the two videos below to hear Roland Griffiths talk about his research and this study and a participant speak about his experience.

YouTube Preview Image The video covers the experience of an individual that was participating in the study and their experience with psilocybin. Video Credit: John’s Hopkins Media Team

YouTube Preview Image The Video covers the motivation behind studying psilocybin as a treatment option for Major Depressive Disorder and the experience of carrying out the experiment. Video Credit: John’s Hopkins Media Team

Although the research into psilocybin as a treatment for depression seems like new, breakthrough research, it is actually a rediscovered field. In the 1960s and 1950s, hundreds of studies were done on the use of LSD and psilocybin as therapeutic agents. However, the association between these drugs and counterculture killed the research in this field until recently. In the past few years, there have been hundreds of studies published each year on psilocybin as a treatment for numerous mental health disorders: PTSD, addiction, and anxiety, along with depression. The renaissance we are experiencing into using psilocybin and other psychedelic compounds as treatment for mental health disorders could help millions of people as the prevalence of these disorders continues to rise.


The Development of Bacteria Eating Plastics

Discovery of plastics

A century ago, the discovery of plastics brought the convenience of a strong and affordable structure. However, finding something so strong and easily disposable creates environmental concerns. Science is rapidly developing to accommodate issues caused by the developments. Science has now permitted the development of bacteria to decompose the plastics that have long contaminated Earth. Using bacteria to destroy plastics may be a long-term sustainable way to preserve the planet.

Plastics and their damage

Plastics are continuing to plague and damage Earth’s environment. Single-use plastics are wasteful and environmentally unfriendly. More than 8.3 billion tons of plastics were manufactured since the 1950s, and over 60% have been buried in landfills. Plastic waste ends up in rivers, dumps, and oceans. Plastics harm aquatic life, increase disease spread, and may lie in waste for centuries. Scientifically, there needs to be a method to destroy PET’s (Polyethylene terephthalate). PET’s common uses include water bottles and plastic containers, many of which are consumed once then immediately disposed of. PET’s are not biodegradable.


The chemical composition of PET allows bacteria to decompose the structure. The bacteria are capable of decomposing the polyester bond. The C, H, and O bonds are capable of being decomposed by the bacteria.

Bacteria: a solution?

In March 2016, there was a breakthrough scientific discovery. Japanese scientists found that bacteria could consume PET plastics. The idea of bacteria eating plastics empowers the thought of opening industry scale to demolish plastics. The plastic-eating bacteria could open doors to many other forms of waste that would end up in landfills. In 2017, the fungus Ideonella Sakaiensis was seen to be able to decompose plastics. In 2020, strains of bacteria were seen as capable of eating polyurethane plastics.

YouTube Preview Image


Researchers and industry are far from determining measures to implementing bacteria that will safely and quickly decompose plastics. Further research must be done to seek if the measures are truly environmental. There are unknowns of the side effects of bacteria decomposing plastic. There are uncertainties if toxins to the environment will harm the environment in the long run. Moreover, the rate of decomposition of plastics is currently too slow. There needs to be genetic engineering for faster industrial processes.

Source: Beautiful News Daily

The different forms of bacteria decompose different plastics. Bacteria mainly break down Polyurethane, and bacterial enzymes mainly break down Polyethylene. Mealworms are capable of decomposing Polystyrene. These are all plastics that contaminate the planet.

Developments moving forward

Scientists are currently working on implementing the enzymes of bacteria to break down plastics at a rate six times faster than the current rate. Recently, 12000 new enzymes having the capability of breaking down plastics were discovered. 60% of these newly determined enzymes are unclassified. These enzymes have the potential for industrial use to break down environmentally harmful plastics. With the progress of science, there are many adaptable forms of preserving the environment.