Previous Years Reports

Fall 2022

Claire Huang, Dylan Painter, Rushil Punchhi, Ying Qi Wen

SeQR: Secure Online QR Reader
Justin Yeh, Lei Feng, Ryoh Cuahutle-Tanaka
Kevin Zhang, Lance Holland, Matthew Memme, and Nick Hamilton
Security Analysis of a Satellite-Ground Segment System” (Second best analysis project)
Harmeeta Dahiya, Samuel Maunsell, Jeremy Ng, Aswin Sai Subramanian
Security Analysis of of Ghost Box” (Best Analysis ProjectSecond best presentation)
Grant Li, Nicolas Zheng, Han Cho, Phoenix Liu
Design of Blockchain-Based Chat App
Clarence Adrian, Cody Li, Jacky Le, Jayant Bhardwaj
You Shall Not Pass!” (Second best design projectSecond best videoclipBest presentation)
Sarah Bornais, Alyssa da Costa, Madeline Ferguson, Anna Wang
Account Verification for IT Departments
Eric Liu, Long (Luke) Nguyen, Sebastian Gonzalez, Weining Wu
PassGate” (Best Design Project, Most holistic approach to security engineering)
Daniel Yang, David Chernis, Jaron Sander, Paul McDade, Victor Garvalov
Farewell Remote Ghostakers” (Best videoclip)
Taehee Choi, Shuge Luo, Wayne Wang, and Tommy Zhang
SoundProof 2FA” (Second most holistic approach to security engineering )
Grace Wong, Justin Ang, Tan Rui Quan, Timothy Teh
Fall 2021

ImageSecure” (Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering)
Ankit Mittal, David Onak, Anikesh Gupta, Orion Yuen

Ayan – Blockchain Based Voting System
Alex Lu, Yixin Qian, Andi Xiong, Ningfeng Yang

Enhancing Privacy of Shipping Labels — “ShiPrivate
Chenhao Xu, Jackson Dagger, Joshua Kim, And Sanjeev Krishnan

TrustSMS – Trust-Based SMS Filtering System” (Best Design Project)
Manik Dialani, Thomas Lapadat, Odin Mebesius, Preet Shah

Max Conti, Jungwook Jang, Michael Liu, and Jingyang Sun

JILY: Enhancement of Food Delivery Applications using Asymmetric Encryption
Ian Choy, Jean Syjueco, Lam Hoang, And Yash Sardhara

FastScan: Accelerated Vaccination Status Verification
Dhruv Patel, Patrick Huang, Luqman Hakim Ab Ghani, Janahan Dhushenthen

COVID Xposure
Michael Fu, Vicki Fu, Nima Nasiri, Jackson Xie

SOMEdrive Thumbdrive” (Second Best Design Project, Second Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering)
Brandon Chan, David Fong, Mario Slongo, Naomi Chen

PepperPass: An Alternative Password Manager
Andrew Chan, Jacob Grossbard, Maxine Yee, And Tony Lee

Fall 2020

ShareSafe: Secure File Transfer App for Android and Windows
Artur Danilenko, Sunny Zhang, Tiffany Tang

UBC Mattermost Analysis Project
Kelvin Koon, Peter Kim, Ryan Lee, Vincent Chua

Fawaz Ahmed, Joel Ritter, Josh French, Max Johnson

Design of PassBook: Secure Local Storage of Encrypted Passwords
Adam Dixon, Ben Harder, Harrison Turley, Maya Painter

Alex Ponomarev, Jason Song, Michelle Huh, Ryan Kwon

First Impression Password Manager
Andy Luu, Connor Fong, Elijah Hewer, Oliver Zhang

Reverd Phone Scam Stopper Analysis and Improvement
David Berard, Johnny Ma, Khalil Safar, Matthew Schwab

Secure Asynchronous Bikeshare Protocol
Evan Zhang, Laura Rodgers, Shay Tanne, Tyler Steele

PlaceSpeakWeb Application Security Analysis
Amy Liu, Shreyans Kulshrestha, Tung Le, Wilson Gee

Fall 2019

Designing a Secure Keyless Car Entry System
Kyle Martin, Martin Eccleston, Nicholas Koh, and Nico Chan

Analysis of the qTox Application and the c-toxcore Library (Best Analysis Project)
David Liang, Frank Tai, Jack Guo, Matthew Berends 

FraudBuster: A New Way to Handle Phone Scams
Mike Martinescu, Ali Mohamed, Pasindu Muthukuda, Kevin Tabouguia

Security Analysis of TU, A Generic Public Services Mobile App
Harshmeet Arora, Lilli Freischem, Lorenzo De Bernardini, Prayansh Srivastava

Threshold Chat
David zhang, Corwin Shanner, Laura Rodgers, Darren Whiteside

Design of a Password Analysis Tool to Improve Average User Security
Andrew Choi, Mark Chen, Alexander Ho, Zachary Chua

Evo Carshare: Carnapping Prevention and Detection
Lisa O’Brien, Katrina Tan, Polly Tang, Kristopher Wu

ProSe: A Private Blockchain Service for Digital Intellectual Property Protection(Best Design Project, Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering)
Alison R. Wu, Gordon Yeh, Paul A. Wang, Timothy Cheng

Security Analysis of Interia” (Second Best Analysis Project)
Natthan Leong, Lucy Zhao, Mason Duan, Stefan Jauca

Padl – Secrets Management for Dummies Design Project(Second Best Design Project)
Adriano Sela Aviles, Felipe Ballesteros, Christian Neufeld, Israel Trujillo Quintero

Keypad Entry System(Second Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering)
Ben Genaghan, Scott Wang, Austine Yapp, Mike Yue

Fall 2016

Analysis of Coastline Market Web Application
Abrar Musa, Matas Empakis, Vincent Chan, Yves Chan

Analysis of Opportunitree Emplotment Service (Second Best Presentation)
Nina Rajic, Steven Wallace, Bojan Stefanovic, Nicholas Handaja

Analysis of Tapicnic Online Ordering App

Grace Liang, Mark Sayson, Radu Nesiu, Siyuan He

Analysis of GridGear Solutions’ Smart Meter & Web Application System (Best Analysis Project, Best Presentation, Best Videoclip)
Connie Ma, Derek Chan, Jake Larson, Pascal Turmel

File Access Control with SMS and Fingerprint
Andrew Chen, Bryan Major, David Kuo

Implementation of Two-Factor Authentication with U2F (Best Design Project, Second Most Holistic Approiach to Security Engineering)
Alex Charles, Jay Dahiya, Jason Jang, Bibek Kaur

Design of Burn Chat
Geoff Shaw, Tanner Graham, Michael Adria, Weijun Qiu

Design of Expiring Barcodes (Second Best Design Project, Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering, Second Best Videoclip)
Red Kernel Garsuta, Jae Yeong Bae, Matthew Mackenzie, Anni Wang

“Analysis of System X” (Second Best Analysis Project)
Paulo Lima, Jonathan Lui, Maryam Mohammadzadeh, Graham St-Laurent

Analysis of Rallyteam
Emmett Tan, Harris Lin, Irene Chen, Kaibo Ma

Analysis of Android Applications
Andrew Lam, Caleb Kwan, James Tu, Saurabh Vishwakarma

2015 — to be provided
2014 — to be provided
2013 — to be provided
Fall 2012
Design of Software-based Pseudo-random Number Generator Third Best Design Project
Joey Liu, Leon Yu, Aobo Yu, Braulio Chavez
What’s Up With WhatsApp
Simon Mo, Adama Ode, Avi Kumar, Nathan Cheung
Rogue Access Point and WiFi Phishing
Kevin Shiah, Changhoon Baek, Andrew Yoon
Usability Analysis of the Personal Firewall in Mac OS X Lion
Edward Budiman, Surya Adi Jaya, Jane Lau, Marlow Payne
Security Analysis of EYEZ-ON EnvisaLink 2DS Module for Networked Home Alarm SystemSecond Best Analysis Project, Second Best Video of the Project
Brian Lau, Joanne Chow, Steven Chow, Yolanda Qian
Analysis of HID iCLASS Security SystemBest Analysis Project, Most Holisitc Approach to Security Engineering
Shirley Gong, Edward Han, Yonatan Indrajaya, Nathaniel Sham
Security Analysis of Translink’s Pass System
David Adomat, Ian Cheng, Malavika Mantripragada, Joshua Shelley
A security analysis of the pay-for-printing system deployed at a UBC libraryBest Presentation
Anuj Mehta, Denis Abalakov, Dhruv Raturi, Audun Lie Indergaard
Password GamificationBest Design Project, Third Best Presentation
Peter Cheung, Peter Yeung, Crystal Ng
A password-less login systemSecond Best Design Project
Craig Penner, Nick Adams, Peter Schuurman
Facebook Security Analysis
Allister MacLean, Victor de Lima Soares, Gabriel Parreiras
Security Analysis of the Richmond Public Library Login SystemHonorable Mention
Timothy Tang, Tony Cheng, Vinson Yu, Ken Hu
Analysis of the Security of Gift CardsBest Video of the Project, Second Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering
Nor Bainin Khairudin, Kevin Li, Lap Kiu Li, Calvin Ng
Security Analysis of the ECE Account Login System Third Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering
Catherine Wang, Edmond Louie, Preethal Fernandes, Richard Hsu
PayByPhone Mobile Platform AnalysisSecond Best Presentation, Third Best Analysis Project, Third Best Video of the Project
Mark Duppenthaler, Keith N. Lee, Shruti Shruti, Cary Wong
Free Data: DNS Loopholes in GSM Practices
Adrian Lindsay, Nick Chow, David Slater, Ben Jeffery
Fall 2010

Analysis of PHP Obfuscation Software clip
Joel Beales, Karl Campbell, Janina Fedjko

Security Analysis of phpBB clip
Matt Fong, Herman Lee, Chih-Hao Lin, David Yue

Security Analysis on and Livecast clip
Dillon Yo-Kang Yang, Nick Hanssmann, Tsung-Ying Tsai, Chia-En Pan

Analysis on the Effectiveness of Safe Browsing Servicesclip most holistic approach to security engineering!
Frankie Angai, Calvin Ching, Isaiah Ng, Cameron Smith

Phishing on Facebookclip

Tarek Amin, James An, James Lu, Oseghale Okhiria

Rogue Access Points clip

Moses Chan, Rob O’Dwyer, Steve Powell, Marie Elise Desormeaux Leowski

Windows Live Messenger Voice Chat Security Analysis clip

Christopher Eng, Derick Hsieh, Joong Kang, Cheng (Oscar) Hou

Security Analysis of Verrus Pay-by-Phone clip

Paul Chiu, Tayler Hetherington, Alvin Lam, Ryan Jung

Keystroke Biometric Keyboard clip
Victor Tsang, Jovi Wong, Sanduni Patikiriarachchi, Nathan Comstock

An Analysis on Google Chrome clip

Alfred Lam, Tony Lei

Paper De-shredderclip best design project!

Hei Wang Chan, Evan Gillespie, Delfino Leong

Security Analysis of the i>clicker Audience Response System clip best analysis project! best presentation!

Derek Gourlay, Yuan Sunarto, Yik Lam Sit, Tian-Cheng Wang

Fall 2009

Using GPUs for the offline bruteforce password attacks

Ildar Muslukhov

Focused Social Networking Crawler video clip of the project on YouTube second most holistic approach to security engineering!
Alice Leung, Roven Lin, Jesse Ng and Philip Szeto

Security Analysis of Terra video clip of the project on YouTube second best presentation!
Adnan Jiwani, Arash Malekzadeh, Neeraj Prashar, Cloud Shao Web Application Security Analysis video clip of the project on YouTube
Maxime Perreault, David Rosberg, Peter Vautour, David Wang

Security Analysis of Online Gambling Systems video clip of the project on YouTube second best analysis project!
Milad Mesbah, Nima Hosseinikhah

Attacks on WPA2-Enterprise video clip of the project on YouTube
Neil Gentleman, William Wong, Insoo Kwon, Yan Yau (Keith) Kam

Delta Force Cobra Strike Secure SMS video clip of the project on YouTube best design project!
James Brotherston, Colin Hilchey, Kelvin Tsui, George Wang

Security Analysis of RF Technology in Electric Garage Doors video clip of the project on YouTube
Calvin Chang, Ernest Chu, Erie Okada, Williams Lin

Security Analysis of Craig’s List video clip of the project on YouTube
Bryan Lengle, Mathew Sam, Jiyan Lam, Adrian Lee

Security Analysis of video clip of the project on YouTube
Frank Ip, Ken Ho, Jonathan Wong, Jonathan Chau

Analysis of Smart Card Laundry System best presentation! best analysis project!
Jon Lee, Niel Paul, Choon-Sean (Steven) Cheong, Dicky Bratawijaya

A Study on SSL Warning Effectiveness video clip of the project on YouTube most holistic approach to security engineering!
Ildar Muslukhov, Andreas Sotirakopoulos, Levi Stoddard

Fall 2008

An Analysis of the Vulnerabilities of the UBC RFID Parking System
by Timothy Chiu, Tim Ren, Kattie Tay, Evelyn Tsai

Security Analysis of Vancouver’s Pay-by-Phone Metered ParkingBest Analysis Project

by Chris Lee, Benjamin Wai, James Wang, Leo Wong

Formal Verification of an M-Commerce Authentication Protocol
by Sara Motiee

A Security Analysis of XSS Vulnerabilities in Reunion.comMost holistic approach to security engineering

by Edwin Jaury, Onn Tai Yong, Samir Gupta, Yan Chiu

Improving the Usability and Security of WPA-based Wireless NetworksBest Design Project

by Albert Chen, Henry Lam, Zhiyong Cheng

Unicode Password System
by Mavaddat Javid, David Chan, Tony Wong, Jaques Clapauch

Design of a Location-Based Authentication System for Satellite TV Systems
by Corry Yang, Kevin Uribe and Chris Pang

Usability Analysis of Sophos Antivirus
by Jacky Cheung, Stanley Li, Alex Totolici, Patrick Zheng

Security analysis of Sophos Update Mechanisms
by Marco Gonzalez, Jeffrey Herron, Zita Hiu Kit Wong, Ge (Grace) Yu

Improving protection of iBib web application against SQL injection attacks
by Jordan Chiou, Reuben Heredia, Mohammed Taher, Alexander Tse

Speculative Authorizations
by Pranab Kini

Software Piracy Security
by Peter Ciszak, Nathan Tai, Jack Lai Best Presentation

Fall 2007
A Pattern-Matching File Fuzzer for Windows
by Lane Feltis, Natalie Silvanovich, Neema Teymory
Security Analysis of Web Applications
by William Ha, Phoebe Hsu, Je-Yu Lee, Cheng Jeffrey Qian

 Robust Audio Steganography using Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Technology
by Wei Qin Cheng, Fei Han, Man Juon Tung, Kai Xu

Suplimentary material: sample audio file without hidden data, sample audio file with hidden data

Classification of SQL Injection Attacks
by Sheung Lau, Stephen Liu, San-Tsai Sun, Ting han Wei
Mac OS X Malware Vulnerabilities
by Misha Grebenyuk, Albert Sodyl, Byron Thiessen, Sijia Wang 
Design of a Simple, Distributed Network Access Control System
by David Boen, Victor Chan, Daniel Dent, Andrew Hung Yao Tjia
Security Analysis of Microsoft Notification Protocol
by Jason Poon, Oliver Zheng
Rogue Access Points and UBC’s Wi-Fi Network
by Arunkumar Chebium, Pawittar Dhillon, Kaveh Farshad, Farhan Masud
Analysis of Palm-Vein Biometric
by Thomson Lai, Bosco Lee, Frankie Shum, Kenneth Wong
A two-Factor Authentication System using Mobile Devices to Protect against Untrusted Public Computers
by Abdullah Alqattan, Nima Kaviani, David Lewis, Nicholas Pearson
Role of Computer Security in Identity Theft
by Charanjit Dhanoya, Chendursundaran Kumaragurubaran, Joey Ting
Large Scale Research on Password Practicies
by Joaquin Valdez
Security Analysis of the UBC Card
by Carlos Colon-Vonarx, Taivo Evard, Noriel Rilloma
Usability of Windows Vista Firewall: A Laboratory User Study
by Pouyan Arjmandi Rafsanjani, Robert Boeck, Fahimeh Raja, Ganapathy Viswanathan
Usability Study of Vista’s Firewall Using Respondent Methods
by Gaurav Agashe, Pooya Jaferian, Faraaz Shamji, Steven Yu
Spring 2007
Cracking Advanced Access Content System (AACS), Winner of: Best Presentation! and Best Analysis Project!
Daniel Dmytriw, Neale Genereux, Michael Gujral, Abhishek Valaboju
Software Cracks
Ankit Jain, Jason Kuo, Jordan Soet, Brian Tse
Security Analysis of Online Bibliography System – iBib
Owen Yang, Alice Ho Yu Au-Yeung, Hootan Ziyaeimatin, Florence Tabamo
An Analysis of Vulnerabilities of Iris Scanning Personal Authentication
Michael Kang, Oscar Plag
Mobile Code Security
Jason Kwan, Justine Lu, Safinaaz Rawji, Sophie Ke
Gnutella Peer-to-Peer Security, Winner of: Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering!
Gurpreet Dosanjh, Brody Lodmell, Alexander Van Der Star, Shane Wang
Risk Analysis of MacLeod and Kaiser Buildings
Andre Gagne, Raymond (Kinwai) Lo, Ireti Fakinlede, Gary Tu
Analysis of SMS Spamming Solutions
Jue Ni, Vincy Tang, Wynne Lui
Security Enhancements to Distributed Directory
Tik Ning Cheung, Jeannie Li, Henry Ng
Design of a Data Hiding Application Using Steganography, Winner of: Best Design Project!
Armin Bahramshahry, Hesam Ghasemi, Anish Mitra, Vinayak Morada
The Analysis of the Security of the Octopus Smart-Card E-Cash System
Andrew Lee, Timothy Lui, Bryon Leung
Key Logging of a Wireless Keyboard
Willian Ha, Eric Ma, Antony Mbugua, Dickson Poon
Fall 2005
Analysis of Bluetooth Security,
Stefanie Ho, Brian Ng, Frank Wu, Justin Kwong
PC Security using Biometrics,
Kit Mun Chan, Ana Pop, Shadi Safarkhah, Gurpreet Virdi
Best Analysis Project
Analysis of FairPlay Digital Rights Management Scheme in Apple’s iTunes Music Store,
Aaron Franks, Stephen LaRoy, Michael Wood, Michael Worth
Access Control List in Operating Systems,
Edmund Law, Spencer Shek, Kevin Wong, Cindy Zhu
Digital Watermarking,
Orion Winkelmeyer, Abbas Mehdi, Patrick Lam, Nima Kamoosi
Improvement of Steganography in TCP Timestamp,
Patrick Lee, Dan Anderson
Security Analysis of FOB installation at ECE and CS,
Justin Fu, Steven Tse, Gavin Yip, Christina Young
Analysis of FOB Access Control Management System,
Gregory Mason, Nikolay Nikiforov, Rupert To, Kevin White
Analysis and Design of a Smartcard Transit Security System,
Tim Kinisky, Colleen Qin, Mike Hewitt, Derek Kwei
Best Presentation
Simulation of Secondary and Approximate Authorization Recycling,
Kyle Zeeuwen
TOR-Anonymous Internet Communication System,
Miljan Cabrilo, Gordon Jesso, Katayon Radkhah, Ivan Tsui
Design and Analysis of a Noise-Based Random Oracle,
Albert Wang, Jeff Gebert, Paul Davis
Best Design Project & Most Holistic Approach to Security Engineering
Fall 2004
Analysis of Wireless Key Management and Proposal,
Michael Kwan, Andrew Ong and Derrick Yeung
Security Analysis of the UBC Wireless Network,

Li-Heng Lin, Chun Yue Gordon Wong, and Jeanette Sin Mei Tsang

Implementation of Low Cost Security for WLAN Router Networks,
Larix J. Lee, Jason C. Kan, Johnson C. Lee and Michael K. Leung
Security Analysis of Public Wireless Internet Access Points,
Steven Chang, Ben Huang, Victor Lam, Horng Yen
A Security Analysis of UBC Wireless Network,
Wing-Keong Woo, Qiang Wei, Joyce Hsien-Yin Chiang, and Johnson Ming-Che Tsai
Best Analyisis Project, Best Project Report
An Analysis on Spyware Law SB 1436,
Claudia Fong, Wallace Hung, Kartik Markandan
Audio Voice Authentication,
Jacqueline Chow, Janet Tse, and Jeff Tung
Biometric Passports using Facial Recognition,
Ryan Chan, Jason Cheung, and Amy Ha
Best Presentation
Most holistic approach to security engineering
An Analysis and Recommendations for an E-Voting System,
Jeffrey Kler, Ivan Lau,
Aleksandar Milojkovic, Samson Zhao
Development and Implementation of a Secure Instant Messenger for Public Use,
Wesam Darwish, Wing Leung, and Megan Tiedje
Best Design Project
Security for a Two-Way Text Messaging Application,
Kevin Lai, Handika Handoko, Tuan Vo, John Li