EDUC 272 – Class 2 (online)

February 1-24

If you have successfully completed the January Task, you will know which laboratory (one of LAB 1 to LAB 20) on the January EDUC 272 web page you chose. If you have changed your mind about the lab, it is fine. Please send me a message telling me the lab you want to do, and why you changed.

If you have not completed the January Task, you must select one laboratory from LAB 1 to LAB 20 on the January EDUC 272 web page. Please read those labs and choose one now.

Please read the February Task and use the Handouts below to complete the questions.

Handout 2.1 – Generic Lesson Plan Sequence
Handout 2.2 – A Teaching Model
Handout 2.3 – What Not To Do
Handout 2.4 – Secondary Safety

Extra Handout – Basic Lab Skills

3 Responses to EDUC 272 – Class 2 (online)

  1. christopher campbell says:

    Hi all EDUC 272 teachers!
    I have updated the February Task. Good luck with planning your lab!

  2. What is your name? Type it in below
    Abdimahat Ahmed Yusuf
    ID: 92937144
    Mohamed Omar Abdi
    ID: 92970145

    Question 2
    Which lab have you decided to plan this February Task and do and document in the March Task? Write the lab name below. It is fine to change your mind now – just tell me about the change and why.
    The charcoal sausage

    Question 3.1 (1 marks)
    Read Handout 2.1 – Generic lesson planning sequence and look at the lab you have chosen. Write below in simple one-line sentences the sequence by which you will teach the lab lesson. You do not have to follow Handout 2.1 exactly – please only use it as a rough guide.
    Sequence of my lab lesson
    I will introduce and explain the lab activity, then demonstrate the practical and hence engage my students to do the practical then summarize the key points and conclude with assignment.
    Question 3.2 (1 mark)
    We begin this question with a quote:
    “Pedagogical content knowledge is a type of knowledge that is unique to teachers, and is based on the manner in which teachers relate their pedagogical knowledge (what they know about teaching) to their subject matter knowledge (what they know about what they teach). It is the integration or the synthesis of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and their subject matter knowledge that comprises pedagogical content knowledge” (Cochran, 1997).

    Now, look at the steps of your lesson. Are they the same as the steps in your lab?
    If your answer is yes, tell me why in 1-2 sentences (Hint: think of the quote):
    Simply because pedagogical content knowledge is about the integration of what the teacher knows about teaching and what they know about what the teach therefore my steps of my lesson is similar to this quote.

    Question 3.3 (2 marks)
    Read Handout 2.2 – A teaching model from Bruce Gurney. Select two questions from this handout and write them below. These questions should be things you want to work on when you do your lab in March.

     What is the purpose of this learning?
    o (e.g., broad educational goals)

     Do learning activities and learning outcomes fit?


     What instructional strategies might you use?

    o Coaching/tutoring

     What materials and resources are available?

     Will this be a demonstration (one set of equipment/materials) or a student activity (lab or group equipment/materials) needed)?

     What instructional method do I need to employ so as enhance correct concept development sequencing, for instance from simple to complex?
     How effective is the instruction used to the level of the learners?

     What are its consequences? Will it likely:
     Evaluate the student, the instructor, or the program?

     What evidence if focused on to show that learning has taken place?

    Question 3.4 (3 marks)
    Now, look at your answers to Questions 3.2 and Questions 3.3. Think about how you can use your answers to Questions 3.3 to improve your lesson sequence in Questions 3.2 Rewrite your simple lesson sequence with, but explain each step with 1-2 sentences. This is your rough lesson plan.

     Introduction- introduce the lesson by reviewing the previous lesson or ask oral question about the related topics to bring their attention on board

     follow –up from last day’s work: pose an extension question to check understanding
     Discuss homework questions if any

     orientation to new concept: make a connection with previous topics
     Give an overview of how future practical to set the context

     input of new information: display the practical steps on the walls
     Demonstrate the practical
     Media presentation
     Processing of new information: guide the students on how to handle the practical
     Concept mapping

     review and consolidation: summarize key points

     homework assignment: give work to be done at home

     anticipation of next topic

    READING: Handout 2.3 – What not to do; Handout 2.4 – Secondary safety

    Question 4 (0.5 marks)
    Page 1 (Handout 2.1 – What not to do) is a cartoon picture of a science laboratory in a Canadian high school. There are many dangers in this lab. Look at the cartoon and think about what you have noticed in schools in Dadaab when students are doing laboratory work. Identify five dangers you need to pay attention to as a science teacher.

     sitting on chemical containers
     Students standing during the laboratory work
     Tabs left running
     Students drinking or eating within the laboratory
     Students playing and hugging each other during the lab session
     drinking or tasting any substances

    Question 5 (0.5 marks)
    Now, read the Handout 2.2 – Secondary safety (page 18). Can you think of more dangers that you missed in Question 4? List 5 relevant to your school lab.

     lack of qualified first aid worker
     inhaling dusts in the lab
     likelihoods of lacking medical aid
     Always cut away from yourself and others when using a knife or razor blade.
     Wear proper safety protection as instructed by teacher.
     Always ask your teacher if you do not understand.

    Question 6 (1 mark)
    Now, read the Handout 2.2 – Secondary safety (pages 21-24) and visit your school. List the safety equipment that you have at your school below.
     Fire extinguisher
     Gass mask
     Gloves
     Goggles
     Lab court
     Safety boots
     First aid kit

    Question 7 (1 mark)
    Now, read the Handout 2.2 – Secondary safety (pages 25-28). Write 5-6 sentences about a first-aid incident that involved students in your school during school hours. What happened? What was the injury? What was the first aid response?
    A student cut himself when I was carrying out biology practical on specimen on temporary slide on onion cells, the student here cut himself accidently as he was struggling to remove epidermis from the onion, the student shed blood, other students gathered to support the casualty, then immediately I sighted the incidence I instructed other students to be settle and got a first aid kit, put gloves on my hands, therefore washed the injury with spirit and antiseptic disinfectant(chlorimide) hence dressed with a blaster.


    SECTION II Questions

    READING: Handout 2.1 – Generic lesson planning sequence; Handout 2.2 – A teaching model

    Question 1
    What is your name? Type it in below.
    Amina Hassan Abdi

    Question 2
    Which lab have you decided to plan this February Task and do and document in the March Task? Write the lab name below. It is fine to change your mind now – just tell me about the change and why.

    The charcoal sausage

    Question 3

    Question 3.1 (1 marks)
    Read Handout 2.1 – Generic lesson planning sequence and look at the lab you have chosen. Write below in simple one-line sentences the sequence by which you will teach the lab lesson. You do not have to follow Handout 2.1 exactly – please only use it as a rough guide.

     Welcome the students to the lesson.

    Explain what the lesson is going to all about and talk about the safety and precautions of the practical lesson.

    Ask questions regarding their past experience on the lesson.

    Explain and demonstrate how the practical is conducted and function of the apparatus used. Make all the students are observing the experiment.

    Let the students carry out the experiment so that they can understand the lesson very deeply.

    Monitor their actions by moving round the lab to see if the students are carrying out the experiment in the correct order.

    Question 3.2 (1 mark)
    We begin this question with a quote:
    “Pedagogical content knowledge is a type of knowledge that is unique to teachers, and is based on the manner in which teachers relate their pedagogical knowledge (what they know about teaching) to their subject matter knowledge (what they know about what they teach). It is the integration or the synthesis of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and their subject matter knowledge that comprises pedagogical content knowledge” (Cochran, 1997).

    Now, look at the steps of your lesson. Are they the same as the steps in your lab?

    If your answer is yes, tell me why in 1-2 sentences (Hint: think of the quote):

    If your answer is no, then tell me why in 1-2 sentences (Hint: think of the quote):
    The steps in the lab does not show how the teacher should start the lesson direct from the beginning to the last point. The steps in the lab does not indicate the students should do it after the teacher hence the steps in the lab is teacher oriented i.e teacher centered. It doesn’t show whether the students are asking the teacher questions.

    Question 3.3 (2 marks)
    Read Handout 2.2 – A teaching model from Bruce Gurney. Select two questions from this handout and write them below. These questions should be things you want to work on when you do your lab in March.

    What is the purpose of this learning?
    What are the prior knowledge and experiences of the learner?

    How will I introduce the topic (‘the hook’) to establish interest and context?
    • Teacher or learner directed inquiry?

    • What material and resources are available?
    • Will this be a demonstration (one set of equipment/materials) or a student
    activity (lab or group equipment/materials) needed)

    • What instructional strategies might you use?
    Deductive reasoning (involves applying the general principles to explain a particular case)

    Is it integrated with instruction to support learning?
    • Is formative (supporting learning) and summative (measuring achievement) assessment balanced?

    Question 3.4 (3 marks)
    Now, look at your answers to Questions 3.2 and Questions 3.3. Think about how you can use your answers to Questions 3.3 to improve your lesson sequence in Questions 3.2 Rewrite your simple lesson sequence with, but explain each step with 1-2 sentences. This is your rough lesson plan.

     Welcome the students to the lesson. Greet the students and let them know that you care their situations for that day.

    Explain what the lesson is going to all about and talk about the safety and precautions of the practical lesson. This helps the students to prepare themselves psychologically for the lesson and so that they can think and relate their background knowledge with today’s lesson. informing the students on their safety when carrying out the experiment is very important and there will be much less accident.

    Ask questions regarding their past experience on the lesson. This helps the students to understand the lesson deeply since there is a linkage between today’s lesson and their background experiment.

    Explain and demonstrate how the practical is conducted and function of the apparatus used. Make sure all the students are observing the experiment. The students will gain knowledge as the teacher explains the lesson and also how to conduct the experiment alone without any guidance.

    Let the students carry out the experiment so that they can understand the lesson very deeply.Here the students are now doing application of what has been learnt. It helps the student to remember easily because he uses his/her senses.

    Monitor their actions by moving round the lab to see if the students are carrying out the experiment in the correct order. Go round the lab to monitor their activity and make clarifications if the need arise.

    READING: Handout 2.3 – What not to do; Handout 2.4 – Secondary safety

    Question 4 (0.5 marks)
    Page 1 (Handout 2.1 – What not to do) is a cartoon picture of a science laboratory in a Canadian high school. There are many dangers in this lab. Look at the cartoon and think about what you have noticed in schools in Dadaab when students are doing laboratory work. Identify five dangers you need to pay attention to as a science teacher.

    Smoking while in the lab.
    Tasting anything while in the lab and also the use of lab apparatus for drinking.
    Spraying the fire extinguisher when not needed.
    Pouring the chemicals on the working table or the lab sinks.
     Using the chemical cupboard as a ladder to get something on top of it
    Question 5 (0.5 marks)
    Now, read the Handout 2.2 – Secondary safety (page 18). Can you think of more dangers that you missed in Question 4? List 5 relevant to your school lab.

    Always ask your teacher if you do not understand.
    Dispose of broken glasses as your teacher directs.
    always cut away from your self and others when using a nkife or razor blade.
    Listen all instructions and follow them correctly.
    Never remove your goggle during an activity.
    Question 6 (1 mark)
    Now, read the Handout 2.2 – Secondary safety (pages 21-24) and visit your school. List the safety equipment that you have at your school below.

    Lab First Aid Kit.
    Lab coat.
    Waste disposal for glasses.

    Question 7 (1 mark)
    Now, read the Handout 2.2 – Secondary safety (pages 25-28). Write 5-6 sentences about a first-aid incident that involved students in your school during school hours. What happened? What was the injury? What was the first aid response?
    A girl had a cut on the index finger of her left hand when she was in the lab cutting an onion that she was using to do for an experiment. It was a minor cut and the girl came out of the lab then we washed cut. We applied pressure pad firmly on the cut suddenly the bleeding stopped and we allowed the girl to relax for 30 mins.

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