I. Development and Global Health
United Nations Data
World Bank Data
- Data-Catalog (Social, economic, financial, natural resources, environment etc.)
- The Gender Data Portal
- World Development Indicators (WDI) | Africa Development Indicators
- Global Bilateral Migration Database
Maternal and Child Health Data
Demographic and Health Surveys
- Health, HIV, Nutrition etc. – Developing countries: https://dhsprogram.com Extract via: http://statcompiler.com/
Global Health Observatory (GHO)
- SDG health and health-related target indicators: https://www.who.int/gho/en/
- Mortality & Burden of Disease
- Health Equity
II. International Trade
Canada Trade Data
- Trade Statistics
- Trade Agreements
- Trade Profile
- Tariff Profile
- Regional Trade Agreements
- Antidumping Data
Global Antidumping Data
- Article: “Let’s Inject Antitrust Principles into Antidumping Law”
- Global Antidumping Database
World Bank Data
World Trade Organization (WTO) Antidumping Data
- Statistics
- Sector Codes
- Initiations by Sector
Antidumping Sectoral Distribution
Countervailing Sectoral Distribution
Regional Trade Agreements
- Participation Map
- WTO Database
International Trade Centre Data
World Bank Data
- World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS),
- UNCTAD TRAINS Database has detailed tariff level data for 8 digit HS product data for all countries 1989-2014
(MFN tariff, AD, specific duties etc. )
Country Profiles (WTO Data)
- Trade Profiles (trade situation of members, observers and other selected economies)
- Tariff Profiles (market access situation of members, observers and other selected economies)
- Services Profiles (detailed statistics on key infrastructure services (transportation, telecommunications, finance and insurance) for selected economies.
Aid for Trade Profiles (download complete set of profiles)
Time Series Data
Trade Policy Measures
III. Country Level
Chinese Data
- British Columbia Inter-University Research Data Centre
Available datasets:
- Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)
- Ethnic Diversity Survey (EDS)
- General Social Survey (GSS selected cycles)
- Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC)
- National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY)
- National Population Health Survey (NPHS)
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID)
- Workplace and Employee Survey (WES)
- Youth in Transition Survey and the Programme for International Student Assessments (YITS-PISA)