SSHRC Workshop

Posted by in Events, Past Events

The deadline for students to submit their SSHRC applications is approaching! To support EDST students preparing to apply for SSHRC, Dr. Alison Taylor and Dr. Gerald Fallon from EDST are hosting a workshop on September 13, 2017 (Wednesday) aimed at providing students with feedback, and answer any questions related to their applications. The first part of the session will involve looking at successful SSHRC applications, and the second part will involve sharing students’ drafts in process.

Students interested to attend this workshop should bring along their draft applications, and RSVP by September 11, 2017 (Monday).

SSHRC Workshop for EDST Students

Date: September 13, 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Location: PCOH 2012 (Multipurpose Room)