Journals & Publications

Tips on avoiding predatory journals

From time to time, you may receive solicitations for your work by publishers that are relatively unknown in your field. Please be cautious in such situations, and always be aware of where your work is submitted to. Read more about predatory journals in this article by University Affairs.

Journals of interest

Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education / Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation

From the journal website:

“The Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/ Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation (CJNSE/RCJCÉ) is an open access, non-masked, peer-reviewed journal published by graduate students for the dissemination of works by graduate students at Canadian universities. We are bilingual in keeping with Canada’s two official languages, and we honour multiple cultures. We believe in providing a space for students’ voices through scholarly writing and networking.”

International Journal of Education (IJE)

From the IJE website:

“International Journal of Education (IJE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Education. The journal is devoted to the publication of high quality papers on theoretical and practical aspects of Educational research.

The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on Educational advancements, and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Education.”

Taylor & Francis Group

Publications by Taylor & Francis Group include:

  • Pedagogies: An International Journal
  • The Journal of Continuing Higher Education
  • Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: Studies of Migration, Integration, Equity, and Cultural Survival
  • Childhood Education
  • Journal of Research in Childhood Education
  • Gender and Education

UBC INK Journal

From the UBC INK Journal website:

“INK is a non-academic, student-run journal that amasses knowledge from across the disciplines. The journal offers a platform for bright and motivated students to communicate their work in a way that could be understood by someone outside of their realm. It also hosts interdisciplinary discussions on real world problems, and serve as a trampoline for knowledge sharing and collaboration. Our team aims to bring together academic communities from across UBC and beyond at the crossroad of disciplines to enhance sharing, and communication of knowledge. We disseminate innovative thinking that addresses practical issues in society, and we offer students a niche for their ideas as well as involvement in the actual publication process.

This effort will bring together academic communities from across UBC at the crossroad of disciplines to enhance sharing and communication, and democratize knowledge. It will disseminate innovative thinking that addresses practical issues in society and will offer students a niche for their ideas as well as involvement in the actual publication process.”

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