EDST Graduate Students

SSHRC Workshop

Posted by in Events, Past Events

The deadline for students to submit their SSHRC applications is approaching! To support EDST students preparing to apply for SSHRC, Dr. Alison Taylor and Dr. Gerald Fallon from EDST are hosting a workshop on September 13, 2017 (Wednesday) aimed at providing students with feedback, and answer any questions related to their applications. The first part of the session will involve looking at successful SSHRC applications, and the second part will involve sharing students’ drafts in process. Students interested to attend this workshop should bring along their draft applications, and RSVP…read more


The Sam Rocha Duo

Posted by in Events, Past Events

This is a cross posting of an earlier (and exciting) announcement by Dr. Sam Rocha. Do check this out! As the new academic year gets started, please find the attached flier with info on two upcoming dates that my duo will be playing in Kitsilano, at The Wolf and Hound. The first is this Friday, the next is Saturday, Sept 16th, both from 8:30 to 11:30. There is no cover charge and faculty have been invited as well, so perhaps an informal EDST gathering over roots music will help kick…read more


Upcoming gatherings for incoming students!

Posted by in Events, Past Events

On behalf of EDST, graduate advisor Dr. Alison Taylor, and the GAAs, congratulations and a warm welcome to students who have recently joined our community! We would like to invite you to a casual gathering in which we could get to know one another, answer any questions you might have, and discuss how we could best support you as you embark on your academic programme here. There are 2 gatherings: one for Ph.D and Ed.D incoming students, and one for MA and M.Ed students. Light snacks are provided. Please RSVP…read more


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