Group 1

5 thoughts on “Group 1



    I hope this kind of document or element is not stranger or new to us, and it is so helpful to Dadaab context as well as the entire world. Below is a short note and my understanding about Freire sentiments.

    Hope and hopelessness:

    Hope is shared between teachers and students and Freire argues that hopelessness is distortion, not a normal way of being. He continous and says we are first being of hope but may lose that because of harsh situations and circumstances hence in regard to that we may fall into a form of silence that is denying the world and feelings from it.
    Therefore we should struggle as human beings to those reasons, situations and conditions that install hopelessness in us.
    Freire argues that hopelessness paralyses us and we submit fatalism and despairs. He says hope cannot exist when we think of the world and its future as pre-giving as if a mechanical repetition of the present, with no room for dreams, decision and expectancy in struggle.
    Hope and Liberation:
    Freire says hope of liberation does not mean liberation already. we must fight for liberation but in favorable condition which we labor towards.
    Dreams and Hope:
    After Freire uses the story of the young man he say without vision for tomorrow , hope is impossible. He address that having dream is a political act and is part of human nature and there is no change without a dream and there is no dream without a hope.
    In general in this world challenges are here and there but we need not to give up at a point where we lose hope, we have to stand strong enough and have our hopes become reached because it is said the strongest person is the one who stands alone.
    Thanks to all.

  2. meyerk

    Hello Abdi Bishar,
    I think that Freire’s words are not a stranger to you. It is good that we realize there are many voices in the world that form a human solidarity, expressed in dialogue around freedom, and responsibility, and intervention. I think the voice of the Teacher rings hope in such language by engaging a future with her or his students, that students not only learn about the world as it is, but how to remake the world.




    The light of our life
    A gift of academic activity
    The key to produce positive outcome
    Like the prize of Hanan Al Hroub
    The key to a bright and rewarding future
    A glue that joins our dreams and hopes

    The process of teaching and learning
    The real power of the world
    The one that produces teachers who point and guide the way
    Who takes the next generation in their hands and shape them
    The process of eliminating aggression and promoting dialogue
    And cooperation

    A torch of academic brilliance
    and backbone of inner resilience
    The key to unlock the golden door of freedom
    A life sustaining material
    without it we can’t lead a life which is congenial
    Mother of all profession
    That helps acquires all our possession
    For in it our future is bright.

    1. Abdi

      What a brilliant poem! I am really impressed with your poetry skills. This is a well written poem and I can picture it in my mind. I agree with you that education is what empowers us and expands our ability to turn our dreams into realities. it is praticularly important for Dadaab children as it creates a sense of security and hope, which is often lacking in refugee settings. Well done!


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