Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Olympic experience: omnibus edition

As part of our monthly OLT staff meeting today, my colleague Donna and I gave a presentation about our Olympic experiences. She was an attaché for Team Italy so hers was fascinating. I handed out uniforms, but did other kewl … Continue reading

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Last night was the wrap party for my volunteer gig at the Olympics and Paralympics. It was an exceedingly glamorous experience being a Uniform Distribution Team Lead. My life in teal, 4 real yo. But before I reflect upon the … Continue reading

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Champion olympique, le Canada

I’ve always wanted to attend an Olympic Games. In November 2008 I was even more excited when I was offered a job at Vanoc; a year later I came back to UBC a bit disappointed and very relieved. One of … Continue reading

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Leave no doubt

This was written on the wall of Team Canada’s dressing room in GM Canada Hockey Place: LEAVE NO DOUBT That this is our game. That this is our time. That 14 days in February will be 2 weeks for the … Continue reading

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my colleagues…

…are, like, totally impressed with my torch run:

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porteur du flambeau

Porteur du flambeau We went to Canada yesterday, where I got to run with the Torch. Ready When I found out I’d won a spot in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games Torch Relay, all I knew was my segment … Continue reading

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my torchbearer essay

When I found out I’d be a torchbearer I made a decision to hold back the essay I wrote to “win” my spot. To be selected as a torchbearer via Coke’s competition you entered a random draw multiple times (I … Continue reading

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As an instructional designer, storyboarding new courses/materials is very important. As a busy professional myself, I loathe it when someone imposes an administrative process on me that seems burdensome. So I try to get the conversation regarding the new course … Continue reading

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This week I spent a couple of days in Ottawa with the folks at the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN). A few years back I helped their team develop a grant proposal; back then I had an academic appointment and … Continue reading

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Well, the grades are already in

Just had a former student pop onto to Skype to say hello from Jamaica. She really enjoyed ETEC565A, which was nice to hear. When I told her it was 9C, pouring rain and howling winds she replied “It’s 85F and … Continue reading

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At a recent conference I attended a presentation about the beta testing of an mLearning software suite. mLearning is eLearning for mobile devices–mostly smart phones, but conceivably netbooks as well. The presenter had developed both a server and client (i.e. … Continue reading

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my torchbearer uniform

Almost precisely 28 days before my run I received my torchbearer uniform yesterday. To say I was a bit, you know, excited would be an understatement. If the above silly photo doesn’t scare you off, there are lots more here. … Continue reading

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“Embracing cultural diversity online” article

My colleague Afsaneh Sharif and I wrote an article for the most recent edition of Think Equity, a publication of UBC’s Access & Diversity office . Here’s the first couple of paragraph: Have you ever received an email or an … Continue reading

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Oswego, into the wild blue yonder

This morning an article came out about me being a torchbearer in the Oswego Alumni Association’s Lake Effect e-newsletter.  Which is very exciting, even if they picked perhaps the most unflattering photo of me in my Flickr account. You can … Continue reading

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Team 2010 couture

First kid on the block!!!!!

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Vancouver 2010 Victory Ceremony headliners announced

Tickets are $22 or $54 per person: Date    Scheduled Headline Performer      Presenting Territory/Province Feb 14 Nelly Furtado                                    British Columbia Feb 15 … Continue reading

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Moodle me this bat(person)

As I’m working through the tweak of ETEC565A, I’m getting excited to teach it again!  However this time it’s one section only, not three. There’s also the Olympics (and my volunteer and spectator commitments) to factor in. Suffice to say … Continue reading

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2010 workforce bags

Had dinner with some friends last night, who gave me a wicked early birthday prezzie: This is the new workforce bag for the 2010 Games. It’s optional (you want, you buy), and it compliments the uniforms nicely. One of it’s … Continue reading

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cent jours jusqu’au Jeux olympiques

As of today the 2010 Olympic Winter Games are 100 days away.  The Torch Relay is up North, the Olympic Village was handed over to VANOC today, and I’m wearing my special shirt: Yes it’s hideous. It feels even more … Continue reading

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One of the aspects of BC hosting the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games that’s not received much bandwidth is the joing VANOC/UBC venture /EDU. /EDU is a program designed to support teachers in K-12 schooling across Canada who want to … Continue reading

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