Reflection Blog: Webfolios, What a Web


Reflection Blog: Webfolio

December 19, 2019


Dear reader,


For someone who works with advanced electronics on a day to day basis, this website engine got the best of me. I honestly was perplexed for more than 2 hours trying to get my posts under one drop-down bar but have managed to scrape together something I am proud of. While I may be running on fumes writing this, I am finishing each piece of this website to the best of my ability while running a production and building another one simultaneously.

In designing my webfolio, I wanted to take the opportunity to showcase some of my lighting portfolio as well. I am aware that this is not made to the best of my creative ability, but this webfolio has all the effort I have left in me. I hope you can find some joy in looking through the things you find.

My best,


Morgan Brandt

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