
Characteristics of this reference list

There are 86 references cited in QuEST documentation, with academic subject coverage and educational contexts summarized as follows:

Some additional web resources are included below the list, including information sources provided by UBC. A few further references used for a poster presented at AGU, 2021, are also included.

Presentations about QuEST work within UBC and at external conferences are listed at the end.

The reference list

Note this reference set is gathered as a Zotero collection owned by F. Jones but visible to public at

  1. Abramovich, Sergei, and Arcadii Z. Grinshpan. “Teaching Mathematics to Non-Mathematics Majors Through Applications.” PRIMUS 18, no. 5 (September 2008): 411–28.
  2. Allen, J., S. Kuehn, and E. Creamer. “A Boost for the CURE: Improving Learning Outcomes with Curriculum-Based Undergraduate Research.” GSA Today, 2020.
  3. Ashline, George. “Real-World Examples: Developing a Departmental Alumni Network.” PRIMUS 27, no. 6 (July 2017): 598–605.
  4. Atanasov, Risto, Tuval Foguel, and Jeffrey Lawson. “Senior Capstone Seminar: A Comprehensive Learning Experience.” PRIMUS 23, no. 4 (March 2013): 392–402.
  5. Austin, P., “Data Science Curriculum Group 2019 Report and Recommendations”, internal report for the Faculty of Science, UBC, 2019.
  6. Batchelor, R.L., H. Ali, K.G. Gardner-Vandy, A.U. Gold, J.A. MacKinnon, and P.M. Asher (2021), “Reimagining STEM workforce development as a braided river”, Eos, 102, 19 April 2021,
  7. Bates, Tony. “Curriculum Design and the Teaching of 21st Century Skills | Tony Bates”, 25 November 2021. Accessed October 2023.
  8. Bernard, Rachel E., and Emily H. G. Cooperdock. “No Progress on Diversity in 40 Years.” Nature Geoscience 11, no. 5 (May 2018): 292–95.
  9. Blake, Reginald, Janet Liou-Mark, Hamidreza Norouzi, Viviana Vladutescu, Laura Yuen-Lau, and Malika Ikramova. “Bridging Nongeoscience Stem Majors to the Geoscience Workforce through a Skills Training and Enrichment Program.” American Meteorological Society 98, no. 11 (November 2017).
  10. Burkholder, E. W., J. K. Miles, T. J. Layden, K. D. Wang, A. V. Fritz, and C. E. Wieman. “Template for Teaching and Assessment of Problem Solving in Introductory Physics.” Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, no. 1 (April 24, 2020): 010123.
  11. Capello, M.A., A. Shaughnessy, and E. Caslin. “The Geophysical Sustainability Atlas: Mapping Geophysics to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.” The Leading Edge 40, no. 1 (January 2021): 10–24.
  12. Carey, C.C., R.D. Gougis, J.L. Klug, C.M. O’Reilly, and D.C. Richardson. “A Model for Using Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration to Teach Limnology to Undergraduates.” Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 24, no. 2 (2015): 32–35.
  13. Carter, S.C., E.M. Griffith, T.A. Jorgensen, K.G. Coifman, and W.A. Griffith. “Highlighting Altruism in Geoscience Careers Aligns with Diverse US Student Ideals Better than Emphasizing Working Outdoors.” Communications Earth & Environment 2, no. 1 (October 7, 2021): 1–7.
  14. Cervato, C. “Recruiting to Geosciences through Campus Partnerships.” GSA Today 31, no. 6, June 2021: 36–37.
  15. Changnon, David. “Improving Outreach in Atmospheric Sciences.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85, no. 4 (April 2004): 601–6.
  16. Chonacky, Norman, and David Winch. “Integrating Computation into the Undergraduate Curriculum: A Vision and Guidelines for Future Developments.” American Journal of Physics 76, no. 4 (April 2008): 327–33.
  17. Cohen, D.R. “Australian Geoscience Tertiary Education Profile 2003-2021.” Report to the Australian Geoscience Council, 2022.
  18. Comas, X., S. Kruse, G. Grant, B. Hanson, and L. Lyon. “Envisioning a Near-Surface Geophysics Center for Convergent Science.” Eos, April 5, 2023.
  19. Coughlin, Tom. “IEEE Future Of The Workforce Report Shows International Trends And Recommendations.” Forbes, 2022.
  20. Coursera. “Coursera Ebook | Advancing Higher Education with Industry Micro-Credentials.” Accessed September 13, 2023.
  21. Cramer, B., D. Peate, and M. Saltzman. “GSA Statement on Diversity and a Challenge to the Society, Geoscience Departments, and the Geoscience Community at Large.” GSA Today 31, no. 1 (January 2021): 34–36.
  22. Crawford, M., and G. Wright. “Delphi Method,” 1–6, 2016. .
  23. Dill-McFarland, K.A., S.G. König, F.Mazel, D.Oliver, L.M. McEwen, K.Y. Hong, and S.J. Hallam. “An Integrated, Modular Approach to Data Science Education in the Life Sciences.” BioRxiv, July 27, 2020, 2020.07.25.218453.
  24. Egger, A.E., Viskupic, K., and Iverson, E.R. (2019). Results of the National Geoscience Faculty Survey (2004-2016). (Acrobat (PDF) 6.1MB Dec12 19). National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Northfield, MN. 82 p.
  25. Finley, A., “How College Contributes to Workforce Success.” Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2021.
  26. Fissel, E, A. Hurtado, and M.G. Strawser. “Communicating Effectively and Efficiently: A Research Brief That Explores University Faculty Communication Preferences.” The Journal of Faculty Development 36, no. 2 (2022): 77–79.
  27. Furman, T., and M. Moldwin. “Higher Education During the Pandemic: Truths and Takeaways”. Eos, June 2021.
  28. Gaston, P., G. Schneider, and P. Ewell. “Degree Qualifications Profile.” Degree Qualifications Profile, June 2021., accessed Nov, 2022.
  29. Goldberg, David E., and Mark Somerville. “The Making of A Whole New Engineer: Four Unexpected Lessons for Engineering Educators and Education Researchers.” Journal of Engineering Education 104, no. 1 (2015): 2–6.
  30. Guzdial, Mark. “Computing Education as a Foundation for 21st Century Literacy”. In Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 502–3. SIGCSE ’19. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019.
  31. Hansen, Sarah J.R., Jieling Zhu, Jessica M. Karch, Cristina M. Sorrento, Joseph C. Ulichny, and Laura J. Kaufman. ‘Bridging the Gap between Instructional and Research Laboratories: Teaching Data Analysis Software Skills through the Manipulation of Original Research Data’. Journal of Chemical Education 93, no. 4 (2016): 663–68.
  32. Hirst, Andrew, and Veronica Benson. ‘Advice for Post-COVID Careers’. Physics World 34, no. 11 (December 2021): 54–55.
  33. Holmes, N. G., Benjamin Keep, and Carl E. Wieman. “Developing Scientific Decision Making by Structuring and Supporting Student Agency.” Physical Review Physics Education Research 16, no. 1 (February 2020): 010109.
  34. Jacobs, Christian T., Gerard J. Gorman, Huw E. Rees, and Lorraine E. Craig. “Experiences With Efficient Methodologies for Teaching Computer Programming to Geoscientists”. Journal of Geoscience Education 64, no. 3 (August 2016): 183–98.
  35. Jiracek, George R., W. Scott Baldridge, Shawn Biehler, Lawrence W. Braile, John F. Ferguson, Bernard E. Gilpin, and David L. Alumbaugh. “SAGE : Learning Geophysics by Immersion.” The Leading Edge 19, no. 9 (September 1, 2000): 986–90.
  36. Johnson, Ashanti, Melanie J. Huggans, David Siegfried, and LaTanya Braxton. “Strategies for Increasing Diversity in the Ocean Science Workforce Through Mentoring”. Oceanography (Washington, D.C.) 29, no. 1 (March 2016): 46–54.
  37. Jones, F., and S. Harris “Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Multiple Instructors to Teach Single Courses”. College Teaching 60, no. 4 (October 2012): 132–39.
  38. Jones, F.M., M. Jellinek, M.G. Bostock, “Defining, Teaching and Assessing Program Learning Goals for “Scientific Reasoning”, AGU, 2012,
  39. Jones, F. “Survey of Hiring Practices in Geoscience Industries, 2010,” June 2010.
  40. Keane, C., L. Gonzales, and D. Robinson. “Status of Recent Geoscience Graduates 2021”. American Geosciences Institute, 2021.
  41. Keane, C.M., and C.E. Wilson. “The Mid-21st Century Geophysics Workforce: How Today?S Trends across Geoscience Impact Geophysics Human Resources of the Future.” In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 4829–33. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2018.
  42. Khotimah, Rita Pramujiyanti, and Masduki Masduki. “Improving Teaching Quality and Problem Solving Ability Through Contextual Teaching and Learning in Differential Equations: A Lesson Study Approach”. JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education) 1, no. 1 (January 2016): 1–13.
  43. Kwok, S. “Science Education in the 21st Century.” Nature Astronomy 2, no. 7 (July 2018): 530–33.
  44. Landi, Amanda K., and Kaethe Minden. “Metacognitive Assessments for Undergraduate Mathematics Courses in the Time of COVID-19.” PRIMUS 33, no. 5 (May 2023): 555–68.
  45. Legault, J., and B. Howe. “Introduction to This Special Section: Mining Geophysics.” The Leading Edge 40, no. 2 (2021): 88–88.
  46. Lewis, Drew, and Julie Estis. “Improving Mathematics Content Mastery and Enhancing Flexible Problem Solving through Team-Based Inquiry Learning”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 8, no. 2 (6 October 2020): `165-183.
  47. Liemohn, Michael W. “Foundations in Data Analysis for Undergraduate STEM Students.” Eos, October, 2023.
  48. Lyon, E., R.L. Freeman, J. Bathon, A. Fryar, M. McGlue, A.M. Erhardt, A. Rosen, S. Sampson, A. Nelson, and J. Parsons. “Attitudinal Impediments to Geology Major Recruitment among Ninth Graders at a STEM High School.” Journal of Geoscience Education 68, no. 3 (2020): 237–53.
  49. Macdonald, R. H, and C. M. Bailey. “Integrating the Teaching of Quantitative Skills across the Geology Curriculum in a Department.” Journal of Geoscience Education 48, no. 4 (2000): 482–86.
  50. Marbach-Ad, G., V. Briken, K. Frauwirth, L. Y Gao, S. W Hutcheson, S. W Joseph, D. Mosser, et al. “A Faculty Team Works to Create Content Linkages among Various Courses to Increase Meaningful Learning of Targeted Concepts of Microbiology.” CBE-Life Sciences Education 6, no. 2 (2007): 155.
  51. McFadden, R.R., K. Viskupic, and A.E. Egger. “Faculty Self-Reported Use of Quantitative and Data Analysis Skills in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses.” Journal of Geoscience Education 69, no. 4 (2021): 373–86.
  52. McGovern, A., and J. Allen. “Training the Next Generation of Physical Data Scientists.” Eos, October 6, 2021.
  53. Mcleod, P., and Y. Steinert. “Twelve Tips for Curriculum Renewal.” Medical Teacher 37, no. 3 (March 4, 2015): 232–38.
  54. Modo, Michel, and Ian Kinchin. “A Conceptual Framework for Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design: A Case Study in Neuroscience.” Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 10, no. 1 (October 2011): A71–79.
  55. Mosher, S., and C. Keane. “Vision and Change in the Geosciences: The Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education.” American Geosciences Institute, (2021).
  56. National Science Board. “The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2022 | NSF – National Science Foundation,” 2022.
  57. Nichol, Craig,. “Improving the Relationships between Canadian Earth Science Departments and Canadian Professional Geoscience Regulators.” CCCESD, 2022.
  58. Nichol, C., Strategies to Advance the Relationships between Earth Science Departments and the Regulators of Professional Geoscience : Supporting Earth Science Students to Professional Geoscience Registration, 2023. doi:
  59. Ng, G., “5 Ways to Guide Your Students Toward Career Success.” Harvard Business Publishing, Education, August 10, 2023. Long link at
  60. Oremland, Lucy S., and Csilla Szabo. “Preparing Interdisciplinary Problem Solvers: A Project-Based Course Series for the Mathematical/Interdisciplinary Contests in Modeling.” PRIMUS 0, no. 0, 2021: 1–15.
  61. Pautz, M.C., and M.A. Diede. “(Re)Engaging with Faculty Requires Consideration of Faculty Motivation: Insights from a Faculty Motivation Survey.” The Journal of Faculty Development 36, no. 3 (2022): 77–81.
  62. Rohde Poole, S. B. “Designing and Teaching an Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Course for Mathematics Majors and Minors.” PRIMUS 32, no. 7 (August 9, 2022): 764–84.
  63. Rozhenkova, V., L. Snow, B. Sato, S. Lo, and N. Buswell. “Limited or Complete? Teaching and Learning Conceptions and Instructional Environments Fostered by STEM Teaching versus Research Faculty.” International Journal of STEM Education 10 (August 5, 2023).
  64. Ruder, Suzanne M., and Courtney Stanford. “Training Undergraduate Teaching Assistants to Facilitate and Assess Process Skills in Large Enrollment Courses”. Chemical Education 97, no. 10 (October 2020): 3521–29.
  65. S&P Global Market. “Report: World Exploration Trends 2023”, 2023.
  66. Sampson, J.P., J.G. Lenz, R.C. Reardon, and G.W. Peterson. “A Cognitive Information Processing Approach to Employment Problem Solving and Decision Making.” The Career Development Quarterly 48, no. 1 (September 1999): 3–18.
  67. Sarkar, Mahbub, Tina Overton, Christopher Thompson, and Gerry Rayner. “Graduate Employability: Views of Recent Science Graduates and Employers.” International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 24, no. 3 (January 2016): 31–48.
  68. Saunders, Venetia, and Katherine Zuzel. “Evaluating Employability Skills: Employer and Student Perceptions.” Bioscience Education E-Journal 15, no. 1 (June 2010): 1–15.
  69. Sinha, Saurabh, Liz Burd, and Jaco Du Preez. “How ChatGPT Could Revolutionize Academia – IEEE Spectrum,” February 2023.
  70. Shabram, Patrick. “Offering Career-Focused Courses to Increase Geoscience Participation: Lessons from Five Years of Experience.” In the Trenches – April 2020.
  71. Shadle, Susan E., Anthony Marker, and Brittnee Earl. “Faculty Drivers and Barriers: Laying the Groundwork for Undergraduate STEM Education Reform in Academic Departments.” International Journal of STEM Education 4, no. 1 (April 2017). (open access).
  72. Shafer, G., K. Viskupic, and A. Egger. “Analysis of Skills Sought by Employers of Bachelors-Level Geoscientists.” GSA Today 32, no. 2 (2022): 34–35.
  73. Shafer, G., K. Viskupic, and A. Egger. “Critical Workforce Skills for Bachelor-Level Geoscientists: An Analysis of Geoscience Job Advertisements.” Geosphere 19 (February 9, 2023).
  74. Shafer, G., K. Viskupic, and A. Egger. “Assessing How Inclusive Geoscience Job Advertisements Are to Persons with Disabilities”, Poster at EER, July 2023.
  75. Summa, L., C. Keane, and S. Mosher. “Meeting Changing Workforce Needs in Geoscience with New Thinking about Undergraduate Education.” GSA Today, September 1, 2017, 58–59.
  76. US Census Bureau. “From College to Jobs: Pathways in STEM.”, May 2021.
  77. Usher, Alex. “Anticipating Market Demand.” HESA (blog), March 28, 2022.
  78. Usher, Alex. “Degrees That Matter”. HESA (blog), 26 January 2018.
  79. Viskupic, K., A.E. Egger, R.R. McFadden, and M.D. Schmitz. “Comparing Desired Workforce Skills and Reported Teaching Practices to Model Students’ Experiences in Undergraduate Geoscience Programs.” Journal of Geoscience Education 69, no. 1 (2021): 27–42. See Figure 1 adapted for QuEST.
  80. Viskupic, K., J.A. Wenner, C.O. Harrigan, and G. Shafer. “A Mixed Methods Study of the Challenges for Geoscience Majors in Identifying Potential Careers and the Benefits of a Career Awareness and Planning Course.” Journal of Geoscience Education 0, no. 0 (December 6, 2022): 1–15.
  81. Wieman, Carl. “Improving How Universities Teach Science: Lessons from the Science Education Initiative.” Harvard University Press, 2017.
  82. Wieman, C. and S. Gilbert. “The Teaching Practices Inventory: A New Tool for Characterizing College and University Teaching in Mathematics and Science”. Edited by Erin Dolan. CBE—Life Sciences Education 13, no. 3 (September 2014): 552–69. See also
  83. Wikipedia on Grounded theory – and associated references.
  84. Wilson, Carolyn, Christopher Keane, and Heather Houlton. “Understanding Geoscience Student Transitions between the Postsecondary Degree and Entry into the Geoscience Workforce.” Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 23, no. 2 (May 2014): 30–33.
  85. Wilson, A., A. Onwuegbuzie, and LaS. Manning “Using Paired Depth Interviews to Collect Qualitative Data.” The Qualitative Report 21, no. 9 (Sept. 2016): 1549–73. .
  86. Winkelmes, M., “Introduction to Transparency in Learning and Teaching.” Perspectives In Learning 20, no. 1 (February 27, 2023).
  87. Yasar, Osman, and Rubin H. Landau. “Elements of Computational Science and Engineering Education.” SIAM Review 45, no. 4 (January 2003): 787–805.

Websites and resources

  1. Curated Collection of Jupyter/IPython Notebooks,” n.d.
  2. EDDIE Webinars –  Teaching with Large Datasets.” Accessed August 18, 2022.
  3. Key Capabilities in Data Science | UBC Extended Learning (ExL).” Accessed October 26, 2023.
  4. SAGE – Home Page (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience).” Accessed May 30, 2022.
  5. SERC Site Guides. “Quantitative Activities at SERC.” Accessed November 22, 2022.
  6. EER 2023 (Earth Educator’s Rendezvous workshop/meeting): a 3-morning workshopHow is your Program Helping Students Prepare for the Jobs they Want?“. Their program page includes links to workshop materials and outcomes, plus several excellent career-preparation related references and resources listed at the end of that page.
  7. EER 2023: a 2-morning workshopTeaching Quantitative Reasoning with Real Data – The EDDIE Way!“. Their program page includes links to workshop materials and outcomes.
  8. EER 2023: A 2.5 hr sessionCreating an Online Learning Environment about Geoscience Careers and Licensure“, Craig Nichole, UBC-OK.

UBC sources

  • Executive summary for the EOAS department’s strategic plan, EOAS 2021: A Vision for Integrated Earth Science, P. Tortell, Dec 7, 2021.
  • Course enrollments and demographics (gender, indigenous, etc) are at UBC’s PAIR “enrollments” data site.
  • Students’ career and experiences resources website.
  • Program Renewal:  what is it? A process of aligning the courses and learning activities in a program (such as a major, minor, specialization, diploma, or certificate), so that students are adequately supported in achieving the program’s overarching learning goals.
  • UBC curriculum mapping tool: MAP.
  • Fundamentals vs career preparation:

From AGU poster, Dec. 2021

Seventeen references were cited by, Jones, F., C., Schoof, P. Austin, T. Invanochko: “Reinvigorating Computational & Quantitative undergraduate Curricula for the Earth, Ocean, Atmospheric, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at UBC”, American Geophysical Union (AGU) poster (link may not be permanently available to the public). See also a single HTML page version.

Sources NOT included above; most relate to teaching computing.

Tenenberg, Josh, and Sally Fincher. “Opening the Door of the Computer Science Classroom: The Disciplinary Commons.” ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 39, no. 1 (March 2007): 514–18.

Sangwin, Christopher J., and Claire O’Toole. “Computer Programming in the UK Undergraduate Mathematics Curriculum.” International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 48, no. 8 (November 2017): 1133–52.

Margulieux, Lauren, Tuba Ayer Ketenci, and Adrienne Decker. “Review of Measurements Used in Computing Education Research and Suggestions for Increasing Standardization.” Computer Science Education 29, no. 1 (January 2019): 49–78.

Dorn, Brian, and Allison Elliott Tew. “Empirical Validation and Application of the Computing Attitudes Survey.” Computer Science Education 25, no. 1 (January 2015): 1–36.

Green, David. “Pair Programming: Benefits, Tips & Advice for Making It Work — SitePoint,” January 21, 2020.

Alammary, Ali. “Blended Learning Models for Introductory Programming Courses: A Systematic Review.” PLoS ONE 14, no. 9 (January 2019): e0221765.

Weiss, Charles J. “A Creative Commons Textbook for Teaching Scientific Computing to Chemistry Students with Python and Jupyter Notebooks.” Journal of Chemical Education 98, no. 2 (February 2021): 489–94.

Manzoor, Hamza, Amit Naik, Clifford A. Shaffer, Chris North, and Stephen H. Edwards. “Auto-Grading Jupyter Notebooks.” In Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1139–44. SIGCSE ’20. Portland, OR, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020.

Furman, T., and M. Modwin. “Higher Education During the Pandemic: Truths and Takeaways.” Eos. Accessed July 2021.

Presentations & reports about QuEST work

  1. QuEST project overview, EOAS Dep’t retreat, spring 2023.
  2. Progress report to the Dep’t Head, F. Jones, Aug. 2022 (PDF).
  3. UBC TLEF ShowcaseOCESE project poster, 2022
  4. UBC Science Education OpenhouseQuEST project poster, spring 2022
  5. AGU poster (QuEST and OCESE), Fall 2021
  6. Progress report to the Dep’t, C. Schoof, April 2021 (2 page PDF).
  7. UBC TLEF ShowcaseOCESE project poster, spring 2021.
  8. OCESE project presentations (related, but not explicitly QuEST project outcomes).