So Funny, so True, so Sad.

Where is the fine line between prejudice and racism?YouTube Preview Image

It is called “racism.”  In a way it is, since it often targets a certain group of people. However, I doubt that most people checking their pockets, or tightening the grips on their bags around a person of African descent are “racist.”  I can tell because, I have been victim of this kind of reactions_yep little, sweet me! And not from strangers only, but from people who should know better since they are acquaintances and (obviously?) not “racist.”

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3 Responses to So Funny, so True, so Sad.

  1. z3r0 says:

    very funny, hahahaha 😀

  2. Lau says:

    I like the point that this video gets across about subtle racism. However, I’m frustrated that it felt the need to do so with sexist slurs like “dumb bitch” and “stupid bitch.” Also joking about beating women isn’t all that cool. Women are also often sexually harassed or assaulted in spaces like elevators which can make being in one with a strange man frightening. However, the racist assumption that a black man will want to steal your purse is casual racism that is inexcusable. But it’s also inexcusable to address one form of oppression while perpetuating another.

    • feeefeee says:

      Yep. Good points! I didn’t think about him swearing at her as being sexist when I watched it, although true, it could be seen that way . When I saw the video, I only thought, yes these kind of reactions are infuriating. I just understood the slurs as a mean to show the frustration and anger these reaction produce.I could picture a similar use of slurs being used by a black woman experienceing this kind of attitude. Maybe the writers should have used a woman to get the point accross and avoid the sexist issue. But your point is interresting in that it shows that often people that suffer prejudism are also sometimes prejudice to others in different ways.

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