UBC V: Which wellness session would you attend?

happyEarly next term  ES staff on the Vancouver campus will have the opportunity to attend a wellness session from our Employee and Family Assistance Provider (EFAP), Homewood Human Solutions.

Which session would you like to attend? Select a maximum of  three and let us know in the comments below. We will use your feedback in combination with facilitator availability to make the decision. The 1 hour workshop will be scheduled for late February or March. Please submit your top picks by the end of day on December 4th.

1. The Fundamentals of Change and Transition

Change is a fact of life, but letting go of the familiar can be challenging. When we understand the need for change, and are resourced to manage it, we transition with greater ease. Participants in this session explore strategies, frameworks, self-care tools, and resources to navigate the change process successfully.

2. Stress Busters I

When stressors overwhelm us, we need effective techniques to bring us back to equilibrium. This session explores all aspects of the stress response, focusing on practical tips and tools to bring us to optimal stress levels, thereby helping us to maximize our energy and performance.

3. Stress Busters II: Mini-Retreat Solutions

Today’s life is fast paced with less time just to de-stress. Greater pressure is being put on all of us to do more. The result is that many of us have lost the ability to sit still and simply be with ourselves. This session will explore your personal stress triggers and review some practical, easy techniques to make brief relaxation moments a natural part of your everyday life.

4. Handle With Care — Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Conflicts stem from many different sources. Understanding when, and how, to apply a variety of different conflict resolution strategies can prevent unnecessary hardship. This session reviews strategies to defuse anger and conflict so that difficult situations in the workplace can be resolved respectfully.

5. Effective Communication in Groups

Successful work groups are comprised of individuals who know how to communicate effectively with multiple stakeholders in a variety of settings and circumstances. This session reviews the key skills that enhance our ability to work well with others by providing information about speaking confidently and assertively, creating a supportive communication climate, and listening effectively and asking clear questions.

6. Assertiveness: Negotiating Respectful Interpersonal Boundaries

At work and at home, we need to negotiate our own needs with those of others. We have to select between competing priorities and manage overlapping roles. When we set boundaries assertively, while consulting with key stakeholders before making decisions, we create cooperative relationships. This session outlines how to consciously set time, task and role boundaries in order to create successful relationships with ourselves and others.

5. Building Resilience: Learning to Roll with Life’s Punches

Resilience training is the journey towards knowledge and mastery of the body, heart, mind, and spirit. This session will help you break negative thought patterns and find healthier ways of thinking and behaving, by drawing on a series of effective practical strategies in the areas of looking after your physical health, respecting your mental/emotional health and building a strong social network.

6. Forgiveness: the Gift You Give Yourself

It can be difficult or near impossible to forgive someone who has hurt or wronged us. Holding on to these resentments can have negative effects on our health, our well-being, and our ability to experience joy and happiness. This session explores what it means to forgive, how we can move from a place of anger to a place of peace, and how this process can free us from our past hurts. Forgiveness is not something that we do for others; it is a gift that we give ourselves.

7. The Journey to Wellness: One Step at a Time

Many of us use the beginning of a new year to renew our commitment to living a healthier lifestyle, but how often are these resolutions kept? This session examines what wellness means and provides simple steps to help participants set their own health goals and keep them on track for achieving their personal definitions of wellness.

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